Generalization, consistency, and control
Easy learning of a user interface depends in part on users being able to generalize successfully about it. Philosophical doctrine, and some recent work in human-computer interaction, argues that causal analysis of interactions can support ...
Artifact as theory-nexus: hermeneutics meets theory-based design
We suggest that HCI designs characteristically embody multiple, distinct psychological claims, that virtually every aspect of a system's usability is overdetermined by independent psychological rationales inherent in its design. These myriad claims ...
Programmable user models for predictive evaluation of interface designs
A Programmable User Model (PUM) is a psychologically constrained architecture which an interface designer is invited to program to simulate a user performing a range of tasks with a proposed interface. It provides a novel way of conveying psychological ...
LIZA: an extensible groupware toolkit
Software for supporting groups of cooperating users — groupware — raises a number of new issues in user interface design. This paper gives a definition of groupware and presents a model of group tools based on active objects. The model has been applied ...
Collaboration in KMS, a shared hypermedia system
This paper describes how we use a hypermedia system (KMS) for our collaborative work. Based on our experience with KMS and our previous research with the ZOG system at Carnegie Mellon University, we believe that a shared-database hypermedia system ...
The effects of bargaining orientation and communication medium on negotiations in the bilateral monopoly task: a comparison of decision room and computer conferencing communication media
Pairs of subjects with either a competitive or an integrative bargaining orientation completed the Bilateral Monopoly Task in one of four communication media (text- only, text-plus-visual-access, audio-only, and audio-plus-visual-access). As ...
What is EuroParc?
EuroPARC is a systems research laboratory supported by Rank Xerox Limited and allied with the Xerox Palo Alto Research Center (PARC). The decision to create EuroPARC was announced in November of 1986, and the lab was officially dedicated in June of ...
NYNEX intelligent systems group
The Intelligent Interfaces Group is an interdisciplinary group with interests in artificial intelligence, human-computer interaction, and cognitive science. The primary mission is to provide research and development support to both the regulated and ...
Inducing programs in a direct-manipulation environment
End users who need to program within highly interactive direct-manipulation interfaces should be able to communicate their intentions through concrete demonstration rather than in terms of symbolic abstraction. This paper describes a system that learns ...
A system for example-based programming
We present an approach to programming environments that integrates syntax-directed editors with concepts borrowed from software reuse. We call our approach example-based programming, and we define it as programming using examples as visual aids or to ...
Some strategies of reuse in an object-oriented programming environment
In a single-subject study of a software developer working in an object-oriented programming environment, we found evidence of a development style characterized by pervasive software reuse. The subject employed regular strategies for template selection ...
A spreadsheet interface for logic programming
We present PERPLEX, a programming environment intended for the end-user. In its design, the concepts of logic programming and spreadsheets are combined. Thus, on the one hand, logic programming becomes an interactive, incremental task where the user ...
On-line tutorials: What kind of inference leads to the most effective learning?
This paper presents an empirical study comparing the effectiveness of four different versions of an on-line database tutorial, each of which calls upon the student to perform a different kind of inference. The general-to-specific version presents ...
How some advice fails
Video data for thirty-four cases of advice seeking, giving and following behavior at a graphical computer interface were analyzed in detail. The evidence indicated that clients followed prescriptive advice effectively and efficiently in slightly more ...
Responding to :20HUH?”: answering vaguely articulated follow-up questions
Expert and advice-giving systems produce complex multi-sentential responses to user's queries. Results from analyses of novice/expert dialogues indicate that novices often do not understand an expert's response and rarely ask a well-formulated follow-up ...
Protecting user interfaces through copyright: the debate
This paper will provide an overview of the legal controversy about the extent of copyright protection that is appropriate for software user interfaces. The controversy reflects different views of how traditional principles of copyright law should be ...
Drama and personality in user interface design
The title of this panel immediately leaps out as being out of place. Of all the things that come to mind when one thinks of computers and user interfaces, drama and personality are among the last. The point here is not to make using computers more ...
Cumulating the science of HCI: from s-R compatibility to transcription typing
In keeping with our claim that an applied psychology of HCI must be based on cumulative work within a unified framework, we present two extensions of the Model Human Processor. A model of immediate response behavior and stimulus-response (S-R) ...
Learning and transfer of measurement tasks
This study presents a theoretically motivated analysis of learning and performance on a micro-processor based oscilloscope. An analysis of the knowledge required to make basic measurements was done using the GOMS model and Cognitive Complexity Theory (...
Skilled financial planning: the cost of translating ideas into action
We use GOMS models to predict error rates and mental times for translating financial concepts into equations in two widely used interface representations. The first of these, common to spreadsheet packages, is characterized by non-mnemonic naming and ...
A case study of user interface management system development and application
This paper discusses the design and applications of an object-oriented user interface management system (UIMS). Specifically, the Lockheed User Interface System (LUIS) is described. LUIS is based on a user interface model that includes declarative and ...
A high-level user interface management system
A high-level UIMS which automatically generates the lexical and syntactic design of graphical user interfaces is presented. The interfaces generated by the UIMS can easily and rapidly be refined by the designer by using highly interactive and graphical ...
Graphical specification of user interfaces with behavior abstraction
The Application Display Generator (ADG) is a graphical environment for the design and implementation of embedded system user interfaces. It is a major component of the Graphical Specification Subsystem (GSS) in Lockheed's Express knowledge-based ...
Center for coordination science, MIT
The costs and capabilities of information technology are improving by orders of magnitude every decade, but we are only beginning to understand the opportunities these changes provide for new ways of organizing human activity and new kinds of technology ...