Is there Really an Effect of Time Delays on Perceived Fluency and Social attributes between Humans and Social Robots? A Pilot Study
Using Robots to Facilitate and Improve Social Interaction Between Humans: An Exploratory Qualitative Study with Adults 50+ in the US and Japan
HRI '22: Proceedings of the 2022 ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot InteractionMany people, particularly older adults, are negatively affected by social isolation and loneliness. Robots can facilitate social interaction between persons. In this on-going study, we interview middle and older adults in the US (n=20) and Japan (n=4) ...
Effects of form and motion on judgments of social robots' animacy, likability, trustworthiness and unpleasantness
One of robot designers' main goals is to make robots as sociable as possible. Aside from improving robots' actual social functions, a great deal of effort is devoted to making them appear lifelike. This is often achieved by endowing the robot with an ...
Anthropomorphism and Its Negative Attitudes, Sociability, Animacy, Agency, and Disturbance Requirements for Social Robots: A Pilot Study
Social RoboticsAbstractA social robot that meets the acceptability requirements of the target end-users presents a significant challenge to robot designers. The design process is often iterative and requires continuous improvements and optimization over time. One key ...
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Published In
- General Chairs:
- Dan Grollman,
- Elizabeth Broadbent,
- Program Chairs:
- Wendy Ju,
- Harold Soh,
- Tom Williams
Association for Computing Machinery
New York, NY, United States
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