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Enhancing AI Education for Business Students through Extended Reality: An Exploratory Study

Published: 01 September 2024 Publication History


Artificial Intelligence (AI) education poses challenges for business students with limited technical knowledge. This exploratory study examines the use of Extended Reality (XR) technologies to improve AI learning. Twelve business students tested three XR applications — mobile Augmented Reality (AR), headset AR, and headset Virtual Reality (VR) — focusing on AI concepts such as k-means clustering and neural networks. Focus group discussions revealed that XR technologies provide immersive, interactive experiences that enhance understanding of complex AI concepts. Students appreciated the hands-on interactivity, though preferences varied between VR and AR. Well-known issues such as motion sickness and accessibility were noted. Our findings suggest integrating XR with traditional methods to create a more effective AI learning approach, highlighting XR’s potential to equip business students with essential AI skills.


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MuC '24: Proceedings of Mensch und Computer 2024
September 2024
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Published: 01 September 2024

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  2. mixed reality
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MuC '24
MuC '24: Mensch und Computer 2024
September 1 - 4, 2024
Karlsruhe, Germany


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