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Modelling strategic planning practices considering socially vulnerable groups in smart cities

Published: 18 November 2022 Publication History


Governments have continuously undertaken enormous efforts in adopting of smart projects based on the intensive use of information and communication technologies (ICTs) to reform city governance model into a more collaborative and participative ones. Multiple style of smart initiatives has been developed, many of them lack clear strategic planning processes and effective planning tools leading to produce operational inefficiency and fragmented services. All this could harm the achievement of a more inclusive society which is one of the key ambitions of the information society policy. In this respect, this paper identifies patters of public strategies in the strategic initiative approaches in SCs using inequalities attributes as drivers of the process. To achieve this aim, this research is focused on the Spanish context and concretely on 1,635 smart initiatives disclosed on internet by 12 Spanish SCs. Finding reveals that formal strategic planning processes are undertaken in smart cities with greater inclusion profile.


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ICEGOV '22: Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Theory and Practice of Electronic Governance
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  • Government of Andalusia
  • Centre of Andalusian Studies
  • Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities
  • Regional Government of Andalusia



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