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View all- de Melo CGratch JMarsella SPelachaud C(2023)Social Functions of Machine Emotional ExpressionsProceedings of the IEEE10.1109/JPROC.2023.3261137111:10(1382-1397)Online publication date: Oct-2023
Virtual Reality experiences and games present believable virtual environments based on graphical quality, spatial audio, and interactivity. The interaction with in-game characters, controlled by computers (agents) or humans (avatars), is an important ...
Endowing socially interactive virtual agents with the social touch modality could improve their emotional communication abilities and help them bond with human users. Touch is however a sensitive channel of communication that can have negative effects ...
In attempt to improve haptic interaction and manipulation technique in surface computers, we propose an interactive haptic feedback display that utilizes ‘direct touch' on a surface computer without using a mediation device. The proposed haptic display ...
Association for Computing Machinery
New York, NY, United States
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