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10.1145/3448016.3457560acmconferencesArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication PagesmodConference Proceedingsconference-collections
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PolarDB Serverless: A Cloud Native Database for Disaggregated Data Centers

Published: 18 June 2021 Publication History


\beginabstract The trend in the DBMS market is to migrate to the cloud for elasticity, high availability, and lower costs. The traditional, monolithic database architecture is difficult to meet these requirements. With the development of high-speed network and new memory technologies, disaggregated data center has become a reality: it decouples various components from monolithic servers into separated resource pools (e.g., compute, memory, and storage) and connects them through a high-speed network. The next generation cloud native databases should be designed for disaggregated data centers. In this paper, we describe the novel architecture of \name, which follows thedisaggregation design paradigm: the CPU resource on compute nodes is decoupled from remote memory pool and storage pool. Each resource pool grows or shrinks independently, providing \revon-demand provisoning at multiple dimensions while improving reliability. We also design our system to mitigate the inherent penalty brought by resource disaggregation, and introduce optimizations such as optimistic locking and index awared prefetching. Compared to the architecture that uses local resources, \name achieves better dynamic resource provisioning capabilities and 5.3 times faster failure recovery speed, while achieving comparable performance. \endabstract

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The trend in the DBMS market is to migrate to the cloud for elasticity, high availability, and lower costs. The traditional, monolithic database architecture is difficult to meet these requirements. With the development of high-speed network and new memory technologies, disaggregated data center has become a reality: it decouples various components from monolithic servers into separated resource pools (e.g., compute, memory, and storage) and connects them through a high-speed network. The next generation cloud native databases are designed based on disaggregated data centers, disassembling the monolithic database architecture into independently extensible and composable components. This facilitates the construction of stateful services (e.g., memory pool and storagepool) as multi-tenant systems to achieve better resource utilization, elasticity, availability, and scalability.In this paper, we describe the novel architecture of PolarDB Serverless, which follows the disaggregation design paradigm: the CPU resource on compute nodes is decoupled from remote memory pool and storage pool, and each resource pool grows or shrinks independently, providing elasticity at multiple levels. Database processes on multiple compute nodes share cached pages in memory and persistent data in storage to amortize the cost. With this new architecture, different resources no longer share the same failure domain. The single point of failure in each component is handled independently, improving system reliability significantly. We design our system to mitigate the inherent penalty brought by resource disaggregation, and introduce optimizations such as one-sided RDMAverbs, optimistic locking, page materialization offloading, prefetching, and table scan pushdown. Compared to the architecture that uses local resources, PolarDB Serverless achieves better dynamic resource provisioning capabilities and 5.3 times faster failure recovery speed, while achieving comparable performance.


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      cover image ACM Conferences
      SIGMOD '21: Proceedings of the 2021 International Conference on Management of Data
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      Association for Computing Machinery

      New York, NY, United States

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      Published: 18 June 2021

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      3. shared remote memory
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