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In What Mood Are You Today?: An Analysis of Crowd Workers' Mood, Performance and Engagement

Published: 26 June 2019 Publication History


The mood of individuals in the workplace has been well-studied due to its influence on task performance, and work engagement. However, the effect of mood has not been studied in detail in the context of microtask crowdsourcing. In this paper, we investigate the influence of one's mood, a fundamental psychosomatic dimension of a worker's behaviour, on their interaction with tasks, task performance and perceived engagement. To this end, we conducted two comprehensive studies; (i) a survey exploring the perception of crowd workers regarding the role of mood in shaping their work, and (ii) an experimental study to measure and analyze the actual impact of workers' moods in information findings microtasks. We found evidence of the impact of mood on a worker's perceived engagement through the feeling of reward or accomplishment, and we argue as to why the same impact is not perceived in the evaluation of task performance. Our findings have broad implications on the design and workflow of crowdsourcing systems.


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  1. In What Mood Are You Today?: An Analysis of Crowd Workers' Mood, Performance and Engagement



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      WebSci '19: Proceedings of the 10th ACM Conference on Web Science
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      1. crowdsourcing
      2. mood
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      • the EU Horizon 2020 transnational access program under SoBigData


      WebSci '19
      WebSci '19: 11th ACM Conference on Web Science
      June 30 - July 3, 2019
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