Teaching gems for computer science and engineering
Page 20
Moderators and attendees of this forum will present, discuss, and assess examples of "best practices" for teaching computer graphics to computer science and engineering students. Types of "teaching gems" to be presented include: classroom lectures and demonstrations, lab exercises, homework projects, self-instruction techniques such as tutorials, demo programs, and Web applets, use of analog models, examples from industry and the rest of the "real world", and field trips (real and virtual). The forum moderators will contribute presentations by electronic submission from virtual attendees prior to the conference and by attendees on site during the forum session. Three outcomes are anticipated from this forum: 1. presentation of several teaching gems, 2. group analysis and discussion of how best to apply each gem in a course and it's learning effectiveness, and 3. posting of the results for public access on the SIGGRAPH Education Committee web site, http://www.siggraph.org/education.
Glassner, A. 1990. Graphics Gems I. Morgan Kaufmann Publishers.
Paeth, A. 1995. Graphics Gems V. Morgan Kaufmann Publishers.
Parlente, N., Estell, J. K., Garcia, D., Levine, D. B., Reed, D., and Zelenski, J. 2002. Nifty assignments. In Proceedings of the 33rd SIGCSE Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education, ACM Press, D. Knox, Ed., ACM, 319--320.
- Teaching gems for computer science and engineering
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Association for Computing Machinery
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Publication History
Published: 21 July 2002
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SIGGRAPH02: The 29th International Conference on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques
July 21 - 26, 2002
Texas, San Antonio
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