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View all- Verdezoto NBagalkot NAkbar SSharma SMackintosh NHarrington DGriffiths P(2021)The Invisible Work of Maintenance in Community HealthProceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction10.1145/34491655:CSCW1(1-31)Online publication date: 22-Apr-2021
- Stisen AVerdezoto NLee CPoltrock SBarkhuus LBorges MKellogg W(2017)Clinical and Non-Clinical HandoversProceedings of the 2017 ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing10.1145/2998181.2998333(2166-2178)Online publication date: 25-Feb-2017
- Stisen AVerdezoto NBlunck HKjærgaard MGrønbæk KGergle DMorris MBjørn PKonstan J(2016)Accounting for the Invisible Work of Hospital OrderliesProceedings of the 19th ACM Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work & Social Computing10.1145/2818048.2820006(980-992)Online publication date: 27-Feb-2016
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