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Mobile interaction design: Integrating individual and organizational perspectives

Published: 01 April 2008 Publication History


While mobile computing provides organizations with many information systems implementation alternatives, it is often difficult to predict the potential benefits, limitations, and problems with mobile applications. Given the inherent portability of mobile devices, many design and use issues can arise which do not exist with desktop systems. While many existing rules of thumb for design of stationary systems apply to mobile systems, many new ones emerge. Issues such as the security and privacy of information take on new dimensions, and potential conflicts can develop when a single mobile device serves both personal and business needs. This paper identifies potential issues and problems with the use of mobile information systems by examining both personal and organizational perspectives of mobile devices and applications. It provides a set of guidelines that can assist organizations in making decisions about the design and implementation of mobile technologies and applications in organizations.


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cover image Information-Knowledge-Systems Management
Information-Knowledge-Systems Management  Volume 7, Issue 1,2
Enterprise Mobility: Applications, Technologes and Strategies
April 2008
254 pages


IOS Press


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Published: 01 April 2008


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