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Security in embedded systems: Design challenges

Published: 01 August 2004 Publication History


Many modern electronic systems---including personal computers, PDAs, cell phones, network routers, smart cards, and networked sensors to name a few---need to access, store, manipulate, or communicate sensitive information, making security a serious concern in their design. Embedded systems, which account for a wide range of products from the electronics, semiconductor, telecommunications, and networking industries, face some of the most demanding security concerns---on the one hand, they are often highly resource constrained, while on the other hand, they frequently need to operate in physically insecure environments.Security has been the subject of intensive research in the context of general-purpose computing and communications systems. However, security is often misconstrued by embedded system designers as the addition of features, such as specific cryptographic algorithms and security protocols, to the system. In reality, it is a new dimension that designers should consider throughout the design process, along with other metrics such as cost, performance, and power.The challenges unique to embedded systems require new approaches to security covering all aspects of embedded system design from architecture to implementation. Security processing, which refers to the computations that must be performed in a system for the purpose of security, can easily overwhelm the computational capabilities of processors in both low- and high-end embedded systems. This challenge, which we refer to as the "security processing gap," is compounded by increases in the amounts of data manipulated and the data rates that need to be achieved. Equally daunting is the "battery gap" in battery-powered embedded systems, which is caused by the disparity between rapidly increasing energy requirements for secure operation and slow improvements in battery technology. The final challenge is the "assurance gap," which relates to the gap between functional security measures (e.g., security services, protocols, and their constituent cryptographic algorithms) and actual secure implementations. This paper provides an introduction to the challenges involved in secure embedded system design, discusses recent advances in addressing them, and identifies opportunities for future research.


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ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems  Volume 3, Issue 3
August 2004
202 pages
Issue’s Table of Contents
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Published: 01 August 2004
Published in TECS Volume 3, Issue 3


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  1. Embedded systems
  2. architecture
  3. authentication
  4. battery life
  5. cryptographic algorithms
  6. decryption
  7. encryption
  8. hardware design
  9. processing requirements
  10. security
  11. security attacks
  12. security protocols
  13. tamper resistance


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