This paper presents a solution to a problem existing in the cork industry: cork stopper/disk classification according to their quality using a visual inspection system. Cork is a natural and heterogeneous (remarkable variability among different samples, being impossible to find two samples with the same morphological distribution in its defects) material; therefore, its automatic classification (seven quality classes exist) is very difficult. The solution proposed in this paper evaluates the following procedures: quality discriminatory features extraction and classifiers analysis. Each procedure focused on the study of aspects that could influence cork quality. Experiments show that the best results are obtained by system specific features: cork area occupied by defects (after thresholding), size of the biggest defect within the cork area (morphological operations), and the Laws TEMs E5L5TR, E5E5TR, S5S5TR, W5W5TR, all working on a Neuro-Fuzzy classifier. In conclusion, the results of this study represent an important contribution to improve quality control in the cork industry.
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Paniagua, B., Vega-Rodríguez, M.A., Gomez-Pulido, J.A. et al. Improving the industrial classification of cork stoppers by using image processing and Neuro-Fuzzy computing. J Intell Manuf 21, 745–760 (2010). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10845-009-0251-4
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10845-009-0251-4