Visualization has become an accepted tool to support the process of gaining insight into data. Current visualization research mainly focuses on exploratory or confirmatory visualization taking place in classic workplace settings. In this paper, we focus on the presentation and discussion of visualization results among domain experts, rather than on the generation of visual representations by visualization experts. We develop a visualization infrastructure for a novel kind of visualization environment labeled smart meeting room, which provides plenty of display space to present the visual information to be discussed. We describe the mechanisms needed to show multiple visualization views on multiple displays and to interact with the views across device boundaries. Our system includes methods to dynamically generate visualization views, to suggest suitable layouts of the views, and to enable interactive fine-tuning to accommodate the dynamically changing needs of the user (e.g., access to details on demand). The benefits for the users are illustrated by an application in the context of climate impact research.
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Radloff, A., Tominski, C., Nocke, T. et al. Supporting presentation and discussion of visualization results in smart meeting rooms. Vis Comput 31, 1271–1286 (2015). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00371-014-1010-x
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00371-014-1010-x