The Internet of Things (IoT) is a concept that permits the integration of all objects into an Internet environment. IoT has spawned numerous intelligent applications and services to benefit organizations, society, and consumer experiences. On the other hand, traditional computing methods are incapable of handling the demands of these services. The advent of cloud computing methods that provides software, platform, and infrastructure such as services have realized these applications. However, one of the critical obstacles of real-time cloud-based IoT applications is service response time. Edge computing solutions have been developed to address these issues. In this work, we provide a comprehensive survey of driving enforce edge computing for IoT applications on aspects of the research timeline, applications, vision, challenges, and open research issues. Through this, we highlight the benefits of edge computing over cloud computing in almost domains. This study will contribute to driving empowerment intelligence to the edge of networks to form the next intelligent edge era.
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The authors thank sincerely Prof. Isaac Woungang and Prof. Abdellah Chehri for their valuable contributions and comments on this research.
The authors have not disclosed any funding.
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N.M. Quy and V.KQ have performed the study conception and deployment. Data collection and analysis were performed by NMQ, LAN, NTB, NVH and VKQ. The first draft of the manuscript was written by NMQ and VKQ. All authors commented on previous versions of the manuscript. All authors read and approved the final manuscript. The author corresponding is VKQ.
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Acronyms used in this paper
Acronym | Meaning | Acronym | Meaning |
AR | Augmented reality | EG | Edge computing |
AI | Artificial intelligence | M2M | Mechanism to mechanism |
AODV | Ad-hoc on-demand distance vector | MANET | Mobile ad hoc networks |
API | Application programming interface | MCC | Multi-cloud computing |
D2D | Device to device | MEC | Mobile edge computing |
DDoS | Distributed denial of service | PHM | Prognostics and health management |
DoS | Denial of service | QoS | Quality of service |
IIoT | Industrial Internet of Things | RSU | Road side unit |
CC | Cloud computing | SaaS | Software as a service |
GIS | Geographic information systems | SDN | Software-defined networking |
GPRS | General packet radio service | FC | Fog computing |
GPS | Global positioning system | UAV | Unmanned aerial vehicle |
IaaS | Infrastructure as a service | V2I | Vehicle to infrastructure |
IoT | Internet of Things | V2V | Vehicle to vehicle |
IoVs | Internet of vehicles | VANET | Vehicular ad hoc networks |
EC | Edge computing |
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Quy, N.M., Ngoc, L.A., Ban, N.T. et al. Edge Computing for Real-Time Internet of Things Applications: Future Internet Revolution. Wireless Pers Commun 132, 1423–1452 (2023). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11277-023-10669-w
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11277-023-10669-w