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SIGCSE 2011: Dallas, TX, USA
- Thomas J. Cortina, Ellen Lowenfeld Walker, Laurie A. Smith King, David R. Musicant:
Proceedings of the 42nd ACM technical symposium on Computer science education, SIGCSE 2011, Dallas, TX, USA, March 9-12, 2011. ACM 2011, ISBN 978-1-4503-0500-6
- Matthias Felleisen:
TeachScheme! 1-2
- James Caristi, Valerie Barr, Joe Sloan, Eric Stahlberg:
Starting a computational science program. 3-4
Special session
- Douglas Baldwin, Peter Sanderson, Robert McCartney, Stephanie Ludi, Narayanan T. Ramachandran, Carol Taylor:
SIGCSE special project showcase. 5-6 - Robert E. Beck, Jennifer Burg, Jesse M. Heines, Bill Z. Manaris:
Computing and music: a spectrum of sound. 7-8
Security and society
- Tadayoshi Kohno, Brian David Johnson:
Science fiction prototyping and security education: cultivating contextual and societal thinking in computer security education and beyond. 9-14 - Claude F. Turner
, Blair Taylor, Siddharth Kaza:
Security in computer literacy: a model for design, dissemination, and assessment. 15-20 - Trajce Dimkov, Wolter Pieters, Pieter H. Hartel
Training students to steal: a practical assignment in computer security education. 21-26
Organization and architecture
- Joel C. Adams
, Kathy Hoobeboom, Jonathan Walz:
A cluster for CS education in the manycore era. 27-32 - Erik Brunvand:
Games as motivation in computer design courses: I/O is the key. 33-38 - Marc L. Corliss, Marcela Melara:
VIREOS: an integrated, bottom-up, educational operating systems project with FPGA support. 39-44
Learning objects and modules
- Lee Dee Miller, Leen-Kiat Soh, Beth Neilsen, Kevin Kupzyk, Ashok Samal, Erica Lam, Gwen Nugent:
Revising computer science learning objects from learner interaction data. 45-50 - Jeffrey A. Stone
, Tricia K. Clark:
The impact of problem-oriented animated learning modules in a CS1-style course. 51-56 - Lee Dee Miller, Leen-Kiat Soh, Gwen Nugent, Kevin Kupzyk, Leyla Masmaliyeva, Ashok Samal:
Evaluating the use of learning objects in CS1. 57-62
Undergraduate innovations
- Rahman Mitchel Tashakkori, Barry L. Kurtz, Dolores A. Parks, James B. Fenwick Jr., Alice A. McRae:
Early participation of CS students in research. 63-68 - Janet Davis, Henry MacKay Walker:
Incorporating social issues of computing in a small, liberal arts college: a case study. 69-74 - Paul E. Dickson:
Using undergraduate teaching assistants in a small college environment. 75-80
- Mehran Sahami, Marie desJardins, Zachary Dodds, Todd W. Neller:
Educational advances in artificial intelligence. 81-82 - Heidi J. C. Ellis, Mel Chua, Matthew C. Jadud, Gregory W. Hislop:
Learning through open source participation. 83-84
Special session
- Owen L. Astrachan, Janice E. Cuny, Chris Stephenson, Cameron Wilson:
The CS10K project: mobilizing the community to transform high school computing. 85-86
Teaching programming: non-traditional approaches
- Peter Hubwieser, Marc Berges:
Minimally invasive programming courses: learning OOP with(out) instruction. 87-92 - Arto Vihavainen, Matti Paksula, Matti Luukkainen:
Extreme apprenticeship method in teaching programming for beginners. 93-98 - Kathryn T. Stolee
, Teale Fristoe:
Expressing computer science concepts through Kodu game lab. 99-104
Assessing and reviewing
- Chris W. Loftus, Lynda Thomas, Carol Zander:
Can graduating students design: revisited. 105-110 - Allison Elliott Tew, Mark Guzdial
The FCS1: a language independent assessment of CS1 knowledge. 111-116 - Christopher D. Hundhausen, Pawan Agarwal, Michael Trevisan:
Online vs. face-to-face pedagogical code reviews: an empirical comparison. 117-122
- Tim Bell, Bengt Aspvall:
Sorting algorithms as special cases of a priority queue sort. 123-128 - Clifford A. Shaffer
, Monika Akbar, Alexander Joel D. Alon, Michael Stewart
, Stephen H. Edwards:
Getting algorithm visualizations into the classroom. 129-134 - Michael C. Orsega
, Bradley T. Vander Zanden, Christopher H. Skinner:
Two experiments using learning rate to evaluate an experimenter developed tool for splay trees. 135-140
Software engineering
- Sriram Mohan, Stephen Chenoweth:
Teaching requirements engineering to undergraduate students. 141-146 - Peter J. Clarke
, Jairo Pava, Yali Wu, Tariq M. King:
Collaborative web-based learning of testing tools in SE courses. 147-152 - Tom Nurkkala, Stefan Brandle:
Software studio: teaching professional software engineering. 153-158
- Karen Donathan, Barbara Ericson
, Paul T. Tymann, Henry MacKay Walker:
Successful K-12 outreach strategies. 159-160 - Mehran Sahami, Mark Guzdial
, Andrew D. McGettrick, Steve Roach:
Setting the stage for computing curricula 2013: computer science - report from the ACM/IEEE-CS joint task force. 161-162
Special session
- Jonas Boustedt
, Robert McCartney, Josh Tenenberg, Stephen Cooper, Daniel D. Garcia, Michelle Friend Hutton, Nick Parlante, Brad Richards:
It seemed like a good idea at the time. 163-164
Recruitment and retention
- James P. Cohoon, Luther A. Tychonievich:
Analysis of a CS1 approach for attracting diverse and inexperienced students to computing majors. 165-170 - Elizabeth Sweedyk:
Women build games, seriously. 171-176 - Jennifer S. Kay
Contextualized approaches to introductory computer science: the key to making computer science relevant or simply bait and switch? 177-182
Parallel/concurrent programming: tools and languages
- Patrick Garrity, Timothy Yates, Richard A. Brown, Elizabeth Shoop:
WebMapReduce: an accessible and adaptable tool for teaching map-reduce computing. 183-188 - Caitlin Sadowski, Thomas Ball, Judith Bishop, Sebastian Burckhardt, Ganesh Gopalakrishnan, Joseph Mayo, Madanlal Musuvathi, Shaz Qadeer, Stephen Toub:
Practical parallel and concurrent programming. 189-194 - Ariel Ortiz:
Teaching concurrency-oriented programming with Erlang. 195-200
Peer teaching and tutoring
- Sarah Hug
, Heather Thiry, Phyllis Tedford:
Learning to love computer science: peer leaders gain teaching skill, communicative ability and content knowledge in the CS classroom. 201-206 - Christian Murphy, Rita Manco Powell, Kristen Parton, Adam Cannon:
Lessons learned from a PLTL-CS program. 207-212 - Joseph A. Cottam, Suzanne Menzel, Janet Greenblatt:
Tutoring for retention. 213-218
Musical, social, and intelligent robots
- Andrea Salgian, Christopher Ault, Teresa Marrin Nakra, Yunfeng Wang, Meredith Stone:
Multidisciplinary computer science through conducting robots. 219-224 - Michael Ferguson, Nick Webb, Tomek Strzalkowski:
Nelson: a low-cost social robot for research and education. 225-230 - Nik Swoboda, Juan Bekios-Calfa
, Luis Baumela, Javier de Lope:
An introduction to AI course with guide robot programming assignments. 231-236
- Susan Landau:
A computer scientist goes to washington: how to be effective in a world where facts are 10% of the equation. 237-238
- Hans-Peter Bischof, Jacob D. Furst, Daniela Stan Raicu, Susan Darling Urban:
Top issues in providing successful undergraduate research experiences. 239-240
Special session
- Sue Fitzgerald, Renée McCauley, Vicki L. Plano Clark:
Report on qualitative research methods workshop. 241-242 - J. Philip East, Charmaine Bentley, Joe Kmoch, Stephen Rainwater, Chris Stephenson:
NCATE standards for preparation of secondary computer science teachers. 243-244
Computational thinking
- Ashok R. Basawapatna, Kyu Han Koh, Alexander Repenning
, David C. Webb
, Krista Sekeres Marshall:
Recognizing computational thinking patterns. 245-250 - Dennis G. Kafura, Deborah G. Tatar:
Initial experience with a computational thinking course for computer science students. 251-256 - Charles Dierbach, Harry Hochheiser, Samuel Collins
, Gerald J. Jerome
, Christopher Ariza, Tina Kelleher, William Kleinsasser, Josh Dehlinger
, Siddharth Kaza:
A model for piloting pathways for computational thinking in a general education curriculum. 257-262
Discrete mathematics
- Mehran Sahami:
A course on probability theory for computer scientists. 263-268 - Robert L. Scot Drysdale:
Mathematical induction is a recursive technique. 269-274 - James F. Power
, Thomas Whelan, Susan Bergin:
Teaching discrete structures: a systematic review of the literature. 275-280
Operating systems and databases
- Peter Desnoyers:
Teaching operating systems as how computers work. 281-286 - Oren Laadan, Jason Nieh, Nicolas Viennot:
Structured linux kernel projects for teaching operating systems concepts. 287-292 - Suzanne W. Dietrich, Mahesh B. Chaudhari
LINQ ROX!: integrating LINQ into the database curriculum. 293-298
CS 1: tools
- A. T. Chamillard:
Using a student response system in CS1 and CS2. 299-304 - Wei Jin, Albert T. Corbett:
Effectiveness of cognitive apprenticeship learning (CAL) and cognitive tutors (CT) for problem solving using fundamental programming concepts. 305-310 - Jungsoon P. Yoo, Sung K. Yoo, Suk Jai Seo, Chrisila C. Pettey:
Can algotutor change attitudes toward algorithms. 311-316
- Daniel D. Garcia, Zachary Dodds, Timothy Huang, Samuel A. Rebelsky:
Teaching tips we wish they'd told us before we started, small college class edition. 317-318
Special session
- Scott Grissom, Sue Fitzgerald, Victor Piotrowski, Jan Cuny, Joan Peckham, Harriet G. Taylor, Daniel Menelly, Mimi McClure:
Understanding NSF funding opportunities. 319-320 - Henry MacKay Walker, Ali Erkan, Mark Guzdial
, Steve Cooper:
Role and value of quantitative instruments in gauging student perspectives in a computing curriculum. 321-322
Computing in the arts and sciences
- Erik Brunvand, Paul L. Stout:
Kinetic art and embedded systems: a natural collaboration. 323-328 - Ursula Wolz, Lillian (Boots) Cassel, Thomas P. Way, Kim Pearson
Cooperative expertise for multidisciplinary computing. 329-334 - Kay A. Robbins, David M. Senseman, Priscilla Elizabeth Pate:
Teaching biologists to compute using data visualization. 335-340
Data structures / CS 2
- Andrew T. Duchowski, Robert Geist, Robert J. Schalkoff, James Westall:
TEXNH trees: a new course in data structures. 341-346 - Scott A. Turner, Manuel A. Pérez-Quiñones
, Stephen H. Edwards, Joseph Chase:
Student attitudes and motivation for peer review in CS2. 347-352 - Briana B. Morrison
, Mike Clancy, Robert McCartney, Brad Richards, Kate Sanders:
Applying data structures in exams. 353-358
Computer architecture teaching tools
- Barry Fagin, Dale Skrien:
IASSim: a programmable emulator for the princeton IAS/Von Neumann machine. 359-364 - Michael David Black, Priyadarshini Komala:
A full system x86 simulator for teaching computer organization. 365-370 - Aaron Bloomfield, William A. Wulf:
IBCM: the itty bitty computing machine a one-week module to teach machine language in computing courses. 371-376
Summer experiences
- Heidi C. Webb, Mary Beth Rosson:
Exploring careers while learning Alice 3D: a summer camp for middle school girls. 377-382 - Deborah L. Dunn, Robert G. Strader, Michael M. Pickard:
Camps on a shoestring: how we survived a summer. 383-388 - Jiangjiang Liu, Cheng-Hsien Lin, Ethan Philip Hasson, Zebulun David Barnett
Introducing computer science to K-12 through a summer computing workshop for teachers. 389-394
- Joel C. Adams
, Brent Baas, Suzanne F. Buchele:
CS Fulbright experiences abroad. 395-396
Special session
- Owen L. Astrachan, Tiffany Barnes, Daniel D. Garcia, Jody Paul, Beth Simon, Larry Snyder:
CS principles: piloting a new course at national scale. 397-398
- Dennis Brylow, Kyle Thurow:
Hands-on networking labs with embedded routers. 399-404 - Sami Rollins:
Introducing networking and distributed systems concepts in an undergraduate-accessible wireless sensor networks course. 405-410 - Jae Woo Lee, Michael S. Kester, Henning Schulzrinne:
Follow the river and you will find the C. 411-416
Relevant computing
- Jane Turk:
Computer literacy as life skills for a web 2.0 world. 417-422 - Cyndi Rader, Doug Hakkarinen, Barbara M. Moskal, Keith Hellman:
Exploring the appeal of socially relevant computing: are students interested in socially relevant problems? 423-428 - Ryan L. McFall, Matthew DeJongh:
Increasing engagement and enrollment in breadth-first introductory courses using authentic computing tasks. 429-434
Parallelism across the CS curriculum
- Thomas R. Gross:
Breadth in depth: a 1st year introduction to parallel programming. 435-440 - Sirong Lin, Deborah G. Tatar:
Encouraging parallel thinking through explicit coordination modeling. 441-446 - Richard A. Brown, Elizabeth Shoop:
Modules in community: injecting more parallelism into computer science curricula. 447-452
K-12 instruction
- Diana Franklin, Phillip T. Conrad
, Gerardo Aldana, Sarah Hough:
Animal tlatoque: attracting middle school students to computing through culturally-relevant themes. 453-458 - Ville Isomöttönen, Antti-Jussi Lakanen, Vesa Lappalainen
K-12 game programming course concept using textual programming. 459-464 - Aman Yadav
, Ninger Zhou, Chris Mayfield, Susanne E. Hambrusch, John T. Korb
Introducing computational thinking in education courses. 465-470
Web-based tools
- Paul Denny, Andrew Luxton-Reilly
, Ewan D. Tempero
, Jacob Hendrickx:
CodeWrite: supporting student-driven practice of java. 471-476 - Jesús Bobadilla, Antonio Hernando
, Angel Arroyo:
e-learning experience using recommender systems. 477-482 - Daniel Malcolm Hoffman, Ming Lu, Tim Pelton:
A web-based generation and delivery system for active code reading. 483-488
- Ursula Wolz, Youwen Ouyang, Scott T. Leutenegger:
Scratching the subject surface: infusing computing into K-12 curriculum. 489-490
Special session
- Nick Parlante, Julie Zelenski, Keith Schwarz, Dave Feinberg, Michelle Craig, Stuart Hansen, Michael Scott, David J. Malan:
Nifty assignments. 491-492
Teaching and studying novice programmers
- Tammy VanDeGrift, Tamara Caruso, Natalie Hill, Beth Simon:
Experience report: getting novice programmers to THINK about improving their software development process. 493-498 - Guillaume Marceau, Kathi Fisler
, Shriram Krishnamurthi
Measuring the effectiveness of error messages designed for novice programmers. 499-504 - Gregory Dyke:
Which aspects of novice programmers' usage of an IDE predict learning outcomes. 505-510 - Dermot Shinners-Kennedy, David J. Barnes:
The novice programmer's "device to think with". 511-516
Communication skills
- Lori Carter:
Ideas for adding soft skills education to service learning and capstone courses for computer science students. 517-522 - Mary Elizabeth Jones, Melanie Kisthardt, Marie A. Cooper:
Interdisciplinary teaching: introductory programming via creative writing. 523-528 - Sarah Monisha Pulimood, Donna Shaw, Emilie Lounsberry:
Gumshoe: a model for undergraduate computational journalism education. 529-534 - Joe Miró Julià:
An engineering approach to teaching writing. 535-540
Teacher endorsement and preparation
- Tim Bell, Lynn Lambert:
Teaching computer science majors about teaching computer science. 541-546 - Christopher Whitehead, Lydia Ray, Shamim Khan, Wayne Summers, Rodrigo A. Obando:
Implementing a computer science endorsement program for secondary school teachers. 547-552 - Lijun Ni, Mark Guzdial
, Allison Elliott Tew, Briana B. Morrison
, Ria Galanos:
Building a community to support HS CS teachers: the disciplinary commons for computing educators. 553-558 - Noa Ragonis
, Orit Hazzan, Judith Gal-Ezer:
A study on attitudes and emphases in computer science teacher preparation. 559-564
Expanding the community
- Carol Frieze:
The images of computing: engaging undergraduates in the broad issues of computer science. 565-570 - Andreas Stefik, Christopher D. Hundhausen, Derrick W. Smith:
On the design of an educational infrastructure for the blind and visually impaired in computer science. 571-576 - Yonina Cooper, M. Bernardine Dias
, Ermine A. Teves, Sarah Belousov, M. Freddie Dias:
Enhancing participation and education in CS through guided research projects in underserved communities. 577-582 - Rebekah Overdorf
, Matthew Lang:
Reaching out to aid in retention: empowering undergraduate women. 583-588
Mobile computing
- James B. Fenwick Jr., Barry L. Kurtz, Joel K. Hollingsworth:
Teaching mobile computing and developing software to support computer science education. 589-594 - Susan Loveland:
Human computer interaction that reaches beyond desktop applications. 595-600 - David Wolber:
App inventor and real-world motivation. 601-606 - Mark H. Goadrich, Michael P. Rogers:
Smart smartphone development: iOS versus android. 607-612
- Daniel D. Garcia, Michelle Friend Hutton, Eugene Lemon, Josh Paley:
Rediscovering the passion, beauty, joy, and awe: making computing fun again, part 4. 613-614
Special session
- Susan H. Rodger, Mark Stehlik, Chris Stephenson, Cameron Wilson:
Progress in surfacing computer science in STEM. 615-616 - Sushil K. Prasad
, Almadena Yu. Chtchelkanova, Sajal K. Das
, Frank Dehne, Mohamed G. Gouda, Anshul Gupta, Joseph F. JáJá, Krishna Kant, Anita La Salle, Richard LeBlanc, Manish Lumsdaine, David A. Padua, Manish Parashar, Viktor K. Prasanna, Yves Robert
, Arnold L. Rosenberg, Sartaj Sahni, Behrooz A. Shirazi, Alan Sussman
, Charles C. Weems, Jie Wu:
NSF/IEEE-TCPP curriculum initiative on parallel and distributed computing: core topics for undergraduates. 617-618
Intro CS: panoptic views
- Peter Drake, Kelvin Sung:
Teaching introductory programming with popular board games. 619-624 - Stephen Davies, Jennifer A. Polack-Wahl, Karen Anewalt:
A snapshot of current practices in teaching the introductory programming sequence. 625-630 - Andrew Petersen
, Michelle Craig, Daniel Zingaro:
Reviewing CS1 exam question content. 631-636
Software design and development
- Daniel Rocco, Will Lloyd:
Distributed version control in the classroom. 637-642 - Jason Snyder, Stephen H. Edwards, Manuel A. Pérez-Quiñones
LIFT: taking GUI unit testing to new heights. 643-648 - Katherine Cennamo, Sarah A. Douglas, Mitzi Vernon, Carol B. Brandt
, Brigitte Scott, Yolanda Jacobs Reimer, Margarita McGrath:
Promoting creativity in the computer science design studio. 649-654
Cooperative learning
- Alex Radermacher, Gursimran S. Walia:
Investigating the effective implementation of pair programming: an empirical investigation. 655-660 - Steven Robbins:
Beyond clickers: using ClassQue for multidimensional electronic classroom interaction. 661-666 - Shiri Azenkot, Theodore Golfinopoulos
, Adam Marcus, Alessondra Springmann
, Jonathan S. Varsanik
Overcoming barriers among Israeli and Palestinian students via computer science. 667-672
Researching and evaluating teachers
- Beth Simon, Elizabeth S. Bales, William G. Griswold
, Stephen Cooper:
Case study: faculty professional development workshops for innovation diffusion. 673-678 - Joshua T. Guerin, Daniel Michler:
Analysis of undergraduate teaching evaluations in computer science. 679-684 - Davide Fossati
, Mark Guzdial
The use of evidence in the change making process of computer science educators. 685-690
- Luis von Ahn:
Three human computation projects. 691-692
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