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18th DEXA 2007: Regensburg, Germany
- Roland R. Wagner, Norman Revell, Günther Pernul:
Database and Expert Systems Applications, 18th International Conference, DEXA 2007, Regensburg, Germany, September 3-7, 2007, Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4653, Springer 2007, ISBN 978-3-540-74467-2
XML and Databases I
- Michal Krátký, Radim Baca, Václav Snásel:
On the Efficient Processing Regular Path Expressions of an Enormous Volume of XML Data. 1-12 - Rodrigo Gonçalves, Ronaldo dos Santos Mello:
Improving XML Instances Comparison with Preprocessing Algorithms. 13-22 - Nikolaos Fousteris, Manolis Gergatsoulis, Yannis Stavrakas:
Storing Multidimensional XML Documents in Relational Databases. 23-33
Expert Systems and Semantics
- Yan Tang, Robert Meersman:
On Constructing Semantic Decision Tables. 34-44 - Kemal Polat, Ramazan Sekerci, Salih Günes:
Artificial Immune Recognition System Based Classifier Ensemble on the Different Feature Subsets for Detecting the Cardiac Disorders from SPECT Images. 45-53 - Ahmad El Sayed, Hakim Hacid, Djamel A. Zighed:
A Multisource Context-Dependent Semantic Distance Between Concepts. 54-63 - Barbara Pernici:
Self-healing Information Systems. 64
XML and Databases II
- Khaue Rezende Rodrigues, Ronaldo dos Santos Mello:
A Faceted Taxonomy of Semantic Integrity Constraints for the XML Data Model. 65-74 - Fernando Farfán, Vagelis Hristidis, Raju Rangaswami
Beyond Lazy XML Parsing. 75-86 - Zhewei Jiang, Cheng Luo, Wen-Chi Hou, Qiang Zhu, Dunren Che:
Efficient Processing of XML Twig Pattern: A Novel One-Phase Holistic Solution. 87-97
Database and Information Systems Architecture and Performance I
- Sven Helmer, Robin Aly
, Thomas Neumann
, Guido Moerkotte:
Indexing Set-Valued Attributes with a Multi-level Extendible Hashing Scheme. 98-108 - Jean-Paul Deveaux, Andrew Rau-Chaplin
, Norbert Zeh:
Adaptive Tuple Differential Coding. 109-119 - Ali Saman Tosun:
Space-Efficient Structures for Detecting Port Scans. 120-129
XML and Databases III
- Liang Xu, Zhifeng Bao, Tok Wang Ling:
A Dynamic Labeling Scheme Using Vectors. 130-140 - Flávio R. C. Sousa
, Heraldo J. A. Carneiro Filho, Javam C. Machado:
A New Approach to Replication of XML Data. 141-150 - Juan Xu, Zhanhuai Li, Yanlong Wang, Rugui Yao:
An Efficient Encoding and Labeling Scheme for Dynamic XML Data. 151-161
Database and Information Systems Architecture and Performance II
- Laurent d'Orazio, Fabrice Jouanot, Yves Denneulin, Cyril Labbé, Claudia Roncancio, Olivier Valentin:
Distributed Semantic Caching in Grid Middleware. 162-171 - Walter Binder
, Samuel Spycher, Ion Constantinescu, Boi Faltings:
Multiversion Concurrency Control for Multidimensional Index Structures. 172-181 - Dalen Kambur, Mark Roantree
, John Murphy:
Using an Object Reference Approach to Distributed Updates. 182-191
Applications of Database Systems and Information Systems I
- Sujeet Pradhan:
Towards a Novel Desktop Search Technique. 192-201 - Guillaume Cabanac
, Max Chevalier, Claude Chrisment, Christine Julien:
An Original Usage-Based Metrics for Building a Unified View of Corporate Documents. 202-212 - Niki Papailiou, Dimitris Apostolou, Dimitris Panagiotou, Gregoris Mentzas:
Exploring Knowledge Management with a Social Semantic Desktop Architecture. 213-222 - Hang Guo, Jun Zhang, Lizhu Zhou:
Classifying and Ranking: The First Step Towards Mining Inside Vertical Search Engines. 223-232
Query Processing and Optimisation I
- Wee Hyong Tok, Stéphane Bressan, Mong-Li Lee:
Progressive High-Dimensional Similarity Join. 233-242 - Yangjun Chen:
Decomposing DAGs into Disjoint Chains. 243-253 - Carmen Brando, Marlene Goncalves, Vanessa González:
Evaluating Top-k Skyline Queries over Relational Databases. 254-263 - Fuyu Liu, Kien A. Hua, Tai T. Do:
A P2P Technique for Continuous k-Nearest-Neighbor Query in Road Networks. 264-276 - Rudolf Bayer:
Information Life Cycle, Information Value and Data Management. 277-286
XML and Databases IV
- Bettina Fazzinga, Sergio Flesca, Andrea Pugliese:
Vague Queries on Peer-to-Peer XML Databases. 287-297 - Toshiyuki Amagasa
, Lianzi Wen, Hiroyuki Kitagawa:
Proximity Search of XML Data Using Ontology and XPath Edit Similarity. 298-307 - Katja Hose, Kai-Uwe Sattler:
Cooperative Data Management for XML Data. 308-318
Query Processing and Optimisation II
- Jayson Speer, Markus Kirchberg:
C-ARIES: A Multi-threaded Version of the ARIES Recovery Algorithm. 319-328 - Thomas Neumann
Optimizing Ranked Retrieval. 329-338 - Jie Gu, Xiaoming Jin:
Similarity Search over Incomplete Symbolic Sequences. 339-348
Applications of Database Systems and Information Systems II
- Anita Prinzie, Dirk Van den Poel
Random Multiclass Classification: Generalizing Random Forests to Random MNL and Random NB. 349-358 - Michiko Yasukawa, Hidetoshi Yokoo:
Related Terms Clustering for Enhancing the Comprehensibility of Web Search Results. 359-368 - Raman Adaikkalavan, Sharma Chakravarthy
Event Specification and Processing for Advanced Applications: Generalization and Formalization. 369-379 - Iraklis A. Klampanos, Joemon M. Jose:
An Evaluation of a Cluster-Based Architecture for Peer-to-Peer Information Retrieval. 380-391
Query Processing and Optimisation III
- Mohammed Belkhatir, Mbarek Charhad:
A Conceptual Framework for Automatic Text-Based Indexing and Retrieval in Digital Video Collections. 392-403 - Seungdo Jeong, Sang-Wook Kim, Byung-Uk Choi:
Dimensionality Reduction in High-Dimensional Space for Multimedia Information Retrieval. 404-413 - Yousuke Watanabe, Shinichi Yamada, Hiroyuki Kitagawa
, Toshiyuki Amagasa
Integrating a Stream Processing Engine and Databases for Persistent Streaming Data Management. 414-423
Applications of Database Systems and Information Systems III
- Stefan Böttcher, Rita Steinmetz:
Data Management for Mobile Ajax Web 2.0 Applications. 424-433 - Dan Lin, Hicham G. Elmongui, Elisa Bertino, Beng Chin Ooi:
Data Management in RFID Applications. 434-444 - Tai T. Do, Fuyu Liu, Kien A. Hua:
When Mobile Objects' Energy Is Not So Tight: A New Perspective on Scalability Issues of Continuous Spatial Query Systems. 445-458 - Hans Philippi:
Sequence Alignment as a Database Technology Challenge. 459-468
Query Processing and Optimisation IV
- Marlene Goncalves, Leonid Tineo
Fuzzy Dominance Skyline Queries. 469-478 - Ladjel Bellatreche, Kamel Boukhalfa
, Mukesh K. Mohania:
Pruning Search Space of Physical Database Design. 479-488 - Sami El-Mahgary, Eljas Soisalon-Soininen:
A Two-Phased Visual Query Interface for Relational Databases. 489-498 - Chong Sun, Yansheng Lu, Chong Zhou, Jun Liu:
Wavelet Synopsis: Setting Unselected Coefficients to Zero Is Not Optimal. 499-508
Data and Information Modelling I
- Shi-Kuo Chang, Vincenzo Deufemia, Giuseppe Polese, Mario Vacca:
A Logic Framework to Support Database Refactoring. 509-518 - Melanie Himsl, Daniel Jabornig, Werner Leithner, Peter Regner, Thomas Wiesinger, Josef Küng, Dirk Draheim:
An Iterative Process for Adaptive Meta- and Instance Modeling. 519-528 - Carlos Gómez-Rodríguez, Jesús Vilares
, Miguel A. Alonso:
Compiling Declarative Specifications of Parsing Algorithms. 529-538
XML Query Processing and Optimisation I
- Angela Bonifati
, Alfredo Cuzzocrea:
Efficient Fragmentation of Large XML Documents. 539-550 - Weimin He, Leonidas Fegaras, David Levine:
Locating and Ranking XML Documents Based on Content and Structure Synopses. 551-561 - Jun Gao, Tengjiao Wang, Dongqing Yang:
MQTree Based Query Rewriting over Multiple XML Views. 562-571
Data and Information Modelling II
- Alain Casali, Sébastien Nedjar, Rosine Cicchetti, Lotfi Lakhal:
Convex Cube: Towards a Unified Structure for Multidimensional Databases. 572-581 - Yannis Tzitzikas
Dependency Management for the Preservation of Digital Information. 582-592 - Djamel Berrabah, Faouzi Boufarès:
Constraints Checking in UML Class Diagrams: SQL vs OCL. 593-602
XML Query Processing and Optimisation II
- Mustafa Atay
, Artem Chebotko, Shiyong Lu, Farshad Fotouhi:
XML-to-SQL Query Mapping in the Presence of Multi-valued Schema Mappings and Recursive XML Schemas. 603-616 - Klarinda G. Widjanarko, Erwin Leonardi, Sourav S. Bhowmick:
Efficient Evaluation of Nearest Common Ancestor in XML Twig Queries Using Tree-Unaware RDBMS. 617-628
Data Mining I
- Vasudha Bhatnagar
, Sharanjit Kaur
Exclusive and Complete Clustering of Streams. 629-638 - Minyar Sassi
, Amel Grissa Touzi, Habib Ounelli:
Clustering Quality Evaluation Based on Fuzzy FCA. 639-649 - René Schult:
Comparing Clustering Algorithms and Their Influence on the Evolution of Labeled Clusters. 650-659 - Derry Tanti Wijaya
, Stéphane Bressan:
Journey to the Centre of the Star: Various Ways of Finding Star Centers in Star Clustering. 660-670
Semantic Web and Ontologies I
- Norbert Kottmann, Thomas Studer
Improving Semantic Query Answering. 671-679 - Tuukka Ruotsalo, Eero Hyvönen:
A Method for Determining Ontology-Based Semantic Relevance. 680-688 - Verena Kantere, Dimitrios Tsoumakos, Timos K. Sellis
Semantic Grouping of Social Networks in P2P Database Settings. 689-699 - Martin Svihla, Ivan Jelínek:
Benchmarking RDF Production Tools. 700-709
Semantic Web and Ontologies II
- Przemyslaw Korytkowski, Katarzyna Sikora:
Creating Learning Objects and Learning Sequence on the Basis of Semantic Networks. 710-719 - Rachanee Ungrangsi, Chutiporn Anutariya
, Vilas Wuwongse:
SQORE-Based Ontology Retrieval System. 720-729 - Antonio Picariello, Antonio Maria Rinaldi:
Crawling the Web with OntoDir. 730-739
Data Mining II
- Christine Froidevaux, Frédérique Lisacek, Bastien Rance:
Extracting Sequential Nuggets of Knowledge. 740-750 - Mingwu Zhang, Wei Jiang, Chris Clifton, Sunil Prabhakar
Identifying Rare Classes with Sparse Training Data. 751-760 - Grigorios Loukides, Jianhua Shao:
Clustering-Based K-Anonymisation Algorithms. 761-771 - Danielle Welter
, W. A. Gray, Peter Kille
Investigation of Semantic Similarity as a Tool for Comparative Genomics. 772-779
WWW and Databases
- Denis Shestakov, Tapio Salakoski:
On Estimating the Scale of National Deep Web. 780-789 - Shun Hattori, Taro Tezuka, Katsumi Tanaka:
Mining the Web for Appearance Description. 790-800 - Takehiro Yamamoto, Satoshi Nakamura, Katsumi Tanaka:
Rerank-by-Example: Efficient Browsing of Web Search Results. 801-810 - Qi Zhang, Xing Xie, Lee Wang, Lihua Yue, Wei-Ying Ma:
Computing Geographical Serving Area Based on Search Logs and Website Categorization. 811-822
Temporal and Spatial Databases
- Magali Duboisset, François Pinet, Myoung-Ah Kang, Michel Schneider:
A General Framework to Implement Topological Relations on Composite Regions. 823-833 - Sang-Wook Kim, Min-Hee Jang, Sungchae Lim:
Active Adjustment: An Approach for Improving the Performance of the TPR*-Tree. 834-843
Data and Information Semantics
- Khalid Saleem, Zohra Bellahsene, Ela Hunt:
Performance Oriented Schema Matching. 844-853 - Olivier Curé, Florent Jochaud:
Preference-Based Integration of Relational Databases into a Description Logic. 854-863 - Youssef Bououlid Idrissi, Julie Vachon:
A Context-Based Approach for the Discovery of Complex Matches Between Database Sources. 864-873
Closing Session: Knowledge and Design
- Mathieu d'Aquin, Anne Schlicht, Heiner Stuckenschmidt, Marta Sabou:
Ontology Modularization for Knowledge Selection: Experiments and Evaluations. 874-883 - Zdenek Zdráhal:
The Role of Knowledge in Design Problems. 884-894 - Wolfgang Gentzsch:
e-Infrastructures. 895-904
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