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IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part B, Volume 28
Volume 28, Number 1, February 1998
- Cezary Z. Janikow:
Fuzzy decision trees: issues and methods. 1-14 - Silvano Di Zenzo, Luigi Cinque, Stefano Levialdi:
Image thresholding using fuzzy entropies. 15-23 - M. A. L. Thathachar, M. T. Arvind:
Parallel algorithms for modules of learning automata. 24-33 - Alberto Bugarín
, Senén Barro
Reasoning with truth values on compacted fuzzy chained rules. 34-46 - Yaochu Jin
Decentralized adaptive fuzzy control of robot manipulators. 47-57 - Dusko Katic, Miomir Vukobratovic:
A neural network-based classification of environment dynamics models for compliant control of manipulation robots. 58-69 - Tae Hyoung Park, Beom Hee Lee:
Dynamic tracking line: feasible tracking region of a robot in conveyor systems. 70-77 - Caroline Barrière, Réjean Plamondon
Human identification of letters in mixed-script handwriting: an upper bound on recognition rates. 78-81 - Kwanghoon Sohn, Jung H. Kim, Winser E. Alexander:
A mean field annealing approach to robust corner detection. 82-90 - C. J. Davies, Mark S. Nixon
A Hough transform for detecting the location and orientation of three-dimensional surfaces via color encoded spots. 90-95 - Joe Suzuki:
A further result on the Markov chain model of genetic algorithms and its application to a simulated annealing-like strategy. 95-102 - Witold Pedrycz:
Shadowed sets: representing and processing fuzzy sets. 103-109 - Jung-Min Yang, Jong-Hwan Kim:
Fault-tolerant locomotion of the hexapod robot. 109-116 - Omar M. Al-Jarrah, Yuan F. Zheng:
Intelligent compliant motion control. 116-122
Volume 28, Number 2, April 1998
- Chua-Chin Wang, Chang-Rong Tsai:
Data compression by the recursive algorithm of exponential bidirectional associative memory. 125-134 - Nikos A. Aspragathos
, J. K. Dimitros:
A comparative study of three methods for robot kinematics. 135-145 - Piotr Wilinski, Basel Solaiman, Alain Hillion, Witold Czarnecki:
Toward the border between neural and Markovian paradigms. 146-159 - Yau-Hwang Kuo, Jang-Pong Hsu, Cheng-Wen Wang:
A parallel fuzzy inference model with distributed prediction scheme for reinforcement learning. 160-172 - John Yen, James C. Liao
, Bogju Lee, David Randolph:
A hybrid approach to modeling metabolic systems using a genetic algorithm and simplex method. 173-191 - Elizabeth A. Croft
, Robert G. Fenton, Beno Benhabib:
Optimal rendezvous-point selection for robotic interception of moving objects. 192-204 - M. Marimin
, Motohide Umano, Itsuo Hatono, Hiroyuki Tamura:
Linguistic labels for expressing fuzzy preference relations in fuzzy group decision making. 205-218 - Rajendra S. Katti, Mark L. Manwaring:
Performance based design of high-level language-directed computer architectures. 219-227 - Hai-Shan Wu, Joseph Barba:
Minimum entropy restoration of star field images. 227-231 - Chun-Shin Lin, Ching-Tsan Chiang:
Integration of CMAC technique and weighted regression for efficient learning and output differentiability. 231-237 - Mahantapas Kundu, Mita Nasipuri, Dipak Kumar Basu:
A knowledge-based approach to ECG interpretation using fuzzy logic. 237-243 - Ching-Long Shih, Chien-Jung Chiou:
The motion control of a statically stable biped robot on an uneven floor. 244-249 - Samuel Pierre, Gisèle Legault:
A genetic algorithm for designing distributed computer network topologies. 249-258 - Sheng-Wen Shih, Yi-Ping Hung, Wei-Song Lin:
New closed-form solution for kinematic parameter identification of a binocular head using point measurements. 258-267 - Antonio Sala
, Pedro Albertos
Fuzzy systems evaluation: The inference error approach. 268-275 - Steven Walczak:
Neural network models for a resource allocation problem. 276-284 - Jung-Hua Yang, Li-Chen Fu
Nonlinear adaptive motion control for manipulators with compliant joints. 284-291 - Mayer E. Aladjem
Nonparametric discriminant analysis via recursive optimization of Patrick-Fisher distance. 292-299
Volume 28, Number 3, June 1998
- James C. Bezdek, Nikhil R. Pal:
Some new indexes of cluster validity. 301-315 - Giuseppe Oriolo
, Giovanni Ulivi, Marilena Vendittelli
Real-time map building and navigation for autonomous robots in unknown environments. 316-333 - Lynn Yaling Cai, Hon Keung Kwan
Fuzzy classifications using fuzzy inference networks. 334-347 - Gaetano Canepa, Rocco Petrigliano, Matteo Campanella, Danilo De Rossi:
Detection of incipient object slippage by skin-like sensing and neural network processing. 348-356 - Wen-Ran Zhang:
Legged robot locomotion and gymnastics. 357-375 - Magne Setnes, Robert Babuska, Uzay Kaymak
, H. R. van Nauta Lemke:
Similarity measures in fuzzy rule base simplification. 376-386 - Dominique Fontaine, Nicolas Ramaux:
An approach by graphs for the recognition of temporal scenarios. 387-403 - Seddik Khemaissia
, Alan S. Morris:
Use of an artificial neuroadaptive robot model to describe adaptive and learning motor mechanisms in the central nervous system. 404-416 - Xin Yao
, Yong Liu:
Making use of population information in evolutionary artificial neural networks. 417-425 - Hanqi Zhuang:
A note on using only position equations for robotic hand/eye calibration. 426-427 - Sanjiv K. Bhatia, Jitender S. Deogun:
Conceptual clustering in information retrieval. 427-436 - Chu Kwong Chak, Gang Feng
, Jian Ma
An adaptive fuzzy neural network for MIMO system model approximation in high-dimensional spaces. 436-446 - N. V. Dounskaia:
Artificial potential method for control of constrained robot motion. 447-453 - Karl Kurbel, Bernd Schneider, Kirti Singh:
Solving optimization problems by parallel recombinative simulated annealing on a parallel computer-an application to standard cell placement in VLSI design. 454-461 - Miin-Shen Yang, Chien-Hung Chen:
On the edited fuzzy K-nearest neighbor rule. 461-466 - Juan Luis Díaz-de-León S., Juan Humberto Sossa Azuela
Automatic path planning for a mobile robot among obstacles of arbitrary shape. 467-472 - Elias B. Kosmatopoulos:
Universal stabilization using control Lyapunov functions, adaptive derivative feedback, and neural network approximators. 472-477 - De-Shuang Huang:
The local minima-free condition of feedforward neural networks for outer-supervised learning. 477-480 - Ramesh Kolluru, Kimon P. Valavanis, T. M. Hebert:
Modeling, analysis, and performance evaluation of a robotic gripper system for limp material handling. 480-486
Volume 28, Number 4, August 1998
- Mohammad S. Obaidat
Editorial Artificial Neural Networks To Systems, Man, And Cybernetics: Characteristics, Structures, And Applications. 489-495 - B. John Oommen
, I. Kuban Altinel, Necati Aras
Discrete vector quantization for arbitrary distance function estimation. 496-510 - Hongchi Shi, Yunxin Zhao, Xinhua Zhuang:
A general model for bidirectional associative memories. 511-519 - Konstantinos N. Pantazopoulos, Lefteri H. Tsoukalas, Nikolaos G. Bourbakis, M. J. Brun, Elias N. Houstis:
Financial prediction and trading strategies using neurofuzzy approaches. 520-531 - Xiaoou Tang:
Multiple competitive learning network fusion for object classification. 532-543 - Boaz Lerner:
Toward a completely automatic neural-network-based human chromosome analysis. 544-552 - Vittorio Murino
Structured neural networks for pattern recognition. 553-561 - Kusnadi, Craig Beebe, Jo Dale Carothers:
Digraph visualization using a neural algorithm with a heuristic activation scheme. 562-572 - Lefteri H. Tsoukalas:
Neurofuzzy approaches to anticipation: a new paradigm for intelligent systems. 573-582 - Dayou Wang, James M. Keller, C. Andrew Carson, Kelly K. McAdo-Edwards, Craig W. Bailey:
Use of fuzzy-logic-inspired features to improve bacterial recognition through classifier fusion. 583-591 - Raffaele Bolla
, Franco Davoli
, Piergiulio Maryni, Thomas Parisini:
An adaptive neural network admission controller for dynamic bandwidth allocation. 592-601 - Mohammad S. Obaidat
, Humayun Khalid:
Estimating neural networks-based algorithm for adaptive cache replacement. 602-611 - Shie-Jue Lee, Hsien-Leing Tsai:
Pattern fusion in feature recognition neural networks for handwritten character Recognition. 612-617 - M. Al-Mulhem, T. Al-Maghrabi:
Efficient convex-elastic net algorithm to solve the Euclidean traveling salesman problem. 618-620 - Chester Ornes, Jack Sklansky:
A visual neural classifier. 620-625
Volume 28, Number 5, October 1998
- Vassilios Petridis, Spiridon A. Kazarlis, Anastasios G. Bakirtzis:
Varying fitness functions in genetic algorithm constrained optimization: the cutting stock and unit commitment problems. 629-640 - Christof Ebert:
Experiences with colored predicate-transition nets for specifying and prototyping embedded systems. 641-652 - Jaywoo Kim, Hooshang Hemami:
Coordinated three-dimensional motion of the head and torso by dynamic neural networks. 653-666 - Ohad Ben-Shahar
, Ehud Rivlin:
To push or not to push: on the rearrangement of movable objects by a mobile robot. 667-679 - Kao-Shing Hwang
, Ching-Shun Lin:
Smooth trajectory tracking of three-link robot: a self-organizing CMAC approach. 680-692 - Farrokh Janabi-Sharifi
, William J. Wilson:
Automatic grasp planning for visual-servo controlled robotic manipulators. 693-711 - Cheung H. Leung, Ching Y. Suen:
Matching of complex patterns by energy minimization. 712-720 - Tatiana Tambouratzis:
A consensus-function artificial neural network for map-coloring. 721-728 - Jen-Hui Chuang, Narendra Ahuja:
An analytically tractable potential field model of free space and its application in obstacle avoidance. 729-736 - Yiu-Wing Leung, Jiang-She Zhang, Zongben Xu:
Optimal neural network algorithm for on-line string matching. 737-739 - Guan-Yu Chen, Wen-Hsiang Tsai:
An incremental-learning-by-navigation approach to vision-based autonomous land vehicle guidance in indoor environments using vertical line information and multiweighted generalized Hough transform technique. 740-748 - Victor R. L. Shen, Feipei Lai:
Requirements specification and analysis of digital systems using fuzzy and marked Petri nets. 748-754
Volume 28, Number 6, December 1998
- Ronald R. Yager, Alexander N. Rybalov:
Full reinforcement operators in aggregation techniques. 757-769 - Alessandra Fanni, Alessandro Giua
Discrete event representation of qualitative models using Petri nets. 770-780 - Kotaro Hirasawa, Masanao Ohbayashi, Singo Sakai, Jinglu Hu:
Learning Petri network and its application to nonlinear system control. 781-789 - Veljko Potkonjak, Mirjana Popovic, Mihailo P. Lazarevic
, Jelena Sinanovic:
Redundancy problem in writing: from human to anthropomorphic robot arm. 790-805 - Fan-Tien Cheng
, Yu-Te Lu, York-Yih Sun:
Window-shaped obstacle avoidance for a redundant manipulator. 806-815 - Sankar K. Pal, Sanghamitra Bandyopadhyay, C. A. Murthy:
Genetic algorithms for generation of class boundaries. 816-828 - Kim C. Ng, Mohan M. Trivedi:
A neuro-fuzzy controller for mobile robot navigation and multirobot convoying. 829-840 - V. Sudhakar, C. Siva Ram Murthy:
Efficient mapping of backpropagation algorithm onto a network of workstations. 841-848 - Nobuo Funabiki, Junji Kitamichi, Seishi Nishikawa:
An evolutionary neural network approach for module orientation problems. 849-855 - Bohdan S. Butkiewicz:
Steady-state error of a system with fuzzy controller. 855-860 - Leslaw Gniewek
, Jacek Kluska
Family of fuzzy J-K flip-flops based on bounded product, bounded sum and complementation. 861-868 - Shigeo Abe
Dynamic cluster generation for a fuzzy classifier with ellipsoidal regions. 869-876 - Igor T. Podolak:
Functional graph model of a neural network. 876-881 - Volker Krätschmer:
Constraints on belief functions imposed by fuzzy random variables: Some technical remarks on Romer-Kandel. 881-883 - Zi-Cal Li:
Discrete techniques for 3-D digital images and patterns under transformation. 883-894 - Elmer P. Dadios, David J. Williams:
Nonconventional control of the flexible pole-cart balancing problem: Experimental results. 895-901 - Abraham Kandel, Menahem Friedman:
Defuzzification using most typical values. 901-906 - Yoshikane Takahashi:
Mathematical improvement of the Hopfield model for feasible solutions to the traveling salesman problem by a synapse dynamical system. 906-919 - Fu-Lai Chung
, Tong Lee:
Analytical resolution and numerical identification of fuzzy relational systems. 919-924 - Tsu-Tian Lee, Jin-Tsong Jeng:
The Chebyshev-polynomials-based unified model neural networks for function approximation. 925-935 - Zong-Mu Yeh, Hung-Pin Chen:
A novel approach for multistage inference fuzzy control. 935-946 - B. John Oommen
, Govindachari Raghunath:
Automata learning and intelligent tertiary searching for stochastic point location. 947-954
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