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3. VISUAL 1999: Amsterdam, The Netherlands
- Dionysius P. Huijsmans, Arnold W. M. Smeulders:
Visual Information and Information Systems, Third International Conference, VISUAL '99, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, June 2-4, 1999, Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 1614, Springer 1999, ISBN 3-540-66079-8
Visual Information Systems
- Martin Leissler, Matthias L. Hemmje, Erich J. Neuhold:
Supporting Image-Retrieval by Database Driven Interactive 3D Information-Visualization. 1-14 - Ruud M. Bolle, Arun Hampapur:
Video Libraries: From Ingest to Distribution. 15-18 - Shi-Kuo Chang, Gennaro Costagliola, Erland Jungert:
Querying Multimedia Data Sources and Databases. 19-28 - Peter L. Stanchev:
General Image Database Model. 29-36 - Richard Chbeir, Youssef Amghar, André Flory:
System for Medical Image Retrieval: The MIMS Model. 37-42 - Jonathan Meddes, Eric McKenzie:
An Agent-Based Visualisation Architecture. 43-50 - Alfredo Ferro, Giovanni Gallo
, Rosalba Giugno
Error-Tolerant Database for Structured Images. 51-59
Interactive Visual Query
- Aya Soffer, Hanan Samet:
Query Processing and Optimization for Pictorial Query Trees. 60-67 - Kriengkrai Porkaew, Sharad Mehrotra, Michael Ortega, Kaushik Chakrabarti:
Similarity Search Using Multiple Examples in MARS. 68-75 - Dimitrios Androutsos, Kostas N. Plataniotis, Anastasios N. Venetsanopoulos:
Excluding Specified Colors from Image Queries Using a Multidimensional Query Space. 76-82 - Craig A. Lindley, Anne-Marie Vercoustre:
Generic Viewer Interaction Semantics for Dynamic Virtual Video Synthesis. 83-90 - Hisako Shiohara, Yuichi Iizuka, T. Maruyama, Seiji Isobe:
Category Oriented Analysis for Visual Data Mining. 91-98 - Nicolaos Ikonomakis, Kostas N. Plataniotis, Anastasios N. Venetsanopoulos:
User Interaction in Region-Based Color Image Segmentation. 99-106 - Gianluigi Ciocca, Raimondo Schettini:
Using a Relevance Feedback Mechanism to Improve Content-Based Image Retrieval. 107-114 - Jamal Malki, Nozha Boujemaa, Chahab Nastar, Alexandre Winter:
Region Queries without Segmentation for Image Retrieval by Content. 115-122 - Eugenio Di Sciascio, G. Mingolla, Marina Mongiello:
Content-Based Image Retrieval over the Web Using Query by Sketch and Relevance Feedback. 123-130 - Jean Marie Buijs, Michael S. Lew:
Visual Learning of Simple Semantics in ImageScape. 131-138
Browsing Information Space
- Stacie Hibino:
Task Analysis for Information Visualization. 139-146 - Jeroen Vendrig, Marcel Worring
, Arnold W. M. Smeulders:
Filter Image Browsing - Exploiting Interaction in Image Retrieval. 147-154 - Atsushi Hiroike, Yoshinori Musha, Akihiro Sugimoto, Yasuhide Mori:
Visualization of Information Spaces to Retrieve and Browse Image Data. 155-162 - Jonathan Helfman:
Mandala: An Architecture for Using Images to Access and Organize Web Informations. 163-170 - Gabriele Baldi, Carlo Colombo, Alberto Del Bimbo:
A Compact and Retrieval-Oriented Video Representation Using Mosaics. 171-178
Internet Search Engines
- Eric Paquet, Marc Rioux:
Crawling, Indexing and Retrieval of Three-Dimensional Data on the Web in the Framework of MPEG-7. 179-186 - Jens-Rainer Ohm, F. Bunjamin, Wolfram Liebsch, Bela Makai, Karsten Müller, B. Saberdest, D. Zier:
A Visual Search Engine for Distributed Image and Video Database Retrieval Applications. 187-194 - Brian S. Eberman, Blair Fidler, Robert A. Iannucci, Christopher F. Joerg, Leonidas I. Kontothanassis, David E. Kovalcin, Pedro J. Moreno, Michael J. Swain, Jean-Manuel Van Thong:
Indexing Multimedia for the Internet. 195-202 - Junghoo Cho, Sougata Mukherjea
Crawling for Images on the WWW. 203-210 - Vassilis Konstantinou, Alexandra Psarrou
A Dynamic JAVA-Based Intelligent Interface for Online Image Database Searches. 211-220
Video Parsing
- Ronan Fablet, Patrick Bouthemy:
Motion-Based Feature Extraction and Ascendant Hierarchical Classification for Video Indexing and Retrieval. 221-228 - Alan Hanjalic, Reginald L. Lagendijk, Jan Biemond:
Automatically Segmenting Movies into Logical Story Units. 229-236 - Juan María Sánchez, Xavier Binefa, Jordi Vitrià, Petia Radeva:
Local Color Analysis for Scene Break Detection Applied to TV Commercials Recognition. 237-244 - Patrick Bouthemy, Christophe Garcia
, Rémi Ronfard, George Tziritas, Emmanuel Veneau, Didier Zugaj:
Scene Segmentation and Image Feature Extraction for Video Indexing and Retrieval. 245-252 - Stephan Fischer, Ivica Rimac, Ralf Steinmetz
Automatic Recognition of Camera Zooms. 253-260 - Marc Gelgon, Patrick Bouthemy, Thierry Dubois:
A Region Tracking Method with Failure Detection for an Interactive Video Indexing Environment. 261-268 - Suchendra M. Bhandarkar, Yashodhan S. Warke, Aparna A. Khombhadia:
Integrated Parsing of Compressed Video. 269-276 - Weixin Kong, Xianfeng Ding, Hanqing Lu, Songde Ma:
Improvement of Shot Detection Using Illumination Invariant Metric and Dynamic Threshold Selection. 277-282 - Edoardo Ardizzone, Carmelo Lodato
, Salvatore Lopes:
Temporal Segmentation of MPEG Video Sequences. 283-290 - Haibin Lu, Yu Jin Zhang:
Detecting Abrupt Scene Change Using Neural Network. 291-298 - Uma Srinivasan, Craig A. Lindley:
Multi-modal Feature-map: An Approach to Represent Digital Video Sequences. 299-306 - Ming Liao, Yi Li, Songde Ma, Hanqing Lu:
Robust Tracking of Video Objects through Topological Constraint on Homogenous Motion. 307-316
Spatial Data
- Glenn Simmons Iwerks, Hanan Samet:
The Spatial Spreadsheet. 317-324 - Marie-Aude Aufaure-Portier, Christine Bonhomme:
A High Level Visual Language for Spatial Data Management. 325-332 - Stavri G. Nikolov, David R. Bull, Cedric Nishan Canagarajah:
A Global Graph Model of Image Registration. 333-340 - Selim Aksoy, Robert M. Haralick:
A Graph-Theoretic Approach to Image Database Retrieval. 341-348 - Chunhong Pan, Songde Ma:
Motion Capture of Arm from a Monocular Image Sequence. 349-357
Visual Languages
- Isabella Gagliardi, Bruna Zonta:
Comparing Dictionaries for the Automatic Generation of Hypertextual Links: A Case Study. 358-366 - Joo-Hwee Lim:
Categorizing Visual Contents by Matching Visual "Keywords". 367-374 - Michiaki Katsumoto, Shun-ichi Iisaku:
Design of the Presetnation Language for Distributed Hypermedia System. 375-382 - Herwig Rehatschek, Heimo Müller:
A Generic Annotation Model for Video Databases. 383-390 - Hyung Jeong Yang, Hoyoung Kim, Jae Dong Yang:
Design and Implementation of COIRS (a COncept-based Image Retrieval System). 391-398 - Dwi Sutanto, Clement H. C. Leung:
Automatic Index Expansion for Concept-Based Image Query. 399-408
Features and Indexes for Image Retrieval
- Audrey M. Tam, Clement H. C. Leung:
Structured High-Level Indexing of Visual Data Content. 409-417 - Maziar Palhang
, Arcot Sowmya:
Feature Extraction: Issues, New Features, and Symbolic Representation. 418-426 - Stéphane Bres, Jean-Michel Jolion:
Detection of Interest Points for Image Indexation. 427-434 - Ronald-Bryan O. Alferez, Yuan-Fang Wang:
Highly Discriminative Invariant FEatures for Image Matching. 435-442 - Xianfeng Ding, Weixing Kong, Changbo Hu, Songde Ma:
Image Retrieval Using Schwarz Representation of One-Dimensional Feature. 443-450 - Minh N. Do, Serge Ayer, Martin Vetterli:
Invariant Image Retrieval Using Wavelet Maxima Moment. 451-458 - Dmitry Chetverikov:
Detecting Regular Structures for Invariant Retrieval. 459-466 - Niels Nes
, Marcos Cordeiro d'Ornellas:
Color Image Texture Indexing. 467-474 - Syed M. Rahman, Gour C. Karmakar, Robert J. Bignall:
Improving Image Classification Using Extended Run Length Features. 475-482 - Ben A. M. Schouten, Paul M. de Zeeuw:
Feature Extraction Using Fractal Codes. 483-492
Object Retrieval
- Tinne Tuytelaars, Luc Van Gool:
Content-Based Image Retrieval Based on Local Affinely Invariant Regions. 493-500 - Linhui Jia, Leslie J. Kitchen:
A Framework for Object-Based Image Retrieval at the Semantic Level. 501-508 - Chad Carson, Megan Thomas, Serge J. Belongie
, Joseph M. Hellerstein, Jitendra Malik:
Blobworld: A System for Region-Based Image Indexing and Retrieval. 509-516 - Bruce A. Maxwell:
A Physics-Based Approach to Interactive Segmentation. 517-524
Ranking and Performance
- Alexander Dimai:
Assessment of Effectiveness of Content Based Image Retrieval Systems. 525-532 - Rinie Egas, Dionysius P. Huijsmans, Michael S. Lew, Nicu Sebe:
Adapting k-d Trees to Visual Retrieval. 533-540 - Jorma Laaksonen
, Markus Koskela, Erkki Oja:
Content-Based Image Retrieval Using Self-Organizing Maps. 541-548 - David Squire, Wolfgang Müller, Henning Müller
Relevance Feedback and Term Weighting Schemes for Content-Based Image Retrieval. 549-556 - David Yuk-Ming Chan, Irwin King
Genetic Algorithm for Weights Assignment in Dissimilarity Function for Trademark Retrieval. 557-565
Shape Retrieval
- Farzin Mokhtarian, Sadegh Abbasi:
Retrieval of Similar Shapes under Affine Transform. 566-574 - Jules Vleugels, Remco C. Veltkamp:
Efficient Image Retrieval through Vantage Objects. 575-584 - Lambert Schomaker
, Edward de Leau, Louis Vuurpijl:
Using Pen-Based Outlines for Object-Based Annotation and Image-Based Queries. 585-592 - Theo Gevers, Arnold W. M. Smeulders:
Interactive Query Formulation for Object Search. 593-600 - Lifeng Liu, Stan Sclaroff:
Automatic Deformable Shape Segmentation for Image Database Search Applications. 601-608 - Giancarlo Iannizzotto, Lorenzo Vita:
A Multiscale Turning Angle Representation of Object Shapes for Image Retrieval. 609-616 - Longin Jan Latecki
, Rolf Lakämper:
Contour-Based Shape Similarity. 617-624 - Folco Banfi, Rolf Ingold
Computing Dissimilarity Between Hand-drawn Sketches and Digitized Images. 625-631
Retrieval Systems
- Kees van Deemter:
Document Generation and Picture Retrieval. 632-640 - Gerie W. A. M. van der Heijden, Gerrit Polder, Jan Wouter van Eck:
FLORES: A JAVA Based Image Database for Ornamentals. 641-648 - Caterina Saraceno, Michael Reiter
, Paul Kammerer, Ernestine Zolda, Walter G. Kropatsch:
Pictorial Portrait Indexing Using View-Based Eigen-Eyes. 649-656 - Seon Ho Jeong, Jae Dong Yang, Hyung Jeong Yang, Jae Hun Choi:
Image Retrieval Using Fuzzy Triples. 657-664
Image Compression
- Sartaj Sahni, Baba C. Vemuri, F. Chen, C. Kapoor:
Variable-Bit-Lengthn Coding: An Effective Coding Method. 665-672 - Zhiyong Wang, Zheru Chi
, Jeremiah Da Deng, Yinlin Yu:
Block-Constrained Fractal Coding Scheme for Image Retrieval. 673-660 - F. Chen, Sartaj Sahni, Baba C. Vemuri:
Efficient Algorithms for Lossless Compression of 2D/3D Images. 681-688
Virtual Environments
- Gopal Sarma Pingali, Yves Jean, Ingrid Carlbom:
Lucent Vision: A System for Enhanced Sports Viewing. 689-696 - Roberto Fraile, Stephen J. Maybank:
Building 3D Models of Vehicles for Computer Vision. 697-702 - Alberto Biancardi, Vincenzo Moccia:
Integrating Applications into Interactive Virtual Environments. 703-710
Recognition Systems
- Benoit Huet, Edwin R. Hancock:
Structural Sensivity for Large-Scale Line-Pattern Recognition. 711-718 - Shailendra K. Bhonsle, Amarnath Gupta, Simone Santini, Marcel Worring, Ramesh C. Jain:
Complex Visual Activity Recognition Using a Temporally Ordered Database. 719-726 - Simone Santini, Marcel Worring, Edd Hunter, Valentina Kouznetsova, Michael H. Goldbaum, Adam W. Hoover:
Image Database Assisted Classification. 727-734 - Changsheng Xu, Jian-Kang Wu, Songde Ma:
A Visual Processing system for Facial Prediction. 735-744 - Panagiotis Androutsos, Harry E. Ruda, Anastasios N. Venetsanopoulos:
Semi-interactive Structure and Fault Analysis of (111)7x7 Silicon Micrographs. 745-752 - R. Huele, J. N. Ciano:
Using Wavelet Transforms to Match Photographs of Individual Sperm Whales Identified by the Contour of the Trailing Edge of the Fluke. 753-760 - Rainer Stiefelhagen, Michael Finke, Jie Yang, Alex Waibel:
From Gaze to Focus of Attention. 761-768 - Greet Frederix, Eric J. Pauwels:
Automatic Interpretation Based on Robust Segmentation and Shape-Extraction. 769-776 - Stephen C. Y. Chan, Paul H. Lewis:
A Pre-filter Enabling Fast Frontal Face Detection. 777-784
Visualization Systems
- Camil Demetrescu, Irene Finocchi:
A Technique for Generating Graphical Abstractions of Program Data Structures. 785-792 - Roxana Moreno, Richard E. Mayer:
Visual Presentations in Multimedia Learning: Conditions that Overload Visual Working Memory. 793-800 - Cyrus Shahabi, Ali E. Dashti, Gully A. P. C. Burns, Shahram Ghandeharizadeh, Ning Jiang, Larry W. Swanson:
Visualization of Spatial Neuroanatomical Data. 801-808 - Marie C. Erie, C. Henry Chu, Robert D. Sidman:
Visualization of the Cortical Potential Field by Medical Imaging Data Fusion. 809-816 - Paul Janecek:
Applying Visualization Research Towards Design. 817-824
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