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Tangible and Embedded Interaction 2024: Cork, Ireland
- Luigina Ciolfi, Trevor Hogan, Tanja Döring, Tom Jenkins, Jelle van Dijk, Samuel Huron, Zhuying Li, David Coyle, Beat Signer:
Proceedings of the Eighteenth International Conference on Tangible, Embedded, and Embodied Interaction, TEI 2024, Cork, Ireland, February 11-14, 2024. ACM 2024
- Aryan Saini
, Rakesh Patibanda
, Nathalie Overdevest
, Elise van den Hoven
, Florian 'Floyd' Mueller
PneuMa: Designing Pneumatic Bodily Extensions for Supporting Movement in Everyday Life. 1:1-1:16 - Kayla DesPortes
, Kathleen McDermott
, Yoav Bergner
, Francisco Enrique Vicente Castro
, Sauda Musharrat
, Aakruti Lunia
DanceBits 'It tells you to see us': Supporting Dance Practices with an Educational Computing Kit. 2:1-2:19 - Alexandra A. M. Kuijpers
, Bruna Goveia da Rocha
, Maarten R. Van Bommel
, Troy Nachtigall
Fold, Stand and Drape: Unweaving Physical vs Digital Textile Design Considerations. 3:1-3:15 - Siyi Liu
, Nathan Arthur Semertzidis
, Gun A. Lee
, Florian 'Floyd' Mueller
, Barrett Ens
Exploring Superpower Design Through Wi-Fi Twinge. 4:1-4:16 - Robert B. Markum
, Sara Wolf
, Caroline Claisse
, Michael Jeffrey Daniel Hoefer:
Mediating the Sacred: Configuring a Design Space for Religious and Spiritual Tangible Interactive Artifacts. 5:1-5:22 - Brygg Ullmer
, Sida Dai
, Alexandre Gomes de Siqueira
, Millon McLendon IV
, Breanna Filipiak
, Laila Shafiee
, Winifred Elysse Newman
, Miriam K. Konkel
Variations on a Hexagon: Iterative Design of Interactive Cyberphysical Tokens and Constraints. 6:1-6:17 - Rosa van Koningsbruggen
, Luke Haliburton
, Beat Rossmy
, Ceenu George
, Eva Hornecker
, Bart Hengeveld
Metaphors and 'Tacit' Data: the Role of Metaphors in Data and Physical Data Representations. 7:1-7:17 - Danny Hynds
, George Chernyshov
, Dingding Zheng
, Aoi Uyama
, Juling Li
, Kozue Matsumoto
, Michael Pogorzhelskiy
, Kai Kunze
, Jamie A. Ward
, Kouta Minamizawa
Innermost Echoes: Integrating Real-Time Physiology into Live Music Performances. 8:1-8:12 - David J. Chatting
The Router of All Evil: Designerly Hacking a Network of One's Own. 9:1-9:10 - Shanel Wu
, Xavier A Corr
, Xi Gao
, Sasha de Koninck
, Robin Bowers
, Laura Devendorf
Loom Pedals: Retooling Jacquard Weaving for Improvisational Design Workflows. 10:1-10:16 - Lee Jones
, Greta Grip
, Boris Kourtoukov
, Varvara Guljajeva
, Mar Canet Sola
, Sara Nabil
Knitting Interactive Spaces: Fabricating Data Physicalizations of Local Community Visitors with Circular Knitting Machines. 11:1-11:14 - Sarah Delgado Rodriguez
, Sarah Prange
, Lukas Mecke
, Florian Alt
Act2Auth - A Novel Authentication Concept based on Embedded Tangible Interaction at Desks. 12:1-12:15 - Amy Melniczuk
, Nam Gu Kang
, Shaun W. Lawson
Embedding Thinking Strategies within a Tangible Tree to Orchestrate Small Group Brainstorming. 13:1-13:18 - Elena Márquez Segura
, José Manuel Vega-Cebrián
, Andrés A. Maldonado Morillo
, Lara Cristóbal Velasco
, Andrea Bellucci
Embodied Hybrid Bodystorming to Design an XR Suture Training Experience. 14:1-14:12 - Vineetha Rallabandi
, Alice C. Haynes
, Courtney N. Reed
, Paul Strohmeier
Base and Stitch: Evaluating eTextile Interfaces from a Material-Centric View. 15:1-15:13 - Tim Moesgen
, Ramyah Gowrishankar
, Yu Xiao
Designing Beyond Hot and Cold - Exploring Full-Body Heat Experiences in Sauna. 16:1-16:14 - Ramarko Bhattacharya
, Jonathan Lindstrom
, Ahmad Taka
, Martin Nisser
, Stefanie Mueller
, Ken Nakagaki
FabRobotics: Fusing 3D Printing with Mobile Robots to Advance Fabrication, Robotics, and Interaction. 17:1-17:13 - Vitus Maierhöfer
, Andreas Schmid
, Raphael Wimmer
TipTrack: Precise, Low-Latency, Robust Optical Pen Tracking on Arbitrary Surfaces Using an IR-Emitting Pen Tip. 18:1-18:13 - Yoshimori Yoshikawa
, Takafumi Morita
, Daiki Shiota
, Eiji Iwase
, Yasuaki Kakehi
ChoreoDrops: Manipulation of Water Droplets Using Conductive Line Patterns Sparsely Printed on Paper. 19:1-19:11 - Deepti Aggarwal
, Rohit Ashok Khot
, Jung-Ying (Lois) Yi
Zenscape: Encouraging Microbreaks from Screen-based Work through a Tangible System. 20:1-20:17 - Dorothé Smit
, Georg Regal
, Cornelia Gerdenitsch
Making Your Makerspace: A Tale of Tension. 21:1-21:13 - Alexander Bakogeorge
, Syeda Aniqa Imtiaz
, Nour Abu Hantash
, Roozbeh Manshaei
, Ali Mazalek
Embodied Machine Learning. 22:1-22:12 - Laura J. Perovich
, Nicole Zizzi
Feeling Data through Movement: Designing Somatic Data Experiences with Dancers. 23:1-23:11 - Sunniva Liu
, Jianzhe Gu
, Dinesh K. Patel
, Lining Yao
breatHaptics: Enabling Granular Rendering of Breath Signals via Haptics using Shape-Changing Soft Interfaces. 24:1-24:11 - Laia Turmo Vidal
, Ana Tajadura-Jiménez
, José Manuel Vega-Cebrián
, Judith Ley-Flores
, Joaquín R. Díaz Durán
, Elena Márquez Segura
Body Transformation: An Experiential Quality of Sensory Feedback Wearables for Altering Body Perception. 25:1-25:19 - Yangfangzheng Li
, Yi Zhou
, Cheng Shen
, Rebecca Stewart
E-textile Sleeve with Graphene Strain Sensors for Arm Gesture Classification of Mid-Air Interactions. 26:1-26:10 - Victor José Mahecha Arango
, Mufleha Ovais
, Yara Youssef
, Sanghamitra Das
, Rosa van Koningsbruggen
, Eva Hornecker
'A Fair Game?': Using Narrative Sensification and Embodied Metaphors for Awareness. 27:1-27:12 - Haena Cho
, Yoonji Lee
, Woohun Lee
, Chang Hee Lee
Thermo-Play: Exploring the Playful Qualities of Thermochromic Materials. 28:1-28:16 - Karolina Pakenaite
, Eirini Kamperou
, Michael J. Proulx
, Adwait Sharma
, Peter Hall
Pic2Tac: Creating Accessible Tactile Images using Semantic Information from Photographs. 29:1-29:12 - Hans Brombacher
, Rosa van Koningsbruggen
, Steven Vos
, Steven Houben
SensorBricks: a Collaborative Tangible Sensor Toolkit to Support the Development of Data Literacy. 30:1-30:17 - Ida Kathrine Hammeleff Jørgensen
, Harun Kaygan
The Body in Play: Dimensions of Embodiment in Design for Play. 31:1-31:12 - Nick Taylor
, David J. Chatting
, Jon Rogers
Data Probes: Reflecting on Connected Devices with Technology-Mediated Probes. 32:1-32:13 - Qiang Liu
, Sepideh Ghodrat
, Kaspar M. B. Jansen
Mimosa: Modular Self-folding Hinges Kit for Creating Shape-changing Objects. 33:1-33:13 - Christopher Getschmann
, Florian Echtler
LensLeech: On-Lens Interaction for Arbitrary Camera Devices. 34:1-34:10 - Sida Dai
, Brygg Ullmer
, Winifred Elysse Newman
MorphMatrix: A Toolkit Facilitating Shape-Changing Interface Design. 35:1-35:12 - Alice C. Haynes
, Christopher Kent
, Jonathan Rossiter
Just a Breath Away: Investigating Interactions with and Perceptions of Mediated Breath via a Haptic Cushion. 36:1-36:19 - Gargi Guchhait
, Atsuro Ueki
, Masa Inakage
Take Me to the Dancing: Experiencing Presence of Remote Friend at Our Own Physical Space while Dancing with Him or Her. 37:1-37:6
- Fiona Bell
, Joshua Coffie
, Mirela Alistar
Bio-Digital Calendar: Attuning to Nonhuman Temporalities for Multispecies Understanding. 38:1-38:15 - Oliver Child
, Ollie Hanton
, Colin Kellett
, Matt Sutton
, Bruce Drinkwater
, Mike Fraser
Tangible Explorations of Sonolithography. 39:1-39:14 - Alejandra Gómez Ortega
, Renee Noortman
, Jacky Bourgeois
, Gerd Kortuem
Dataslip: Into the Present and Future(s) of Personal Data. 40:1-40:14 - Sylvia Janicki
, Alexandra Teixeira Riggs
, Noura Howell
, Anne Sullivan
, Nassim Parvin
Sensing Bodies: Engaging Postcolonial Histories through More-than-Human Interactions. 41:1-41:15 - Çaglar Genç, Velvet Spors
, Oguz 'Oz' Buruk
, Mattia Thibault
, Leland Masek
, Juho Hamari
Envisioning Transhuman Communication Research: Speculative Human Augmentation Technologies and Fictional Abstracts. 42:1-42:14 - Lenneke Kuijer
, Piet De Koning
Feeling the Heat: Uncomfortable Design Fictions for Alternative Forms of Summer Comfort. 43:1-43:15 - Sydney Pratte
, Anthony Tang
, Shannon Hoover
, Lora Oehlberg
HACKLES: Simulating and Visually Representing the Anxiety of Walking Alone. 44:1-44:15 - Frederik Ølgaard Jensen
, Sigurd Dalsgaard Pedersen
, Minna Pakanen
SuspenderMender - Designing for a Shared Management of Anxiety in Higher Education Context Through a Pair of Wearables Simulating Physical Touch. 45:1-45:15 - Kuntong Han
, Keyang Tang
, Meng Wang
Tangible Diffusion: Exploring Artwork Generation via Tangible Elements and AI Generative Models in Arts and Design Education. 46:1-46:13 - Yuzhen (Adam) Zhang, Ruixiang (Albert) Han, Ran Zhou
, Peter Gyory
, Clement Zheng
, Patrick C. Shih
, Ellen Yi-Luen Do
, Malte F. Jung
, Wendy Ju
, Daniel Leithinger
Wizard of Props: Mixed Reality Prototyping with Physical Props to Design Responsive Environments. 47:1-47:15 - Valentin Postl
, Wolfgang Schwendtbauer
, Thomas Preindl
, Kathrin Probst
Mold Printer: Creating Living Self-Revealing Artworks. 48:1-48:12 - Jiawen Yao
Info-Motion: Using the Metaphor of Plant Motion for Information Communication in Shape-changing Interface: Info-motion. 49:1-49:13 - Zhenfang Chen
, Tate Johnson
, Andrew Knowles
, Ann Li
, Semina Yi
, Yumeng Zhuang
, Daragh Byrne
, Dina El-Zanfaly
Augmenting Embodied Learning in Welding Training: The Co-Design of an XR- and tinyML-Enabled Welding System for Creative Arts and Manufacturing Training. 50:1-50:14 - Karen Anne Cochrane
, Maxim-Emanuelle Dubois
, Audrey Girouard
Tactile Narratives: Augmenting Body Maps through Textured Fabric in Soma Design. 51:1-51:12 - Lea Albaugh
, Jesse T. Gonzalez
, Scott E. Hudson
Tensions and Resolutions in Hybrid Basketry: Joining 3D Printing and Handweaving. 52:1-52:13 - James Collin Fey
, Raquel Breejon Robinson
, Selin Ovali
, Nate Laffan
, Kevin Weatherwax
, Ella Dagan
, Katherine Isbister
Now That's What I Call A Robot(ics Education Kit)! 53:1-53:14
- Joana Chicau
, Kristina Popova
, Rebecca Fiebrink
From Individual Discomfort to Collective Solidarity: Choreographic Exploration of Extractivist Technology. 54:1-54:3 - Fiona Bell
, Shanel Wu
, Nadia Campo Woytuk
, Eldy S. Lazaro Vasquez
, Mirela Alistar
, Leah Buechley
Making Biomaterials for Sustainable Tangible Interfaces. 55:1-55:5 - Vali Lalioti
, Ken Nakagaki
, Ramarko Bhattacharya
, Yasuaki Kakehi
[e]Motion: Designing Expressive Movement in Robots and Actuated Tangible User Interfaces. 56:1-56:3 - Sarah Hayes
, Martin Valdemar Anker Lindrup
, Rebecca Noonan
, Lisa Zimmermann
, Denise Heffernan
, Kim Sauvé
, Nathalie Bressa
, Samuel Huron
, Trevor Hogan
Are Conferences Sus?: Fostering Conversations on the Sustainability of HCI Conferences Through Data Physicalization. 57:1-57:5 - Miriam Sturdee
, Hüseyin Ugur Genç
, Vanissa Wanick
Diversifying Knowledge Production in HCI: Exploring Materiality and Novel Formats for Scholarly Expression. 58:1-58:3 - Dennis Wittchen
, Nihar Sabnis
, Troy Robert Nachtigall
, Florian 'Floyd' Mueller
, Paul Strohmeier
, Don Samitha Elvitigala
Foot Augmentation 101: Design your own Augmented Experiences. 59:1-59:4 - Jayne Wallace
, Justin Marshall
, Jayn Verkerk
, Philip Heslop
, Loraine Clarke
, Martin Skelly
Entangled Threads: Exploring the value and significance of bringing a craft ethos to debates around the IoT/connected things. 60:1-60:4
Graduate Student Consortium
- Tim Moesgen
Understanding and Designing Thermal Experiences. 61:1-61:4 - Anna Blumenkranz
Crafting Electronic Textiles as a Participatory Design Material for Slowing Down. 62:1-62:5 - Alexandra Teixeira Riggs
Queer Archival Design in Tangible Embodied Interactive Experiences. 63:1-63:6 - Lisa Hofer
Opportunity Spaces for Children 's Informal Learning in Public Environments. 64:1-64:5 - Ka Hei Cheng
, Jesse Allison
Resonance: Collaborative Musicking Through Tactile Ecologies. 65:1-65:4 - Ruhan Yang
Paper Modular Robot: Circuit, Sensation Feedback, and 3D Geometry. 66:1-66:4 - Andrew De Juan
A Phenomenological Approach to Enhancing Mixed Reality User Adoption for Improved Data Interpretation and Visualization in Digital Twin Environments. 67:1-67:4
Work in Progress
- Hinako Kuroki
, Tetsuaki Baba
Calligraphy Z: A Method For Supporting Physical Writing Typography Animation. 68:1-68:5 - Konrad Fabian
, Dennis Wittchen
, Paul Strohmeier
3D-Printed Cells for Creating Variable Softness. 69:1-69:7 - Shuyi Sun
, Krystle L. Reagan
, Erkin Seker
, Katia Vega
GluCAT: A Feline Biofluids IoT Hub for Electrochemical Glucose Biosensing. 70:1-70:7 - Saumik Shashwat
, Aditya Padmagirwar
, Shivoy Arora
, Anmol Srivastava
KaavadBits: Exploring Tangible Interactive Storytelling of Branching Narratives through a Kaavad-inspired Installation. 71:1-71:6 - Jelle Wijers
, Hans Brombacher
, Steven Houben
DataChest: a Constructive Data Physicalization Toolkit. 72:1-72:7 - José Manuel Vega-Cebrián
, Elena Márquez Segura
, Ana Tajadura-Jiménez
Towards a Minimalist Embodied Sketching Toolkit for Wearable Design for Motor Learning. 73:1-73:7 - Yongxin Zhang
, Charlotte Mejlvang Guldbæk
, Christian Fog Dalsgaard Jensen
, Nicolai Brodersen Hansen
, Florian Echtler
TableCanvas: Remote Open-Ended Play in Physical-Digital Environments. 74:1-74:7 - Nianmei Zhou
, Yuhan Sun
, Steven Devleminck
, Luc Geurts
Squeezable Interface for Emotion Regulation in Work Environments. 75:1-75:7 - Kaja Seraphina Elisa Hano
, Valkyrie Savage
Hybrid Crochet: Exploring Integrating Digitally-Fabricated and Electronic Materials with Crochet. 76:1-76:6 - Renee Noortman
Data Introspection: An Embroidered PhD Trajectory in Unconventional Personal Data. 77:1-77:7 - Yuiko Suyama
, Tetsuaki Baba
Extail: Wearable Hair Device that Enables Body Motion Exaggerations. 78:1-78:6 - Verena Fuchsberger
, Lisa Hofer
Remote, but Tangible: Activities for Grandparents and Grandchildren across Physical Spaces. 79:1-79:7 - Michael Nitsche
, Jialuo Yang
, Elaine Yilin Liu
, Yuxi Chen
Chasing Tacit Knowledge: Multi-layered Sensing in Woodworking. 80:1-80:8 - Karijn Den Teuling
, Amy Winters
, Miguel Bruns
Chitosan Biofilm Actuators: Humidity Responsive Materials for Sustainable Interaction Design. 81:1-81:7 - Hannes Waldschütz
, Rosa van Koningsbruggen
, Eva Hornecker
pneuCNTRL: a Pneumatic Control System for User Studies on Dynamic, Haptic Inflatables. 82:1-82:5 - Xavière Van Rooyen
, Gijs Huisman
, Myrthe A. Plaisier
, Sylvia C. Pont
Shape2Vibe: A Tangible Tool for Vibrotactile Co-Design with People with Deafblindness. 83:1-83:6 - Erik Grönvall
MusicalAid: A Playful Collaborative Music Tool for People Finding it Difficult to Handle Common Instruments. 84:1-84:6 - Mengyao Guo
, Yuanlinxi Li
, Ze Gao
Echoes of Heritage: Exploring the Convergence of Immersive XR and Live-Action Roleplay for Rural Revitalization. 85:1-85:7 - Toshiki Goto
Shape Estimation Algorithm for Collective Shape-Changing Interface Using Wirelessly Connected Computers. 86:1-86:7 - Hannes Waldschütz
, Eva Hornecker
Inflatable Textures: Creating Dynamic Haptic Surfaces with Inflatables. 87:1-87:5 - Amanda Shayna Ahteck
Electronic Embedded Lace: A Sampler of Functional Interactive Tatting Techniques and Circuits. 88:1-88:5 - Rachel Freire
, Valentin Martinez-Missir
, Courtney N. Reed
, Paul Strohmeier
RaveNET: Connecting People and Exploring Liminal Space through Wearable Networks in Music Performance. 89:1-89:8 - Björn Hedin
, Anders G. Blomqvist
, Arjun Rajendran Menon
Engaging Environmental Learning: A Tangible Approach for Conveying Environmental Data in Education Using Weight. 90:1-90:6
Art and Performance
- Justin Marshall
Hand Thought: Craft-oriented hybrid analogue/digital practice and a Digital Craft Ethos. 91:1-91:4 - Siyu Yao
, Ziyuan Jiang
Whispers from Silken Margins: Crafting Subtle Narratives in Silk-Defined Spaces. 92:1-92:3 - Jesse Josua Benjamin
, Joseph Lindley
Shadowplay: An Embodied AI Art Installation. 93:1-93:3 - Mar Canet Sola
, Varvara Guljajeva
Visions Of Destruction: Exploring Human Impact on Nature by Navigating the Latent Space of a Diffusion Model via Gaze. 94:1-94:5 - Takumi Saeki
, Kazuhiro Jo
'イ'(1926) by BioLuminescent Bacteria. 95:1-95:3 - Ryuichi Ono
, Tetsuaki Baba
Tangible VFX: Physical Objects with Added VFX Effects. 96:1-96:3 - Daniel Buzzo
Feu Autonome Type 189: Untitled, One Dimensional Generative, Reconstructed, Found Object. 97:1-97:5 - Mengke Lian
Sensitive Wing: Reclaiming Ownership. 98:1-98:4 - Kieran Nolan
VR SuperGun: Installation Edition. 99:1-99:3 - Chris Kiefer
The Nalima: A Multistable Membrane Instrument with Integrated Excitation. 100:1-100:3 - Antoni Rayzhekov
, Martin Murer
Between This and That is It: Embodied Semantic Space at the Edge. 101:1-101:4 - Nicola Privato
Mouja: Experiencing AI through Magnetic Interactions. 102:1-102:3 - Zoe Qi-Jing Li
, Varvara Guljajeva
Unwilling Author: Exploring Anthropomorphic Rebellion of the Diary Writing Machine. 103:1-103:4 - Daniel Echeverri
Puppetry in Tangible Narratives: Interactive and Collaborative Storytelling in The Non-myth of the Noble Red. 104:1-104:4 - Rachel Freire
, Valentin Martinez-Missir
, Courtney N. Reed
, Paul Strohmeier
Liminal Space: A Performance with RaveNET. 105:1-105:4
Student Design Competition
- Maureen M. C. J. Van De Kruijs
MOZA: Designing for the Qualified Self in Fitness. 106:1-106:9 - Yu-chi Wu
, Zhe-Wei Zhang
, Wei-Ling Chung
, Chien Yu-Ting
, Yuxin Chen
DOGO Smart Social Network For Pet. 107:1-107:4 - Samantha Avalos
, Carlos Granados
, Mayli Tafur
, Dante Arroyo
, Silvia Julissa Roncal
AllyBot: Empowering Girls Participation in STEAM. 108:1-108:4 - Liyuan Dong
, Pin Jia Lai
, Yantong Wang
Embodied Interaction Design: A Storytelling City Installation. 109:1-109:5 - Tianqin Lu
, Anniek Jansen
, Sichen Guo
, François Leborgne
WonderMap: Capturing and Connecting the Edges of Cultures. 110:1-110:4 - Hirofumi Shibata
, Ayako Yogo
, Naoto Nishida
, Yu Shimada
, Toma Ishii
Ichiyo: Fragile and Transient Interaction in Neighborhood. 111:1-111:3
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