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IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Volume 20
Volume 20, Number 1, January / February 1990
- Chang-Jin Li:
A new method for linearization of dynamic robot models. 2-17 - John W. Sutherland:
Model-base structures to support adaptive planning in command/control systems. 18-32 - Martin Birch, Keith Whiteley:
An object-oriented expert system based on pattern recognition. 33-44 - Hai-Yen Hau, Rangasami L. Kashyap:
Belief combination and propagation in a lattice-structured interference network. 45-57 - Paul H. Eichel, Edward J. Delp
Quantitative analysis of a moment-based edge operator. 58-66 - Steven E. Hampson, Dennis J. Volper:
Representing and learning Boolean functions of multivalued features. 67-80 - Kie-Bum Eom, Rangasami L. Kashyap:
Composite edge detection with random field models. 81-93 - Kimon P. Valavanis:
On the hierarchical modeling analysis and simulation of flexible manufacturing systems with extended Petri nets. 94-110 - Oded Berman, Mina Rasty Rahnama:
Information/communication and dispatching strategies for networks with mobile servers. 111-118 - Varghese S. Jacob, Hasan Pirkul:
A framework for networked knowledge-based systems. 119-127 - Mingchuan Zhang, Robert M. Haralick, James B. Campbell:
Multispectral image context classification using stochastic relaxation. 128-140 - Fumiko Seo, Masatoshi Sakawa:
A game theoretic approach with risk assessment for international conflict solving. 141-148 - G. R. Dattatreya, Laveen N. Kanal:
Estimation of mixing probabilities in multiclass finite mixtures. 149-158 - G. R. Dattatreya, Laveen N. Kanal:
Detection and smoothing of edge contours in images by one-dimensional Kalman techniques. 159-165 - Giorgio Brajnik, Giovanni Guida
, Carlo Tasso
User modeling in expert man-machine interfaces: a case study in intelligent information retrieval. 166-185 - Carol Applegate, Christopher Elsaesser, James C. Sanborn:
An architecture for adversarial planning. 186-194 - Pai-Cheng Chu, Joyce J. Elam:
Induced system restrictiveness: an experimental demonstration. 195-201 - Stephen D. Post, Andrew P. Sage:
An overview of automated reasoning. 202-224 - Penelope M. Sanderson:
Knowledge acquisition and fault diagnosis: experiments with PLAULT. 225-242 - You-Liang Gu:
An exploration of orientation representation by Lie algebra for robotic applications. 243-248 - Ronald R. Yager:
On a generalization of variable precision logic. 248-252 - Tarun K. Sen
, Warren J. Boe:
A study on graphic presentation formats and information processing using query tracing. 252-257 - Thomas J. Manetsch:
Toward efficient global optimization in large dynamic systems-the adaptive complex method. 257-261 - Gaetano Giunta
, Alessandro Neri
Neural correlation based on the IPFM model. 262-268 - Phipps Arabie, Lawrence J. Hubert:
The bond energy algorithm revisited. 268-274 - Penelope M. Sanderson, James M. Murtagh:
Predicting fault diagnosis performance: why are some bugs hard to find? 274-283 - James E. Goin, Donald R. Kline, Mark J. Hippe:
Classification models for the counting of cellular objects. 283-291
Volume 20, Number 2, March / April 1990
- John W. Payne, Eric J. Johnson
, James R. Bettman, Eloise Coupey:
Understanding contingent choice: a computer simulation approach. 296-309 - Elke U. Weber
, Osman Coskunoglu:
Descriptive and prescriptive models of decision-making: implications for the development of decision aids. 310-317 - Teddy Seidenfeld, Mark J. Schervish:
Two perspectives on consensus for (Bayesian) inference and decisions. 318-325 - Larry A. Rendell:
Induction as optimization. 326-338 - J. Ross Quinlan:
Decision trees and decision-making. 339-346 - John Fox, Dominic A. Clark, Andrzej J. Glowinski, Michael J. O'Neil:
Using predicate logic to integrate qualitative reasoning and classical decision theory. 347-357 - Chelsea C. White III:
A survey on the integration of decision analysis and expert systems for decision support. 358-364 - Joseph A. Tatman, Ross D. Shachter:
Dynamic programming and influence diagrams. 365-379 - Mansur R. Kabuka, Surjadi Harjadi, Akmal A. Younis:
A fault-tolerant architecture for an automatic vision-guided vehicle. 380-394 - Ram Ramesh, Mark H. Karwan
, Stanley Zionts:
An interactive method for bicriteria integer programming. 395-403 - Chuen-Chien Lee:
Fuzzy logic in control systems: fuzzy logic controller. I. 404-418 - Chuen-Chien Lee:
Fuzzy logic in control systems: fuzzy logic controller. II. 419-435 - Nobuhiko Ikeda, Toyoshi Torioka:
A model of associative memory based on adaptive feature-detecting cells. 436-443 - Rory A. Cooper:
A force/energy optimization model for wheelchair athletics. 444-449 - H. Kazerooni:
Human-robot interaction via the transfer of power and information signals. 450-463 - Leonard Adelman, Stuart H. Rakoff:
Attitudinal, normative and effective components of decision-making: further research on multicomponent decision models. 464-474 - Nak H. Kim, Alan C. Bovik
, Shanti J. Aggarwal:
Shape description of biological objects via stereo light microscopy. 475-489 - Sunil R. Das, Wen-Ben Jone, K. L. Wong:
Probabilistic modeling and fault analysis in sequential logic using computer simulation. 490-498 - Mirko Novak:
System lifecurves, acceptability regions and reliability. 498-502 - Tomio Watanabe:
The adaptation of machine conversational speed to speaker utterance speed in human-machine communication. 502-507 - Ronald H. Rasch:
Effect of information systems on the achievement of organizational goals: a modern control theory approach. 507-513 - Jay Weinroth:
Model-based decision support and user modifiability. 513-518 - Christopher Brown:
Gaze controls with interactions and decays. 518-527 - William R. Spillers, Sandra L. Newsome:
Another look at design theory. 528-530 - Manoj K. Kamani, R. S. Ramakrishna:
Predicate-formation for synthesizing LISP code. 530-533
Volume 20, Number 3, May / June 1990
- Janet L. Fath, Christine M. Mitchell, T. Govindaraj:
An ICAI architecture for troubleshooting in complex, dynamic systems. 537-558 - John Yen:
Generalizing the Dempster-Schafer theory to fuzzy sets. 559-570 - Ramaswamy Ramesh, Cheickna Sylla:
A framework for the optimal design of instructor/operator stations in flight simulators. 571-581 - C. S. George Lee, C. L. Philip Chen
Efficient mapping algorithms for scheduling robot inverse dynamics computation on a multiprocessor system. 582-595 - Paulo A. V. Ferreira, José Claudio Geromel:
An interactive projection method for multicriteria optimization problems. 596-605 - Ravi Lingarkar, Li Liu, Mohamed A. Elbestawi, Naresh K. Sinha:
Knowledge-based adaptive computer control in manufacturing systems: a case study. 606-618 - Toyoshi Torioka, Nobuhiko Ikeda:
Consideration on pattern-separating function in a generalized random nerve net consisting of two layers. 619-627 - Andrew K. C. Wong, Manlai You, S. C. Chan:
An algorithm for graph optimal monomorphism. 628-638 - Patrick K. Simpson:
Higher-ordered and intraconnected bidirectional associative memories. 637-653 - David A. Bell, Chengqi Zhang
Description and treatment of deadlocks in the Hecodes distributed expert system. 654-664 - Roman Krzysztofowicz, Dou Long:
Fusion of detection probabilities and comparison of multisensor systems. 665-677 - Pierre Lévine, Marie-Jeanne Pomerol, Rola Saneh:
Rules integrate data in a multicriteria decision support system. 678-686 - Roman Krzysztofowicz:
Target-setting problem with exponential utility. 687-688 - Jian-Bo Yang, Chen Chen, Zhong-Jun Zhang:
The interactive step trade-off method (ISTM) for multiobjective optimization. 688-695 - Sadaaki Miyamoto, Shinsuke Suga, Ko Oi:
Methods of digraph representation and cluster analysis for analyzing free association. 695-701 - Apostolos V. Machias, John L. Souflis, Basil C. Papadias:
Application of a deep level knowledge model to dynamic behavior analysis of power systems. 701-708 - Lionel Pelkowitz:
A continuous relaxation labeling algorithm for Markov random fields. 709-715 - Guturu Parthasarathy, Biswanath N. Chatterji:
A class of new KNN methods for low sample problems. 715-718 - Minoru Sasaki
, Hikaru Inooka, Tadashi Ishikura:
Manual control of a flexible arm and its application to an automatic control system. 718-722 - Xavier Maldague, Jean-Claude Krapez, Denis Poussart:
Thermographic nondestructive evaluation (NDE): an algorithm for automatic defect extraction in infrared images. 722-725 - Byoung Choi, Dong W. Kim:
Bounded deviation joint path algorithms for piecewise cubic polynomial trajectories. 725-733 - Hossein Tahani, James M. Keller:
Information fusion in computer vision using the fuzzy integral. 733-741 - Han Lee, Rae-Hong Park
Comments on 'An optimal multiple threshold scheme for image segmentation'. 741-742
Volume 20, Number 4, July / August 1990
- Downey Brill, John M. Flach, Lewis D. Hopkins, S. Ranji Ranjithan:
MGA: a decision support system for complex, incompletely defined problems. 745-757 - Cheng Hsu, Laurie Rattner:
Information modeling for computerized manufacturing. 758-776 - Mikiko Kainuma, Yoshiteru Nakamori, Tsuneyuki Morita:
Integrated decision support system for environmental planning. 777-790 - Levent Acar, Ümit Özgüner:
Design of knowledge-rich hierarchical controllers for large functional systems. 791-803 - Michael Unser
, Murray Eden:
Nonlinear operators for improving texture segmentation based on features extracted by spatial filtering. 804-815 - Yuzo Hirai, Yasuyuki Tsukui:
Position independent pattern matching by neural network. 816-825 - B. S. Abbas, Way Kuo
Stochastic effectiveness models for human-machine systems. 826-834 - Tuan A. Mai, Ching Y. Suen:
A generalized knowledge-based system for the recognition of unconstrained handwritten numerals. 835-848 - Yuan-Fang Zheng, Qichao Yin:
Coordinating multilimbed robots for generating large Cartesian force. 849-857 - Zi-Cai Li, Quan Lin Gu, Ching Y. Suen, Tien D. Bui:
A comparative study of nonlinear shape models for digital image processing and pattern recognition. 858-871 - Krishna R. Pattipati, Mark G. Alexandridis:
Application of heuristic search and information theory to sequential fault diagnosis. 872-887 - Shin-Min Song, Byoung Soo Choi:
The optimally stable ranges of 2n-legged wave gaits. 888-902 - Ching-Long Shih, Tsu-Tian Lee, William A. Gruver:
A unified approach for robot motion planning with moving polyhedral obstacles. 903-915 - B. B. Chaudhuri, S. Chandrashekhar:
Neighboring direction runlength coding: an efficient contour coding scheme. 916-921 - Kazuo Yamanaka, Masahiro Agu:
A probabilistic model of neural networks with static attractors. 921-922 - Ronald A. Hess:
Analyzing manipulator and feel system effects in aircraft flight control. 923-931 - B. John Oommen
, J. Kevin Lanctôt:
Discretized pursuit learning automata. 931-938 - Johann Borenstein, Yoram Koren:
Task-level tour plan generation for mobile robots. 938-943 - Lisa A. Frey, K. Preston White Jr., Thomas E. Hutchinson:
Eye-gaze word processing. 944-950 - John E. McInroy, George N. Saridis:
Reliability analysis in intelligent machines. 950-956
Volume 20, Number 5, September / October 1990
- Josef Skrzypek:
Lightness constancy: connectionist architecture for controlling sensitivity. 957-968 - Joel O. King, V. G. Gourishankar, R. E. Rink:
Composite pseudolink end-point control of flexible manipulators. 969-977 - Robert Kalaba, Leigh Tesfatsion
Flexible least squares for approximately linear systems. 978-989 - Inderpal S. Bhandari, Herbert A. Simon, Daniel P. Siewiorek
Optimal probe selection in diagnostic search. 990-999 - S. Daniel Thompson, Wayne J. Davis:
An integrated approach for modeling uncertainty in aggregate production planning. 1000-1012 - Tag Gon Kim, C. Lee, Eric Richard Christensen, Bernard P. Zeigler:
System entity structuring and model base management. 1013-1024 - George Baciu
, Jack C. K. Chou, Hiremaglur K. Kesavan:
Constrained multibody systems: graph-theoretic Newton-Euler formulation. 1025-1048 - Alan R. Dennis, Joseph S. Valacich, Jay F. Nunamaker Jr.:
An experimental investigation of the effects of group size in an electronic meeting environment. 1049-1057 - Vladimir J. Lumelsky, Tim Skewis:
Incorporating range sensing in the robot navigation function. 1058-1069 - Ramaswamy Ramesh, Cheickna Sylla:
A model for instructor training analysis in simulation-based flight training. 1070-1080 - Guillermo Rodríguez:
Random field estimation approach to robot dynamics. 1081-1093 - Michael C. Moed, George N. Saridis:
A Boltzmann machine for the organization of intelligent machines. 1094-1102 - Aydan M. Erkmen
, Harry E. Stephanou:
Information fractals for evidential pattern classification. 1103-1114 - Liang-Jong Huang, Masayoshi Tomizuka:
A self-paced fuzzy tracking controller for two-dimensional motion control. 1115-1124 - Richmond B. Chan, Dudley S. Childress:
On a unifying noise-velocity relationship and information transmission in human-machine systems. 1125-1135 - Richmond B. Chan, Dudley S. Childress:
On information transmission in human-machine systems: channel capacity and optimal filtering. 1136-1145 - Granino Arthur Korn:
Interactive statistical experiments with template-matching neural networks. 1146-1152 - Hendrik James Antonisse:
Unsupervised credit assignment in knowledge-based sensor fusion systems. 1153-1171 - John T. Feddema, C. S. George Lee:
Adaptive image feature prediction and control for visual tracking with a hand-eye coordinated camera. 1172-1183 - Hafedh Mili, Roy Rada:
Inheritance generalized to fuzzy regularity. 1184-1198 - Jelloul El Mesbahi:
Nearest neighbor problems on a mesh-connected computer. 1199-1204 - Harvey L. Malchow:
On a useful functional representation of control system structure. 1205-1209 - Jens Peter Reus Christensen, B. John Oommen
Epsilon-optimal stubborn learning mechanisms. 1209-1216 - Cary D. Perttunen, Bruce E. Stuckman:
The rank transformation applied to a multivariate method of global optimization. 1216-1220 - Otto Jelsma, Jim P. Bijlstra:
Process: program for research on operator control in an experimental simulated setting. 1221-1229 - Ronald R. Yager:
A model of participatory learning. 1229-1234 - Ioannis Pandelidis:
Generalized entropy and minimum system complexity. 1234-1238 - A. Magid, Stanley R. Rotman
, Aryeh M. Weiss:
Comments on Picture thresholding using an iterative selection method. 1238-1239
Volume 20, Number 6, November / December 1990
- Ronald C. Arkin:
The impact of cybernetics on the design of a mobile robot system: a case study. 1245-1257 - Joyce Maria Elizabeth Van de Vegte, Paul Milgram, Raymond Hon-sing Kwong:
Teleoperator control models: effects of time delay and imperfect system knowledge. 1258-1272 - Ernst D. Dickmanns, Birger D. Mysliwetz, Thomas Christians:
An integrated spatio-temporal approach to automatic visual guidance of autonomous vehicles. 1273-1284 - Mohan M. Trivedi, Mongi A. Abidi, Richard O. Eason, Rafael C. González:
Developing robotic systems with multiple sensors. 1285-1300 - David G. Morgenthaler, Steven Hennessy, Daniel DeMenthon:
Range-video fusion and comparison of inverse perspective algorithms in static images. 1301-1312 - Ezzet Al-Hujazi, Arun K. Sood:
Range image segmentation combining edge-detection and region-growing techniques with applications sto robot bin-picking using vacuum gripper. 1313-1325 - Minoru Asada:
Map building for a mobile robot from sensory data. 1326-1336 - Susan Bonner, Robert B. Kelley:
A novel representation for planning 3-D collision-free paths. 1337-1351 - Claude L. Fennema, Allen R. Hanson, Edward M. Riseman, J. Ross Beveridge, Rakesh Kumar:
Model-directed mobile robot navigation. 1352-1369 - David W. Payton, Julio K. Rosenblatt, David M. Keirsey:
Plan guided reaction. 1370-1382 - Dai Feng, Bruce H. Krogh:
Satisficing feedback strategies for local navigation of autonomous mobile robots. 1383-1395 - Steven C. Zaharakis, Allon Guez:
Time optimal robot navigation via the slack set method. 1396-1407 - James Gil de Lamadrid, Maria L. Gini
Path tracking through uncharted moving obstacles. 1408-1422 - Richard Volpe, Pradeep K. Khosla:
Manipulator control with superquadric artificial potential functions: theory and experiments. 1423-1436 - Johann Borenstein, Yoram Koren:
Teleautonomous guidance for mobile robots. 1437-1443 - Nageswara S. V. Rao
, S. Sitharama Iyengar
Autonomous robot navigation in unknown terrains: incidental learning and environmental exploration. 1443-1449 - Peter K. Allen, Paul Michelman, Kenneth S. Roberts:
A system for programming and controlling a multisensor robotic hand. 1450-1456 - Minoru Asada, Yasuhito Fukui, Saburo Tsuji:
Representing global world of a mobile robot with relational local maps. 1456-1461 - Ali E. Kayaalp, James L. Eckman:
Near real-time stereo range detection using a pipeline architecture. 1461-1469 - David N. Oskard, Tsai-Hong Hong, Clifford A. Shaffer:
Real-time algorithms and data structures for underwater mapping. 1469-1475 - Junku Yuh:
Modeling and control of underwater robotic vehicles. 1475-1483
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