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ISGT 2013: Washington, DC, USA
- IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Conference, ISGT 2013, Washington, DC, USA, February 24-27, 2013. IEEE 2013, ISBN 978-1-4673-4894-2
- Young-Jin Kim, James L. Kirtley, Leslie K. Norford:
Analysis of a building power system with a rooftop PV array and phevs as an aggregator. 1-6 - John T. Hagen, Barry E. Mullins:
TCP veto: A novel network attack and its Application to SCADA protocols. 1-6 - Stefan Nykamp
, Albert Molderink, Johann L. Hurink
, Gerard J. M. Smit:
Storage operation for peak shaving of distributed PV and wind generation. 1-6 - Aditya Nadkarni, George G. Karady, Ken Alteneder:
Investigation of lithium-ion battery cycling in a grid-tied rooftop PV system through accelerated testing. 1-6 - S. Ali Pourmousavi, M. Hashem Nehrir:
Real-time central demand response for primary frequency regulation in microgrids. 1 - John D. Moseley, W. Mack Grady, Surya Santoso:
A method for aggregating and utilizing distribution-level controllable loads for management of transmission-level grid security. 1-6 - Warodom Khamphanchai, Murat Kuzlu, Manisa Pipattanasomporn:
A smart distribution transformer management with multi-agent technologies. 1-6 - John D. Moseley, W. Mack Grady, Surya Santoso:
New approaches for smart device integration and maintenance of power system models utilizing a unified data schema. 1-6 - Aleksandar Vukojevic, Paul Frey, Michael Smith, Joseph Picarelli:
Integrated volt/var control using single-phase capacitor bank switching. 1-7 - Maik G. Seewald:
Building an architecture based on IP-Multicast for large phasor measurement unit (PMU) networks. 1-5 - Xinming Fan, Lin Guan, Chengjun Xia, Jianming He:
A passivity control strategy for VSC-HVDC connected large scale wind power. 1-6 - Pei-Yin Lin, Tzu-Chiao Lin
, Chih-Wen Liu
An intranet-based transmission grid fault location platform using synchronized IED data for the Taiwan power system. 1-6 - Vassilis Kekatos
, Sriharsha Veeramachaneni, Marc Light, Georgios B. Giannakis
Day-ahead electricity market forecasting using kernels. 1-5 - Bamdad Falahati, Zahra Darabi, Mehdi Vakilian, Yong Fu:
Permanent data loss in highly available substation automation systems. 1-6 - Hannan Ma, Husheng Li, Ju Bin Song:
Influence models of cascading failure and frequency oscillation in the power grid. 1-6 - Norbert Anku, Julius Abayatcye, Samuel Oguah:
Smart grid: An assessment of opportunities and challenges in its deployment in the ghana power system. 1-5 - Ali Sydney, Caterina M. Scoglio
, Don Gruenbacher:
The impact of optimizing algebraic connectivity in hierarchical communication networks for transmission operations in smart grids. 1-6 - Sankaranarayanan Subbayya, Jorjeta G. Jetcheva, Wei-Peng Chen:
Model selection criteria for short-term microgrid-scale electricity load forecasts. 1-6 - Hazlie Mokhlis
, Mazaher Karimi
, Amidaddin Shahriari, Abd Halim Abu Bakar
, Javed Ahmed Laghari
A new under-frequency load shedding scheme for islanded distribution network. 1-6 - Harold Kirkham
, M. Cristina Marinovici
Technology readiness and the smart grid. 1-6 - Jawad Ghorbani, Muhammad A. Choudhry, Ali Feliachi:
Fault location and isolation using multi agent systems in power distribution systems with distributed generation sources. 1-6 - Alekhya Datta, Parimita Mohanty:
Enterprise GIS and Smart Electric Grid for India's power sector. 1-7 - Tushar Jain
, Joseph-Julien Yamé
, Dominique Sauter:
On-line redesign based approach for fault accommodation in wind turbines. 1-6 - Kiyonori Kawamura, Rikiya Kato, Shigeru Bando, Masahito Takahashi:
Avoided cost and effects of voltage control by demand response in a distribution network with high integration of rooftop PV. 1-6 - Ryo Hashimoto, Hitoshi Yano, Koji Kudo, Takashi Ikegami
, Kazuhiko Ogimoto:
A novel estimation method for controllable demand achieved by numerous-electric-vehicle charging management. 1-6 - Bingnan Jiang, Yunsi Fei
Decentralized scheduling of PEV on-street parking and charging for smart grid reactive power compensation. 1-6 - Hamed Narimani
, Amir Hamed Mohsenian Rad:
Autonomous demand response in heterogeneous smart grid topologies. 1-6 - Benjamin Millar
, Danchi Jiang, Md. Enamul Haque
A novel partitioning strategy for distribution networks featuring many small scale generators. 1-6 - Dong Wei, Florin Darie, Ling Shen:
Application layer security proxy for smart Grid substation automation systems. 1-6 - M. Tesfaye, Charles C. Castello:
Minimization of impact from electric vehicle supply equipment to the electric grid using a dynamically controlled battery bank for peak load shaving. 1-6 - Anderson Hoke, Alexander Brissette, Dragan Maksimovic, Damian Kelly, Annabelle Pratt:
Maximizing lithium ion vehicle battery life through optimized partial charging. 1-5 - Omid Ameri Sianaki
, Mohammad A. S. Masoum:
A fuzzy TOPSIS approach for home energy management in smart grid with considering householders' preferences. 1-6 - Sebastian Rohjans:
A standard-compliant ICT-architecture for semantic data service integration in smart grids. 1-6 - Qiushuo Li, Xiangning Xiao:
EV charging and its applications in active distribution systems. 1-6 - Rajesh Subbiah
, Kristian Lum, Achla Marathe, Madhav V. Marathe:
Activity based energy demand modeling for residential buildings. 1-6 - Yang Weng, Qiao Li, Rohit Negi, Marija D. Ilic:
Distributed algorithm for SDP state estimation. 1-6 - Stefan Sommer
, Hjörtur Johannsson
Real-time thevenin impedance computation. 1-6 - Arnab Banik, Mohd. Hasan Ali:
Comparison between SFCL and TSC for voltage stability enhancement of wind generator system. 1-6 - Hossein Akhavan-Hejazi, Amir Hamed Mohsenian Rad:
A stochastic programming framework for optimal storage bidding in energy and reserve markets. 1-6 - Oveis Abedinia, Ebrahim S. Barazandeh
Interactive Artificial Bee Colony based on distribution planning with renewable energy units. 1-6 - Jason Sexauer, Pirooz Javanbakht, Salman Mohagheghi
Phasor measurement units for the distribution grid: Necessity and benefits. 1-6 - Lina He
, Chen-Ching Liu:
Impact of LVRT capability of wind turbines on distance protection of AC grids. 1-6 - Mustafa A. Mustafa
, Ning Zhang
, Georgios Kalogridis, Zhong Fan:
Smart electric vehicle charging: Security analysis. 1-6 - Ketan Maheshwari, Marcus Lim, Lydia Wang, Ken Birman
, Robbert van Renesse:
Toward a reliable, secure and fault tolerant smart grid state estimation in the cloud. 1-6 - Fred A. Ituzaro, Richard H. Douglin, Karen L. Butler-Purry:
Zonal overcurrent protection for smart radial distribution systems with distributed generation. 1-6 - Peng Yang, Zhao Tan, Ami Wiesel, Arye Nehorai:
State estimation with consideration of PMU phase mismatch for smart grids. 1-6 - Jinsub Kim, Lang Tong:
On topology attack of a smart grid. 1-6 - Dominik Engel
Wavelet-based load profile representation for smart meter privacy. 1-6 - Ling Liu, Xiaobin Tan, Kai Yu, Zhiyong Bu, Shi Chen, Haifeng Wang:
Multi-hop aided wireless data collection based on flow priority. 1-6 - Timothy M. Yardley, Robin Berthier, David M. Nicol, William H. Sanders:
Smart grid protocol testing through cyber-physical testbeds. 1-6 - Riya Saluja, Mohd. Hasan Ali:
Novel braking resistor models for transient stability enhancement in power grid system. 1-6 - Ali Maknouninejad, Wei Lin, Zhihua Qu:
Optimum design and analysis of the cooperative control, applied to the distributed generators control in smart grids. 1-6 - M. Cristina Marinovici, Harold Kirkham
, Kevin A. Glass, Leif C. Carlsen:
Modeling power system operation with intermittent resources. 1-6 - Takamichi Ochi, Daiki Yamashita, Kaoru Koyanagi, Ryuichi Yokoyama:
The development and the application of fast decoupled load flow method for distribution systems with high R/X ratios lines. 1-6 - Richard Davies, Amir Fazeli, Sung Pil Oe, Mark Sumner
, Mark Johnson
, Edward Christopher:
Energy management research using emulators of renewable generation and loads. 1-6 - Liang Liang, Jin Zhong, Jianing Liu, Puming Li, Cailiang Zhan, Zijie Meng:
An implementation of synthetic generation of wind data series. 1-6 - Jin Xu, Miles H. F. Wen, Victor O. K. Li, Ka-Cheong Leung:
Optimal PMU placement for wide-area monitoring using chemical reaction optimization. 1-6 - Shichao Liu, Xiaoping P. Liu
, Abdulmotaleb El-Saddik
Denial-of-Service (dos) attacks on load frequency control in smart grids. 1-6 - Anil K. Jampala, Jay Giri, Vahid Madani, Mevludin Glavic
, Roger L. King:
Practical challenges of integrating synchrophasor applications into an EMS. 1-6 - Dan Ton, Mustafa A. Biviji, Eva Nagypal, Jianhui Wang:
Tool for determining price elasticity of electricity demand and designing dynamic price program. 1-6 - Ahmed A. Mohamed
, Ahmed Ghareeb, Tarek Youssef
, Osama A. Mohammed
Wide area monitoring and control for voltage assessment in smart grids with distributed generation. 1-6 - Daniel Arnold, Michael D. Sankur
, David M. Auslander:
An architecture for enabling distributed plug load control for commercial building demand response. 1-6 - Jiaying Shi, Chen Shen:
Impact of DFIG wind power on power system small signal stability. 1-6 - Samantha J. Gunter, David J. Perreault, Sindhu Suresh, Khurram K. Afridi:
Methodology for the optimal design of PEV charging systems with multiple chargers and distributed resources. 1-6 - Rimjhim Agrawal, D. Thukaram:
Identification of fault location in power distribution system with distributed generation using support vector machines. 1-6 - Seyed Ataollah Raziei, Hamed Mohscnian-Had:
Optimal demand response capacity of automatic lighting control. 1-6 - Ruiyi Zhu, Xiaobin Tan, Jian Yang
, Shi Chen, Haifeng Wang, Kai Yu, Zhiyong Bu:
An adaptive wireless resource allocation scheme with QoS guaranteed in smart grid. 1-6 - Yan Qi, Hongjie Jia, Yunfei Mu:
Dynamic frequency control of autonomous microgrid based on family-friendly controllable loads. 1-6 - Denise M. Rizzo, Gordon G. Parker
State of charge optimization for military hybrid vehicle microgrids. 1-6 - Naveed Ul L. Hassan, Xiumin Wang, Shisheng Huang
, Chau Yuen:
Demand shaping to achieve steady electricity consumption with load balancing in a smart grid. 1-6 - Yi Liu, Naveed Ul L. Hassan, Shisheng Huang
, Chau Yuen:
Electricity cost minimization for a residential smart Grid with distributed generation and bidirectional power transactions. 1-6 - Bamdad Falahati, Amin Kargarian, Yong Fu:
Impacts of information and communication failures on optimal power system operation. 1-6 - Amin Kargarian, Bamdad Falahati, Yong Fu:
Optimal operation of distribution grids: A system of systems framework. 1-6 - Barry A. Mather, Matthew A. Kromer, Leo Casey:
Advanced photovoltaic inverter functionality verification using 500kw power hardware-in-loop (PHIL) complete system laboratory testing. 1-6 - Dayu Huang, Marina Thottan, Frank Feather:
Designing customized energy services based on disaggregation of heating usage. 1-6 - Zahra Darabi, Bamdad Falahati, Mehdi Vakilian:
Application of IEC61850-enabled SAS in CBF protection of transformers. 1-6 - Zhan Shen, Mesut E. Baran
Gradient based centralized optimal Volt/Var control strategy for smart distribution system. 1-6 - Avijit Saha, Murat Kuzlu, Manisa Pipattanasomporn:
Demonstration of a home energy management system with smart thermostat control. 1-8 - Shibani Ghosh, Manisa Pipattanasomporn, Saifur Rahman:
Technology deployment status of U.S. smart Grid projects - Electric distribution systems. 1-8 - Yanyi He, Ratnesh K. Sharma:
Microgrid generation expansion planning using agent-based simulation. 1-6 - Hamid Abdi, Yu Le, Saeid Nahavandi:
Integration of resident's energy costs in short stay accommodation billing system. 1-7 - Jintaek Lim, Jaeseok Choi, Junmin Cha:
Web based online real-time outage cost assessment information system of power system-II. 1-6 - Arjun P. Athreya, Patrick Tague
Self-organization of a mesh hierarchy for smart grid monitoring in outage scenarios. 1-6 - Takayuki Watanabe, Yu Fujimoto
, Yasuhiro Hayashi
Verification of loss reduction effect on loss minimum configuration of distribution system by zero-suppressed binary decision diagram for large penetration of residential PV. 1-6 - Murat Kuzlu, Manisa Pipattanasomporn:
Assessment of communication technologies and network requirements for different smart grid applications. 1-6 - Mark J. Stanovich, Isaac Leonard, Sanjeev K. Srivastava, Mischa Steurer, Thomas P. Roth, Stephen Jackson, Bruce M. McMillin:
Development of a smart-grid cyber-physical systems testbed. 1-6 - Harold Kirkham
The digital revolution in measurements. 1-6 - Taihang Bi, Rongrong Shen, Josep Plans, Huashi Zhao:
A novel method for single phase-to-ground fault location based on wavelet analysis and correlation. 1-4 - Sungyun Choi
, A. P. Sakis Meliopoulos, K. Ratnesh:
Autonomous state estimation based diagnostic system in smart grid. 1-6 - Eirik Daleng Haukedal, Boye Annfelt Høverstad, Pinar Öztürk, Axel Tidemann:
Load-scheduling and PHEVs in the smart grid. 1-6 - Bimal Shah, Anjan Bose, Anurag Srivastava
Load modeling and voltage optimization using smart meter infrastructure. 1-6 - A. David McKinnon
, Seth R. Thompson, Ruslan A. Doroshchuk, Glenn A. Fink
, Errin W. Fulp:
Bio-inspired cyber security for smart grid deployments. 1-6 - Shengnan Shao, Farbod Jahanbakhsh, Julio Romero Aguero, Le Xu:
Integration of pevs and PV-DG in power distribution systems using distributed energy storage - Dynamic analyses. 1-6 - Ali Hooshmand, Babak Asghari, Ratnesh K. Sharma:
A novel cost-aware multi-objective energy management method for microgrids. 1-6 - Doug MacDonald, Samuel L. Clements, Scott W. Patrick, Casey J. Perkins
, George A. Muller, Mary J. Lancaster
, Will Hutton
Cyber/physical security vulnerability assessment integration. 1-6 - Yu Zhang
, Nikolaos Gatsis, Georgios B. Giannakis
Risk-constrained energy management with multiple wind farms. 1-6 - Toshitsugu Gunji, Yoshihiro Sugaya, Shinichiro Omachi
A practical method for realizing large-scale and flexible demand response. 1-6 - Ping Yi, Ting Zhu, Guangyu Lin, Xiuchen Jiang, Guojie Li, Liangqi Si, Miroslav Begovic:
Energy scheduling and allocation in electric vehicle energy distribution networks. 1-6 - Yin Yao, David Wenzhong Gao:
Charging load from large-scale plug-in hybrid electric vehicles: Impact and optimization. 1-6 - Dae-Kyoo Kim, Hyo-Sik Yang
, Hyuksoo Jang, Daeseung Hong, Herb Falk, Sangsig Kim, Byunghun Lee:
A metamodeling approach to unifying IEC 61850 and IEC 61970. 1-6 - Julian Krenge, Marcel Scheibmayer, Matthias Deindl:
Identification scheme and name service in the Internet of Energy. 1-6 - Hongfeng Jack Li, Timothy Hennessy:
European town microgrid and energy storage application study. 1-6 - Claudia Battistelli
Generalized microgrid-to-smart grid interface models for vehicle-to-grid. 1-6 - Mazheruddin H. Syed
, Hatem H. Zeineldin, Mohamed Shawky El Moursi:
Grid code violation during fault triggered islanding of hybrid micro-grid. 1-6 - Jonathan Berardino, Chika O. Nwankpa:
Economic demand dispatch of controllable building electrical loads incorporating delayed response times. 1-6 - Tao Cui, Franz Franchetti:
A Quasi-Monte Carlo approach for radial distribution system probabilistic load flow. 1-6 - Chin-Yao Chang, Wei Zhang, Jianming Lian
, Karanjit Kalsi
Modeling and control of aggregated air conditioning loads under realistic conditions. 1-6 - Jun Yan, Yihai Zhu, Haibo He, Yan Sun:
Revealing temporal features of attacks against smart grid. 1-6 - Yufei Tang, Haibo He, Jinyu Wen
Adaptive control for an HVDC transmission link with FACTS and a wind farm. 1-6 - Jesse Hill, Chika Nwankpa:
Resource availability effects on cost optimization for battery storage systems. 1-6 - Yi Zheng, Tianqi Liu, Bingbing Shen, Jianghe Zhao:
Study of the techniques and development strategy for a concentrated type distribution automation. 1-4 - Alexander Camek, Florian Hölzl, Denis Bytschkow:
Providing security to a smart grid prosumer system based on a service oriented architecture in an office environment. 1-7 - Lucio Ciabattoni
, Gianluca Ippoliti
, Sauro Longhi
, Matteo Cavalletti:
Online tuned neural networks for fuzzy supervisory control of pv-battery systems. 1-6 - Hussein M. Abdelhalim, Amro M. Farid, Ambrose A. Adegbege, Luis Roueo, Kamal Youcef-Toumi
Small-signal stability effects of turbine governors on power systems with high penetrations of integrated wind power. 1-6 - Hussein M. Abdelhalim, Amro M. Farid, Ambrose A. Adegbege, Kamal Youcef-Toumi
Transient stability of power systems with different configurations for wind power integration. 1-7 - Tiansong Cui, Yanzhi Wang, Siyu Yue, Shahin Nazarian, Massoud Pedram:
A game-theoretic price determination algorithm for utility companies serving a community in smart grid. 1-6 - Yu Zhang, Ning Lu:
Demand-side management of air conditioning cooling loads for intra-hour load balancing. 1-6 - Jeffrey Taft, Paul De Martini
Ultra-large scale control architecture. 1-6 - Ryan E. Boudreau:
Using smart meters to build feeder section load profiles to evaluate distributed energy resource connections. 1-5 - Ming Jin, Mike Yao, But-Chung Chiu, Xuebei Yu, Jun Liu, Tao Zhang, Ben Zhang:
Performance evaluation system for power grid dispatch and operation. 1-6 - Hamid Gharavi, Bin Hu:
Dynamic key refreshment for smart grid mesh network security. 1-6 - Arun Shrestha, Valentina Cecchi, Robert W. Cox:
A real-time platform for validating continuous wide-area control systems. 1-6 - Shahin Abdollahy, Andrea Mammoli, Feng Cheng, Abraham Ellis, Jay Johnson
Distributed compensation of a large intermittent energy resource in a distribution feeder. 1-6 - Mohammed Muthalib, Chika O. Nwankpa:
Incorporating dynamic building load model into interconnected power systems. 1-6 - Jiankang Wang, James L. Kirtley, Pedro M. S. Carvalho
A method to visualize interaction of distributed generation and feeders' voltage profiles. 1-5 - Jiankang Wang, James L. Kirtley, Pedro M. S. Carvalho
Factors influencing voltage profiles of distributed-generation-integrated feeders. 1-7 - M. Knight, Steven E. Widergren, J. Mater, A. Montgomery:
Maturity model for advancing smart grid interoperability. 1-6 - Wei Huang, Varun Perumalla, Di Wu, Seyed Hossein Hosseini, John N. Jiang:
A lesson learned from recent cascading outages: Coupled interface and its impact on the smart-grid development. 1-6 - Polycarp I. Muoka, Md. Enamul Haque
, Ameen Gargoom, Michael Negnevitsky
Modeling, simulation and hardware implementation of a PV power plant in a distributed energy generation system. 1-6 - M. M. Chowdhury, Md. Enamul Haque
, Ameen Gargoom, Michael Negnevitsky
Performance improvement of a grid connected direct drive wind turbine using super-capacitor energy storage. 1-6 - William Cox, Toby Considine:
Structured energy: Microgrids and autonomous transactive operation. 1-6 - Yanzhi Wang, Xue Lin, Massoud Pedram:
A sequential game perspective and optimization of the smart grid with distributed data centers. 1-6 - Reza Yousefian, Sukumar Kamalasadan
System-centric control architecture for wide area monitoring and control of power system. 1-7 - Claes Sandels, Mats Hagelberg, Lars Nordström:
Analysis on the profitability of demand flexibility on the swedish peak power reserve market. 1-6 - Gerardo Sanchez-Ayala, Julio Romero Aguerc, David Elizondo, Muhidin Lelic:
Current trends on applications of PMUs in distribution systems. 1-6 - Ali Mehrizi-Sani
A strategy to improve reference tracking of distributed energy resources. 1-6 - Shujun Liu, Zaijun Wu, Xiaobo Dou, Bo Zhao, Shanglin Zhao, Chunjun Sun:
Optimal configuration of hybrid solar-wind distributed generation capacity in a grid-connected microgrid. 1-6 - Zhong Chen, Lvlong Hu, Shan Gao, Tingrui Lu, Haifeng Li:
The research about PV/wind hybrid energy considering grid security constraints. 1-5
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