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9th Euro-Par 2003: Klagenfurt, Austria
- Harald Kosch, László Böszörményi, Hermann Hellwagner
Euro-Par 2003. Parallel Processing, 9th International Euro-Par Conference, Klagenfurt, Austria, August 26-29, 2003. Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2790, Springer 2003, ISBN 3-540-40788-X
Invited Talks
- C. A. R. Hoare:
The Verifying Compiler: A Grand Challenge for Computing Research. 1 - Jim Miller:
Evolving a Multi-language Object-Oriented Framework: Lessons from .NET. 2 - Stefan Deßloch:
Databases, Web Services, and Grid Computing - Standards and Directions. 3 - Henri E. Bal:
A Java-Based Grid Programming Environment. 4
Support Tools and Environments
- Helmar Burkhart, Rudolf Eigenmann, Tomàs Margalef
, Thomas Ludwig:
Topic Introduction. 5-6 - Tiago C. Ferreto, Luiz De Rose, César A. F. De Rose:
A Hardware Counters Based Tool for System Monitoring. 7-16 - Robert Bell, Allen D. Malony, Sameer Shende:
ParaProf: A Portable, Extensible, and Scalable Tool for Parallel Performance Profile Analysis. 17-26 - Hong Linh Truong, Thomas Fahringer:
On Utilizing Experiment Data Repository for Performance Analysis of Parallel Applications. 27-37 - Jacques Chassin de Kergommeaux, Cyril Guilloud, Benhur de Oliveira Stein:
Flexible Performance Debugging of Parallel and Distributed Applications. 38-46 - Lars Ailo Bongo, Otto J. Anshus, John Markus Bjørndalen:
EventSpace - Exposing and Observing Communication Behavior of Parallel Cluster Applications. 47-56 - Ana Paula Cláudio
, João Duarte Cunha:
A Race Detection Mechanism Embedded in a Conceptual Model for the Debugging of Message-Passing Distributed Programs. 57-65 - Hua Liu, Manish Parashar:
DIOS++: A Framework for Rule-Basedn Autonomic Management of Distributed Scientific Applications. 66-73 - Dieter Kranzlmüller, Michael Scarpa, Jens Volkert:
DeWiz - A Modular tool Architecture for Parallel Program Analysis. 74-80 - John Anvik, Jonathan Schaeffer, Duane Szafron, Kai Tan:
Why Not Use a Pattern-Based Parallel Programming System? 81-86
Performances Evaluation and Prediction
- Jeffrey K. Hollingsworth, Allen D. Malony, Jesús Labarta, Thomas Fahringer:
Performance Evaluation and Prediction. 87 - Hasyim Gautama, Arjan J. C. van Gemund:
Symbolic Performance Prediction of Speculative Parallel Programs. 88-97 - Rajesh Subramanyan, José Miguel-Alonso
, José A. B. Fortes:
A Reconfigurable Monitoring System for Large-Scale Network Computing. 98-108 - Pedro Mindlin, José R. Brunheroto, Luiz De Rose, José E. Moreira:
Obtaining Hardware Performance Metrics for the BlueGene/L Supercomputer. 109-118 - Norbert Podhorszki, Péter Kacsuk:
Prewsentation and Analysis of Grid Performance Data. 119-126 - Karl Fürlinger, Michael Gerndt:
Distributed Application Monitoring for Clustered SMP Architectures. 127-134 - Yasuharu Mizutani, Fumihiko Ino, Kenichi Hagihara:
An Emulation System for Predicting Master/Slave Program Performance. 135-140 - Eduardo César
, José G. Mesa, Joan Sorribes
, Emilio Luque
POETRIES: Performance Oriented Environment for Transparent Resource-Management, Implementing End-User Parallel/Distributed Applications. 141-146
Scheduling and Load Balancing
- Yves Robert, Henri Casanova, Arjan J. C. van Gemund, Dieter Kranzlmüller:
Topic Introduction. 147 - Hélène Renard, Yves Robert, Frédéric Vivien:
Static Load-Balancing Techniques for Iterative Computation on Heterogeneous Clusters. 148-159 - Gyu Sang Choi, Saurabh Agarwal, Jin-Ha Kim, Andy B. Yoo, Chita R. Das:
Impact of Job Allocation Strategies on Communication-Driven Coscheduling in Clusters. 160-168 - Daniel Paranhos da Silva, Walfredo Cirne, Francisco Vilar Brasileiro:
Trading Cycles for Information: Using Replication to Schedule Bag-of-Tasks Applications on Computational Grids. 169-180 - Xiaolin Li, Manish Parashar:
Dynamic Load Partitioning Strategies for Managing Data of Space and Time Heterogeneity in Parallel SAMR Applications. 181-188 - Henan Zhao, Rizos Sakellariou
An Experimental Investigation into the Rank Function of the Heterogeneous Earliest Finish Time Scheduling Algorithm. 189-194 - Ligang He, Stephen A. Jarvis, Daniel P. Spooner, Graham R. Nudd:
Performance-Based Dynamic Scheduling of Hybrid Real-Time Applications on a Cluster of Hetrogeneous Workstations. 195-200 - Satoshi Fujita, Masayuki Masukawa, Shigeaki Tagashira:
Recursive Refinement of Lower Bounds in the Multiprocessor Scheduling Problem. 201-205 - Inmaculada Pardines, Francisco F. Rivera:
Efficient Dynamic Load Balancing Strategies for Parallel Active Set Optimization Methods. 206-211 - Francesc Giné, Francesc Solsona, Porfidio Hernández
, Emilio Luque
Cooperating Coscheduling in a Non-dedicated Cluster. 212-217 - Fernando Guirado, Ana Ripoll, Concepció Roig, Xiao Yuan, Emilio Luque
Predicting the Best Mapping for Efficient Exploitation of Task and Data Parallelism. 218-223 - Xiao Qin, Hong Jiang, Yifeng Zhu, David R. Swanson:
Dynamic Load Balancing for I/O- and Memory-Intensive Workload in clusters Using a Feedback Control Mechanism. 224-229 - Amit Agarwal, Tarun Agarwal, Sumit Chopra
, Anja Feldmann, Nils Kammenhuber, Piotr Krysta, Berthold Vöcking:
An Experimental Study of k-Splittable Scheduling for DNS-Based Traffic Allocation. 230-235 - Ligang Dong, Lek Heng Ngoh, Joo Geok Tan:
Scheuduling Strategies of Divisible Loads in DIN Networks. 236-240
Compilers for High Performance
- Michael Gerndt, Chau-Wen Tseng, Michael F. P. O'Boyle, Markus Schordan:
Topic Introduction. 241 - Bernhard Scholz, Eduard Mehofer, R. Nigel Horspool:
Partial Redundancy Elimination with Predication Techniques. 242-250 - Stefan Kral, Franz Franchetti, Juergen Lorenz, Christoph W. Ueberhuber:
SIMD Vectorization of Straight Line FFT Code. 251-260 - William C. Kreahling, David B. Whalley, Mark W. Bailey, Xin Yuan, Gang-Ryung Uh, Robert van Engelen:
Branch Elimination via Multi-variable Condition Merging. 261-270 - Guangyu Chen, Mahmut T. Kandemir, Alok N. Choudhary, Ibrahim Kolcu:
Exploiting On-Chip Data Transfers for Improving Performance of Chip-Scale Multiprocessors. 271-278 - Ismail Kadayif, Mahmut T. Kandemir, Alok N. Choudhary, Mustafa Karaköy:
An Energy-Oriented Evaluation of Communication Optimizations for Microcensor Networks. 279-286 - David E. Singh, María J. Martín
, Francisco F. Rivera:
Increasing the Parallelism of Irregular Loops with Dependences. 287-296 - Volodymyr Beletskyy, Krzysztof Siedlecki:
Finding Free Schedules for Non-uniform Loops. 297-302 - Peter Faber, Martin Griebl, Christian Lengauer:
Replicated Placements in the Polyhedron Model. 303-308
Parallel and Distributed Databases, Data Mining, and Knowledge Discovery
- Bernhard Mitschang, David B. Skillicorn, Philippe Bonnet, Domenico Talia:
Topic Introduction. 309 - Reynaldo Gil-García, José Manuel Badía-Contelles, Aurora Pons-Porrata:
A Parallel Algorithm for Incremental Compact Clustering. 310-317 - Esther Pacitti, M. Tamer Özsu, Cédric Coulon:
Preventive Multi-master Replication in a Cluster of Autonomous Databases. 318-327 - Josep Aguilar-Saborit, Victor Muntés-Mulero, Josep Lluís Larriba-Pey:
Pushing Down Bit Filters in the Pipelined Execution of Large Queries. 328-337 - Mauricio Marín, Gonzalo Navarro:
Suffix Arrays in Parallel. 338-341 - Haiwei Ye, Brigitte Kerhervé, Gregor von Bochmann:
Revisiting Join Site Selection in Distributed Database Systems. 342-347 - Lutz Schlesinger, Wolfgang Lehner:
SCINTRA: A Model for Quantifying Inconsistencies in Grid-Organized Sensor Database Systems. 348-355
Grid Computing and Middleware Systems
- Henri E. Bal, Domenico Laforenza, Thierry Priol, Péter Kacsuk:
Topic Introduction. 356 - Gang Xue, Matt J. Fairman, Graeme E. Pound, Simon J. Cox:
Implementation of a Grid Computation Toolkit for Design Optimisation with Matlab and Condor. 357-365 - Rubén S. Montero, Eduardo Huedo
, Ignacio Martín Llorente:
Grid Resource Selection for Opportunistic Job Migration. 366-373 - Ludwig Seitz, Jean-Marc Pierson
, Lionel Brunie:
Semantic Access Control for Medical Applications in Grid Environments. 374-383 - Richard A. Lawley, Keith Decker, Michael Luck, Terry R. Payne
, Luc Moreau
Automated Negotiation for Grid Notification Services. 384-393 - Sathish S. Vadhiyar, Jack J. Dongarra, Asim YarKhan
GrADSolve - RPC for High Performance Computing on the Grid. 394-403 - Zoltán Balaton, Gabor Gombás:
Resource and Job Monitoring in the Grid. 404-411 - Jasmin L. Wason, Marc Molinari, Zhuoan Jiao, Simon J. Cox:
Delivering Data Management for Engineers on the Grid. 412-416 - Csongor Somogyi, Zoltán László, Imre Szeberényi:
A Resource Accounting and Charging System in Condor Environment. 417-420 - Giovanni Aloisio, Massimo Cafaro, Daniele Lezzi
, Robert van Engelen:
Secure Web Services with Globus GSI and gSOAP. 421-426 - Martin Helmut Alt, Sergei Gorlatch:
Future-Based RMI: Optimizing Compositions of Remote Method Calls on the Grid. 427-430
Applications on High-Performance Computers
- Jacek Kitowski, Andrzej M. Goscinski, Boleslaw K. Szymanski, Peter Luksch:
Topic Introduction. 431 - Ed Wheelhouse, Carsten Trinitis, Martin Schulz:
CAD Grid: Corporate-Wide Resource Sharing for Parameter Studies. 433-440 - Jens Wilke, Thomas Pohl, Markus Kowarschik, Ulrich Rüde:
Cache Performance Optimizations for Parallel Lattice Boltzmann Codes. 441-450 - Yuji Shinano, Tetsuya Fujie, Yuusuke Kounoike:
Effectiveness of Parallelizing the ILOG-CPLEX Mixed Integer Optimizer in the PUBB2 Framework. 451-460 - José R. Herrero
, Juan J. Navarro:
Improving Performance of Hypermatrix Cholesky Factorization. 461-469 - Konstantin Popov, Vladimir Vlassov, Mahmoud Rafea, Fredrik Holmgren, Per Brand, Seif Haridi:
Parallel Agent-Based Simulation on a Cluster of Workstations. 470-480 - David Slogsnat, Markus Fischer, Andrés Bruhn, Joachim Weickert, Ulrich Brüning:
Low Level Parallelization of Nonlinear Diffusion Filtering Algorithms for Cluster Computing Environments. 481-490 - Juan Carlos Fernández, Vicente Hernández, Lourdes Peñalver:
Implementation of Adaptive Control Algorithms in Robot Manipulators Using Parallel Computing. 491-498 - Ingo Wald, Carsten Benthin, Andreas Dietrich, Philipp Slusallek:
Interactive Ray Tracing on Commodity PC Clusters. 499-508 - Inês de Castro Dutra
, David Page, Vítor Santos Costa
, Jude W. Shavlik, Michael Waddell:
Toward Automatic Management of Embarrassingly Parallel Applications. 509-516 - Renata Cristina Faray Melo, Maria Emília Telles Walter, Alba Cristina Magalhaes Alves de Melo, Rodolfo Bezerra Batista, Marcelo Nardelli Pinto Santana, Thelmo E. S. Martins, Tiago M. Fonseca:
Comparing Two Long Biological Sequences Using a DSM System. 517-524 - Wenbin Song, Andy J. Keane, Murat Hakki Eres, Graeme E. Pound, Simon J. Cox:
Two Dimensional Airfoil Optimisation Using CFD in a Grid Computing Environment. 525-532 - Duan H. Beckett, Ben P. Hiett, Ken S. Thomas, Simon J. Cox:
Applied Grid Computing: Optimisation of Photonic Devices. 533-536 - Muhammet Fikret Ercan, Yu-Fai Fung, Tin-Kin Ho, Wai-leung Cheung:
Parallel Linear System Solution and Its Application to Railway Power Network Simulation. 537-540
Parallel Computer Architecture and Instruction-Level Parallelism
- Stamatis Vassiliadis, Nikitas J. Dimopoulos, Jean-Francois Collard, Arndt Bode:
Topic Introduction. 541-542 - George Almási, Ralph Bellofatto, José R. Brunheroto, Calin Cascaval, José G. Castaños, Luis Ceze, Paul Crumley, C. Christopher Erway, Joseph Gagliano, Derek Lieber, Xavier Martorell, José E. Moreira, Alda Sanomiya, Karin Strauss:
An Overview of the Blue Gene/L System Software Organization. 543-555 - Hans Vandierendonck, Hans Logie, Koenraad De Bosschere:
Trace Substitution. 556-565 - Juan C. Moure, Dolores Rexachs, Emilio Luque
Optimizing a Decoupled Front-End Architecture: The Indexed Fetch Target Buffer (iFTB). 566-575 - Seong-Won Lee, Jean-Luc Gaudiot:
Clustered Microarchitecture Simultaneous Multithreading. 576-585 - Enrique F. Torres, Pablo Ibáñez
, Víctor Viñals, José María Llabería:
Counteracting Bank Misprediction in Sliced First-Level Caches. 586-596 - Spiros Kalogeropulos:
An Enhanced Trace Scheduler for SPARC Processors. 597-602 - Hideyuki Miura, Luong Dinh Hung, Chitaka Iwama, Daisuke Tashiro, Niko Demus Barli, Shuichi Sakai, Hidehiko Tanaka:
Compiler-Assisted Thread Level Control Speculation. 603-608 - Masamichi Takagi, Kei Hiraki:
Compression in Data Caches with Compressible Field Isolation for Recursive Data Structures. 609-615 - Carles Aliagas, Carlos Molina, Montse Garcia
, Antonio González, Jordi Tubella:
Value Compression to Reduce Power in Data Caches. 616-622
Distributed Algorithms
- Jayadev Misra, Wolfgang Reisig, Michael Schöttner, Laurent Lefèvre:
Topic Introduction. 623 - Syarraieni Ishar, Michel Bister:
Multiresolution Watershed Segmentation on a Beowulf Network. 624-631 - Luiz Angelo Barchet-Estefanel:
iRBP - A Fault Tolerant Total Order Broadcast for Large Scale Systems. 632-639 - Joaquim Gabarró, Alan Stewart, Maurice Clint, Eamonn Boyle, Isabel Vallejo:
Computational Models for Web- and Grid-Based Computation. 640-650 - Maged M. Michael:
CAS-Based Lock-Free Algorithm for Shared Deques. 651-660 - Jong-Mu Choi, Jin-Seok Choi, Jai-Hoon Kim, Young-Bae Ko:
Energy Efficient Algorithm for Disconnected Write Operations in Mobile Web Environments. 661-668 - Ahmed Housni, Michel Lacroix, Michel Tréhel:
Distributed Scheduling of Mobile Priority Requests. 669-674 - Mahmoud Rafea, Konstantin Popov, Per Brand, Fredrik Holmgren, Seif Haridi:
Parallel Distributed Algorithms of the beta-Model of the Small World Graphs. 675-680
Parallel Programming: Models, Methods, and Programming Languages
- José C. Cunha, Marco Danelutto, Christoph Herrmann, Peter H. Welch:
Topic Introduction. 681 - Holger Bischof, Sergei Gorlatch, Emanuel Kitzelmann:
Cost Optimality and Predictability of Parallel Programming with Skeletons. 682-693 - Karen Villaverde, Enrico Pontelli, Hai-Feng Guo, Gopal Gupta:
A Methodology for Order-Sensitive Execution of Non-deterministic Languages on Beowulf Platforms. 694-703 - Vicente Blanco Pérez
, Jesus A. González, Coromoto León, Casiano Rodríguez, Germán Rodríguez:
From Complexity Analysis to Performance Analysis. 704-711 - Marco Aldinucci, Sonia Campa, Pierpaolo Ciullo, Massimo Coppola, Silvia Magini, Paolo Pesciullesi, Laura Potiti, Roberto Ravazzolo
, Massimo Torquati, Marco Vanneschi, Corrado Zoccolo:
The Implementation of ASSIST, an Environment for Parallel and Distributed Programming. 712-721 - Wolfgang Blochinger, Wolfgang Küchlin:
The Design of an API for Strict Multithreading in C++. 722-731 - Jost Berthold, Ulrike Klusik, Rita Loogen, Steffen Priebe, Nils Weskamp:
High-Level Process Control in Eden. 732-741 - Martin Helmut Alt, Sergei Gorlatch:
Using Skeletons in a Java-Based Grid System. 742-749 - David J. Johnston, Martin Fleury, Andy C. Downton:
Prototyping Application Models in Concurrent ML. 750-759 - Henrik Löf, Zoran Radovic, Erik Hagersten:
THROOM - Supporting POSIX Multithreaded Binaries on a Cluster. 760-769 - Aaron W. Keen, Ronald A. Olsson:
An Inter-entry Invocation Selection Mechanism for Concurrent Programming Languages. 770-780 - Frédéric Loulergue:
Parallel Juxtaposition for Bulk Synchronous Parllel ML. 781-788 - Kiminori Matsuzaki, Zhenjiang Hu, Masato Takeichi:
Parallelization with Tree Skeletons. 789-798
Numerical Algorithms and Scientific Engineering Problems
- Iain S. Duff, Luc Giraud, Henk A. van der Vorst, Peter Zinterhof:
Topic Introduction. 799 - Robert Granat, Bo Kågström, Peter Poromaa:
Parallel ScaLAPACK-Style Algorithms for Solving Continuous-Time Sylvester Matrix Equations. 800-809 - Isak Jonsson, Bo Kågström:
RECSY - A High Performance Library for Sylvester-Type Matrix Equations. 810-819 - Martin B. van Gijzen
Two Level Parallelism in a Stream-Function Model for Global Ocean Circulation. 820-829 - Matthias Korch, Thomas Rauber:
Scalable Parallel RK Solvers for ODEs Derived by the Method of Lines. 830-839 - Frank Hülsemann, Benjamin Karl Bergen, Ulrich Rüde:
Hierarchical Hybrid Grids as Basis for Parallel Numerical Solution of PDE. 840-843 - El Mostafa Daoudi, Abdelhak Lakhouaja, Halima Outada:
Overlapping Computation/Communication in the Parallel One-Sided Jacobi Method. 844-849
Architectures and Algorithms for Multimedia Applications
- Ishfaq Ahmad, Pieter Jonker, Bertil Schmidt, Andreas Uhl:
Topic Introduction. 850 - Jin B. Kwon, Heon Young Yeom:
Distributed Multimedia Streaming over Peer-to-Peer Networks. 851-858 - Fernando Cores, Ana Ripoll, Bahjat Qazzaz, Remo Suppi
, Xiaoyuan Yang, Porfidio Hernández
, Emilio Luque
Exploiting Traffic Balancing and Multicast Efficiency in Distributed Video-on-Demand Architectures. 859-869 - C. Y. Chan, Jack Y. B. Lee:
On Transmission Scheduling in a Server-Less Video-on-Demand System. 870-879 - Yong Woon Park, Si Woong Jang:
A Proxy-Based Dynamic Multicasting Policy Using Stream's Access Pattern. 880-883
Theory and Algorithms for Parallel Computation
- Christos Kaklamanis, Danny Krizanc, Pierre Fraigniaud, Michael Kaufmann:
Topic Introduction. 884 - Martin Schmollinger:
Improving Communication Sensitive Parallel Radix Sort for Unbalanced Data. 885-893 - Jop F. Sibeyn:
Minimizing Global Communication in Parallel List Ranking. 894-902 - Christian Laforest:
Construction of Efficient Communication Sub-structures: Non-approximability Results and Polynomial sub-cases. 903-910 - Gennaro Cordasco
, Alberto Negro, Vittorio Scarano, Arnold L. Rosenberg:
c-Perfect Hashing Schemes for Binary Trees, with Applications to Parallel Memories. 911-916 - Masaru Takesue:
A Model of Pipelined Mutual Exclusion on Cache-Coherent Multiprocessors. 917-922 - Viktor Bunimov, Manfred Schimmler:
Efficient Parallel Multiplication Algorithm for Large Integres. 923-928
Routing and Communication in Interconnection Networks
- José Duato, Olav Lysne, Timothy Mark Pinkston, Hermann Hellwagner
Topic Introduction. 929 - Pascal Gallard, Christine Morin:
Dynamic Streams for Efficient Communications between Migrating Processors in a Cluster. 930-937 - Phillip M. Dickens:
FOBS: A Lightweight Communication Protocol for Grid Computing. 938-946 - Pedro López, José Flich, Antonio Robles:
Low-Fragmentation Mapping Strategies for Linear Forwarding Tables in InfiniBandTM. 947-957 - Elvira Baydal, Pedro López:
A Robust Mecahnism for Congestion Control: INC. 958-968 - Albano Agostinho Gomes Alves, António Pina, José Luís Padrão Exposto, José Rufino:
RoCL: A Resource Oriented Communication Library. 969-979 - Layuan Li, Chunlin Li:
A QoS Multicast Routing Protocol for Dynamic Group Topology. 980-988 - Josep Fàbrega, Xavier Muñoz
A Study of Network Capacity under Deflection Routing Schemes. 989-994 - In-Su Yoon, Sang-Hwa Chung, Ben Lee, Hyuk-Chul Kwon:
Implementation and Performance Evaluation of M-VIA on AceNIC Gigabit Ethernet Card. 995-1000
Mobile and Ubiquitous Computing
- Max Mühlhäuser, Karin Anna Hummel, Azzedine Boukerche, Alois Ferscha:
Topic Introduction. 1001-1002 - Ioannis Chatzigiannakis, Tassos Dimitriou, Marios Mavronicolas, Sotiris E. Nikoletseas, Paul G. Spirakis:
A Comparative Study of Protocols for Efficient Data Propagation in Smart Dust Networks. 1003-1016 - Karl R. P. H. Leung, Joseph Kee-Yin Ng, Tim K. T. Chan, Kenneth Man-Kin Chu, Chun Hung Li:
Network Based Mobile Station Positioning in Metropolitan Area. 1017-1026 - Marco Mamei, Franco Zambonelli, Letizia Leonardi:
Programming Coordinated Motion Patterns with the TOTA Middleware. 1027-1037 - Andreas Heinemann, Jussi Kangasharju, Fernando Lyardet, Max Mühlhäuser:
iClouds - Peer-to-Peer Information Sharing in Mobile Environments. 1038-1045 - Khalil El-Khatib, N. Hadibi, Gregor von Bochmann:
Support for Personal and Service Mobility in Ubiquitous Computing Environments. 1046-1055 - Michele Flammini, Giorgio Gambosi, Alessandro Gasparini, Alfredo Navarra:
Dynamic Layouts for Wireless ATM. 1056-1063 - Wolfgang Beer, Volker Christian, Alois Ferscha, Lars Mehrmann:
Modeling Context-Aware Behavior by Interpreted ECA Rules. 1064-1073 - Marco Túlio de Oliveira Valente, Fernando Magno Quintão Pereira, Roberto da Silva Bigonha, Mariza Andrade da Silva Bigonha
A Coordination Model for ad hoc Mobile Systems. 1074-1081 - Tatsuo Nakajima, Atsushi Hasegawa, Tomoyoshi Akutagawa, Akihiro Ibe, Kouji Yamamoto:
Making Existing Interactive Applications Context-Aware. 1082-1090 - Cosmin Carabelea, Olivier Boissier, Fano Ramparany:
Benefits and Requirements of Using Multi-agent Systems on Smart Devices. 1091-1098 - Azzedine Boukerche:
Performance Evaluation of Two Congestion Control Mechanisms with On-Demand Distance Vector (AODV) Routing Protocol for Mobile and Wireless Networks. 1099-1108 - Christian Seitz, Michael Berger:
Towards an Approach for Mobile Profile Based Distributed Clustering. 1109-1117 - Geraldo Robson Mateus, Olga Goussevskaia, Antonio Alfredo Ferreira Loureiro:
Simulating Demand-Driven Server and Service Location in Third Generation Mobile Networks. 1118-1128 - Francesco Bellotti, Riccardo Berta, Alessandro De Gloria, Edmondo Ferretti, Massimiliano Margarone:
Designing Mobile Games for a Challenging Experience of the Urban Heritage. 1129-1136 - Vilmos Simon, Árpád Huszák, Sándor Szabó, Sándor Imre
QoS Provision in IP Based Mobile Networks. 1137-1140 - Tapio Rantanen, Janne Sikiö, Marko Hännikäinen, Timo Vanhatupa, Olavi Karasti, Timo Hämäläinen:
Design of a Management System for Wireless Home Area Networking. 1141-1147 - Fenglian Xu, Murat Hakki Eres, Simon J. Cox:
Short Message Service in a Grid-Enabled Computing Environment. 1148-1152 - Kyungsoo Lim, Woojin Park, Sinam Woo, Sunshin An:
Service Migration Mechanism Using Mobile Sensor Network. 1153-1158
Distributed Systems and Distributed Multimedia
- Fernando Pereira, Abdulmotaleb El-Saddik, Roy Friedman, László Böszörményi:
Topic Introduction. 1159 - Tia Newhall, Sean Finney, Kuzman Ganchev, Michael Spiegel:
Nswap: A Network Swapping Module for Linux Clusters. 1160-1169 - Taesoon Park, Ilsoo Byun:
Low Overhead Agent Replication for the Reliable Mobile Agent System. 1170-1179 - Emil-Dan Kohn, Assaf Schuster:
A Transparent Software Distributed Shared Memory. 1180-1189 - Pedro Morillo, Juan M. Orduña, Marcos Fernández, José Duato:
On the Characterization of Distributed Virtual Environment Systems. 1190-1198 - Balázs Goldschmidt, Zoltán László:
A Proxy Placement Algorithm for the Adaptive Multimedia Server. 1199-1206 - Marcelo Lobosco, Anderson Faustino da Silva, Orlando Loques, Claudio Luis de Amorim:
A New Distributed JVM for Cluster Computing. 1207-1215 - Sylvain Devillers:
An Extension of BSDL for Multimedia Bitstream Syntax Description. 1216-1223 - Ha Yoon Song, Han-gyoo Kim, Kee Cheol Lee:
Fast Construction, Easy Configuration, and Flexible Management of a Cluster System. 1224-1228
Peer-to-Peer Computing
- Luc Bougé, Franck Cappello, Omer F. Rana, Bernard Traversat:
Topic Introduction. 1229 - Luis Garcés-Erice, Ernst W. Biersack, Pascal Felber, Keith W. Ross, Guillaume Urvoy-Keller:
Hierarchical Peer-to-Peer Systems. 1230-1239 - Vincent Matossian, Manish Parashar:
Enabling Peer-to-Peer Interactions for Scientific Applications on the Grid. 1240-1247 - Hung-Chang Hsiao, Chuan-Mao Lin, Chung-Ta King:
A Spontaneous Overlay Search Tree. 1248-1256 - Konstantinos G. Zerfiridis, Helen D. Karatza:
Fault Tolerant Peer-to-Peer Dissemination Network. 1257-1264 - Oscar Ardaiz, Pau Artigas, Torsten Eymann, Felix Freitag, Roc Messeguer, Leandro Navarro
, Michael Reinicke:
Exploring the Catallactic Coordination Approach for Peer-to-Peer Systems. 1265-1272 - Sepandar D. Kamvar, Mario T. Schlosser, Hector Garcia-Molina:
Incentives for Combatting Freeriding on P2P Networks. 1273-1279
Demonstrations of Parallel and Distributed Computing
- Ronald H. Perrott, Henk J. Sips, Jarek Nabrzyski, Michael Kropfberger:
Demonstrations of Parallel and Distributed Computing. 1280 - Péter Kacsuk, Róbert Lovas, József Kovács, Ferenc Szalai, Gabor Gombás, Norbert Podhorszki, Ákos Horváth, András Horányi, Imre Szeberényi, Thierry Delaitre, Gábor Terstyánszky, Agathocles Gourgoulis:
Demonstration of P-GRADE Job-Mode for the Grid. 1281-1286 - Jérémie Allard, Bruno Raffin, Florence Zara
Coupling Parallel Simulation and Multi-display Visualization on a PC Cluster. 1287-1290 - Christine Morin, Renaud Lottiaux, Geoffroy Vallée, Pascal Gallard, Gaël Utard, Ramamurthy Badrinath, Louis Rilling:
Kerrighed: A Single System Image Cluster Operating System for High Performance Computing. 1291-1294 - Marco Aldinucci, Sonia Campa, Pierpaolo Ciullo, Massimo Coppola, Marco Danelutto, Paolo Pesciullesi, Roberto Ravazzolo
, Massimo Torquati, Marco Vanneschi, Corrado Zoccolo:
ASSIST Demo: A High Level, High Performance Portable, Structured Parallel Programming Environment at Work. 1295-1300 - Bernd Mohr
, Felix Wolf:
KOJAK - A Tool Set for Automatic Performance Analysis of Parallel Programs. 1301-1304 - Oleg G. Monakhov:
Visual System for Developing of Parallel Programs. 1305-1308
Late Paper
- Abdulmotaleb El-Saddik, Andre Dufour:
Peer-to-Peer Communication through the Design and Implementation of Xiangqi. 1309-1313
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