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Representere (to represent) conjugation

28 examples
Conjugation of representere
Bokmål present tense
I represent
Bokmål past tense
I represented
Bokmål future tense
vil representere
I will represent
Bokmål conditional tense
ville representere
I would represent
Bokmål imperative tense
I represent
Bokmål present perfect tense
har representert
I have represented
Bokmål past perfect tense
hadde representert
I had represented
Bokmål future perfect tense
vil ha representert
I will have represented
Bokmål conditional perfect tense
ville ha representert
I would have represented
Examples of representere
Example in NorwegianTranslation in English
Jeg skjønner ikke hvorfor vi trenger to senatorer fra staten når vi har en mann som Paine til å representere oss allerede.Of course, I never could see why we needed two senators from this state when we have a man like Joseph Harrison Paine representing us.
Hun har bedt en advokat i Dallas om å representere ham.She's written a lawyer in Dallas to represent him.
Mr Duggan er bare her for å representere... mr Peter Boggs.Mr Duggan has no lien on your property. He's only here to represent a Mr... Peter Boggs.
Jeg står foran dere for å nominere en mann høyere kvalifisert enn noen annen til å representere dere i Washington.I come before you to place in nomination the name of a man more qualified than any other to represent you in Washington.
Vi har æren av å representere keiser Maximilian of Mexico.We have the honor to represent the emperor Maximilian of Mexico.
Jeg skjønner ikke hvorfor vi trenger to senatorer fra staten når vi har en mann som Paine til å representere oss allerede.Of course, I never could see why we needed two senators from this state when we have a man like Joseph Harrison Paine representing us.
Hun ba meg representere henne.She asked me to represent her.
Dudley kan representere deg på de møtene, ikke sant?- I know I did. Well, Dudley could represent you at those meetings, couldn't he?
Hun har bedt en advokat i Dallas om å representere ham.She's written a lawyer in Dallas to represent him.
Hvis du skal representere mannen hennes, s si ja.- Uh-huh. If she wants you to represent her husband, say yes.
De representerer mitt livsverk.It represents my life work.
Dømt tyv representerer dere. Nekter å gi fra seg ordet i Senatet."A convicted thief representing you holds the floor of the United States Senate. "
Hvem representerer De.The question is which do you represent?
Jeg representerer George Straith Limited, militære skreddere.I represent George Straith Limited, military tailors.
Til da representerer vi myndighetene. Det er vel opplagt for alle.Till such time, we represent the authorities.
Gatsby, som representerte alt som jeg uberørt hånte.Gatsby, who represented everything for which I have an unaffected scorn.
De vil knuse oss, de vil knuse Tysklands storhet... som vi representerte og representerer.They want to crush us, they want to crush the greatness of Germany which we represented and still do.
-Mr. Data, det franske språket representerte sivilisasjon på jorden i flere århundrer.- Mr. Data, the French language, for centuries on Earth, represented civilization.
May Welland representerte for Archer alt det beste i deres verden... alt han gjorde ære på, og hun forankret ham til det.May Welland represented for Archer all that was best in their world all that he honored. And she anchored him to it.
Jeg representerte fyren som fant den opp.I represented the guy who invented it.
Det representer våre posisjoner i universet i subatomisk måIestokk.It represents our individual positions in the universe on a subatomic scale.
Ser Boros, ser Mandon, bli hos min onkel og representer kongen på slagmarken.Ser Boros, Ser Mandon, stay with my uncle and represent the king on the field of battle.
Hvis du ikke kan representere din egen tro, representer FBIs.If you can't represent your own beliefs, represent the Bureau's.
Karl Stuart, konge av England. Du er funnet skyldig i høyforræderi mot folket i denne nasjonen, representert av Parlamentet, hvis autoritet setter seg til doms over deg.Charles Stuart, king of England you have been found guilty of high treason against the good people of this nation represented in Parliament by whose authority this court sits in judgement upon you.
Det Kongelige Spanske Hus blir representert av den modige adelsmannen Don Fernando de Guzman.The Royal House of Spain will be represented ...
Du er dessverre ikke representert.l'm afraid you're not represented. Just my luck.
-Som sikkerhetssjef på Starfleet kan hun ha representert den mest risikofylte premien.- As a Starfleet security officer, she may have represented his riskiest prize.
I følge artikel 34 får alle representanter som representerer en representert organisasjon ved lov. har rett på en plassAccording to Article 34 of the bylaws of the United Fraternities, all representatives representing represented organisations are allowed, by law, their rightful place.
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