Example in Norwegian | Translation in English |
Om du ikke vil at betongbiter faller ned i etasjen under, må du bore et hull og forankre betongen. | If you don't want a chunk of concrete crashing through to the floor below, you need to drill a hole and anchor the slab. |
Han skulle spille hovedrollen i Zulu-imperiet som skulle forankre MGM-filmene. | Seems he was attached to star in 'Zulu Empire', which was just gonna anchor that MGM slate. |
De danner en halvmåne, forankrer den i en ende og fortsetter framover til de får en kvadrant. | They form a crescent, anchor it at one end and sweep on until they've cleared a quadrant |
Så forankrer de den andre siden og endrer retning. | Then they anchor the opposite end and reverse direction |
For ikke å drive av gårde mot åpent hav, der de store rovdyrene er, forankrer deg seg ved å surre tare rundt kroppen. | To prevent themselves being carried away into dangerous open water, where the big predators cruise, they anchor themselves by winding straps of kelp around their body. |
Language | Verb(s) | Language | Verb(s) |
Arabic | رسا | Catalan | ancorar |
Danish | ankre | Dutch | ankeren,verankeren, verantwoorden |
English | anchor | Esperanto | ankri, ankrumi |
Estonian | ankurdama | Finnish | ankkuroida |
German | verankern | Greek | αγκυροβολώ |
Indonesian | labuh, melabuhkan | Italian | ancorare |
Japanese | 停泊 | Macedonian | прикотви |
Polish | kotwiczyć, zakotwiczać, zakotwiczyć | Portuguese | ancorar, fundear |
Spanish | anclar, anclarse, fondearse | Turkish | demirlemek |
Vietnamese | neo, nèo, néo |