Example in Japanese | Translation in English |
私が予測出来ないような手段を 使う | They will use the best part of you against yourself. |
- 使う? | -And they wanna use me. |
貴方の泣き所を最大限利用する 私が予測出来ないような手段を 使う | They will use the best part of you against yourself, and they will have methods I can't imagine or predict. |
それから 俺たちを時々使うんだ 「使う」って どういうこと? | Little earlier he came up to me and a few of my boys and told us to check out a few hotels, look for this guy. |
「使う」って どういうこと? | What do you mean he uses you? |
奴は 使わない ゲートのカードキーは どうやって 手に入れた? | He won't. Hey, pretty boy! How did he get the key cards for the gate? |
我々は民間人をオトリには 使わない | We don't use civilians as bait. |
ダイヤモンドのカフス ...使わない | Diamond cufflinks... All my cuffs have buttons. |
Yでは起爆装置を 使わない? | Why not use a detonator in New York? |
神父は"使わない"と | Father here says he doesn't want it. |
これらは科学設備で エウロパの調査に 使います | Now these are some of the science tools that we're using to test for life on Europa. |
カードを上限一杯 使った | Treated myself, maxed out the credit card. |
誰かがツインルーターを 使った | Maybe someone set up an evil twin router. |
全部 使った | Jesse, damn it, wake up. |
どの位 使った? | How many cases did that take? |
使って | Yes, you can. |
今晩は静流の部屋 使って 静流にもそう言われてるから | I guess there's no hurry. Use Shizuru's room tonight. |
ヤツらに好きなだけやらせて... 後始末をするだけです 必要なら ブルドーザーも 使って | Say what you want about those Frenchies, but when they make a mistake, they fix it. |
車は貸してやる 使え | You want the car? Take the car. Here. |
使え | That might work. |
新しい皮膚素材を 使えば... 更に パキスタンや 中国や... 誰にでも... | All we'll need to do is give it a new skin job... and it will look Pakistani or Chinese or... whoever else is endangering world peace that week. |
-使える? | Here, wait in here. |
使える | That's it! - Huh? |
使える? | Is it usable? |
叔父のルドルフ・フォン・トゥルシュが 使える | THE UNCLE, RUDOLPH VON TRULSCH, IS THE BEST SHOT. |