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Ressentir (to feel) conjugation

26 examples
Conjugation of ressentir
Present tense
je ressens
I feel
tu ressens
you feel
il/elle/on ressent
he/she/it feels
nous ressentons
we feel
vous ressentez
you all feel
ils/elles ressentent
they feel
Present perfect tense
j’ai ressenti
I felt
tu as ressenti
you felt
il/elle/on a ressenti
he/she/it felt
nous avons ressenti
we felt
vous avez ressenti
you all felt
ils/elles ont ressenti
they felt
Past impf. tense
je ressentais
I was feeling
tu ressentais
you were feeling
il/elle/on ressentait
he/she/it was feeling
nous ressentions
we were feeling
vous ressentiez
you all were feeling
ils/elles ressentaient
they were feeling
Future tense
je ressentirai
I will feel
tu ressentiras
you will feel
il/elle/on ressentira
he/she/it will feel
nous ressentirons
we will feel
vous ressentirez
you all will feel
ils/elles ressentiront
they will feel
Past perfect tense
j’avais ressenti
I had felt
tu avais ressenti
you had felt
il/elle/on avait ressenti
he/she/it had felt
nous avions ressenti
we had felt
vous aviez ressenti
you all had felt
ils/elles avaient ressenti
they had felt
Past preterite tense
je ressentis
I felt
tu ressentis
you felt
il/elle/on ressentit
he/she/it felt
nous ressentîmes
we felt
vous ressentîtes
you all felt
ils/elles ressentirent
they felt
Past anterior tense
j’eus ressenti
I had felt
tu eus ressenti
you had felt
il/elle/on eut ressenti
he/she/it had felt
nous eûmes ressenti
we had felt
vous eûtes ressenti
you all had felt
ils/elles eurent ressenti
they had felt
Future perfect tense
j’aurai ressenti
I will have felt
tu auras ressenti
you will have felt
il/elle/on aura ressenti
he/she/it will have felt
nous aurons ressenti
we will have felt
vous aurez ressenti
you all will have felt
ils/elles auront ressenti
they will have felt
Present subjunctive tense
que je ressente
that I feel
que tu ressentes
that you feel
qu’il/elle/on ressente
that he/she/it feel
que nous ressentions
that we feel
que vous ressentiez
that you all feel
qu’ils/elles ressentent
that they feel
Present perf. subjunctive tense
que j’aie ressenti
that I have felt
que tu aies ressenti
that you have felt
qu’il/elle/on ait ressenti
that he/she/it have felt
que nous ayons ressenti
that we have felt
que vous ayez ressenti
that you all have felt
qu’ils/elles aient ressenti
that they have felt
Imperfect subjunctive tense
que je ressentisse
that I would feel
que tu ressentisses
that you would feel
qu’il/elle/on ressentît
that he/she/it would feel
que nous ressentissions
that we would feel
que vous ressentissiez
that you all would feel
qu’ils/elles ressentissent
that they would feel
Past perfect subjunctive tense
que j’eusse ressenti
that I had felt
que tu eusses ressenti
that you had felt
qu’il/elle/on eût ressenti
that he/she/it had felt
que nous eussions ressenti
that we had felt
que vous eussiez ressenti
that you all had felt
qu’ils/elles eussent ressenti
that they had felt
Conditional mood
je ressentirais
I would feel
tu ressentirais
you would feel
il/elle/on ressentirait
he/she/it would feel
nous ressentirions
we would feel
vous ressentiriez
you all would feel
ils/elles ressentiraient
they would feel
Conditional perfect tense
j’aurais ressenti
I would have felt
tu aurais ressenti
you would have felt
il/elle/on aurait ressenti
he/she/it would have felt
nous aurions ressenti
we would have felt
vous auriez ressenti
you all would have felt
ils/elles auraient ressenti
they would have felt
Imperative mood
let's feel!
Past perfect imperative mood
aie ressenti
have felt
ayons ressenti
let's have felt
ayez ressenti
have felt
Examples of ressentir
Example in FrenchTranslation in English
" Comment pouvons nous ressentir si différemment... et nous ressembler tant ? " se demanda Pip.'How can we feel so different... and be so much alike? ' wondered Pip.
" Comment pouvons nous être si différents... et ressentir les mêmes choses ? " pensa Flitter.'How can we be so different... and feel so much alike? ' mused Flitter.
"Aide-moi à ressentir, par pitié""help me feel it, pretty please".
"Aimer le pécheur mais haïr le péché". Il est permis de ressentir un désir mais pas d'y succomber.Camille said that it's important to love the sinner but hate the sin, so that, uh... you're allowed to feel the desire but not act on that desire.
"Au plus profond de soi, "on peut ressentir ces bruissements.You can feel the smell of its weak echo deep inside of the body.
" J'ai ressenti beaucoup de tristesse.I felt great sadness there.
" Les erreurs que j'ai faites dans mes chansons . " " Je n'ai jamais ressenti de de ma chanson comme ça ".'The mistakes I made in my songs.' 'l never felt any of my song like this.'
"D'ailleurs, il n'avait jamais rien ressenti."Of course, Data had never felt anything before.
"Data n'avait jamais ressenti ça.BEN: "Data had never felt this way before.
"Impossible d'exprimer ce que j'ai ressenti."I can't express how I felt at that moment,
" ce que je ressens n'est pas imaginaire. "I dislike what I fancy I feel."
"Appellemoisi tu ressens la même chose."Callmeif you feelthesameway .
"C'est exactement ce que je ressens à chaque fois que je baise ton père.""That's exactly how I feel every time I kiss your father."
"C'est impossible de décrire ce que je ressens. J'ai une chose à te dire."It's impossible to put down the things I feel, but I've got to tell you something."
"C'est quoi mon problème ? Je ne veux plus que la peur me pourrisse la vie," "Sean s'en va et je n'ai même pas le courage de lui dire ce que je ressens."Here I am trying not to let fear ruin my life anymore, and then Sean moves away and I don't even have the guts to tell him how I feel.
Ok, tout le monde, échangeons, ressentons, soignons.Okay, everyone, let's deal, let's feel, let's heal.
"Alors, que ressentez-vous à propos des attaques de dinosaures ?"So, how do you feel about dinosaur attacks?
"Ce trimestre, soyez attentive à ce que vous ressentez."During this trimester, "women have to carefully inspect the things they're feeling
"Comment ressentez-vous cela ?""How do you feel about that?"
"Donald, je veux que vous sachiez que je comprends ce que vous ressentez.""Donald, I want you to know that I do understand how you feel."
"Et je sais que vous ressentez la même chose pour moi."And it's clear you feel the same way.
Ecoute, j'ai pénétré et traversé toutes les bimbos à travers le "tristate area" (Go Google, Ne ressentant plus rien sauf de la peine.Look, I have banged my way through every bimbo in the tristate area, and it left me feeling nothing but, but broken.
Elle trouve le tempo en ressentant les vibrations sur le sol.She finds the tempo by, like, feeling the vibrations in the floor.
En pénétrant dans leur essence même... en goûtant et en ressentant leur caractère unique... on pourrait atteindre cette chose commune... qui les rassemble.And through entering into their very essence tasting and feeling their uniqueness one makes a breakthrough to that common something that holds them together.
Et vous voilà, ressentant le loquet.And here you are, feeling for the latch.
Je déambule en ressentant cette douleur si douce.I walk around feeling all this sweet pain.
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