Example in Estonian | Translation in English |
"Ma ujun selili, et munad kuivad oleksid." | "Well, I swim on my back to keep my nuts dry." |
"Minust saab jõeforell ja ma ujun sinust kaugele ära." | "I will become a fish in a trout stream and I will swim away from you." Look he's |
"Minust saab jõeforell ja ma ujun sinust kaugele ära.” | "'I will become a fish in a trout stream and I will swim away from you."' |
- Ei, ei sest sa oled tõsiselt kuum naine... ja sa ujud neitsite meres | - No, 'cause you're a really hot woman... and you are swimming in a sea of virgins. |
- Ma tegelen sellega. Sa ujud selles. | -You`re swimming in it. |
- Sa ujud kaugemale kui koerad. | -You can swim farther than a dog. |
"Part ujub järves." Väga hea Hr. | "The duck swims on the lake." |
"Part ujub järves." | "The duck swims on the lake." |
# Ujub metsikult ja ujub nii vabalt # | # Swims so wild and swims so free # |
- Me ujume. | - We swim. |
- Ok, ujume. | - OK, swim. |
- Siis ujume üle. | - Yeah. Then we swim across. - Swim? |
- Teie ujute nagu mees. | - You swim like a man. |
Ei tea, kas teie ema teab et te kaks ujute alasti Havershimi tiigis. | I wonder if your mother knows that you two swim naked in the Havershims' pond. |
Ja kas teie ikka ujute? | And do you still swim? |
- Nad ujuvad meie suunas. | - They're swimming towards us. |
- Seitse luike ujuvad. | - Seven swans a-swimming! |
-Suured vaalad ujuvad ookeanis. | - A big mammal that swims in the ocean! |
Ja kui sa parasjagu ei uju siis ma tahan, et mõtleksid, et sa ujud. | And when you're not swimming, I want you thinking about it. |
Kas siin menüüs on ka midagi, mis ei uju kastmes? | Is there anything on this menu that is not swimming in gravy? - Hang on. |
Kuid üsna pea saab ta aru, et ei uju, vaid upub. | But very soon he will realise he is not swimming but drowning. |
* - Jõgi oli sügav aga ujusin üle* * | -The river was deep but I swam it |
*- Jõgi oli sügav aga ujusin üle* *- Janet* | -The river was deep but I swam it -Janet |
- Ujusin ja ujusin... | - I swam and I swam and I swam... |
-Ma ujusin Breccaga võidu. | - I swam against Brecca. |
Ja siis... nad ujusid eemale. | And then... they swam away. |
Juudid ujusid bolshevike poole. | The Jews swam toward the Bolsheviks. |
Juudid ujusid bolševike suunas. | The Jews swam toward the Bolsheviks. |
- Ta ujus nii kaugele? | - She swam that far ? |
- Ta ujus tagasi. | She swam back! |
- Ta ujus ümber ranniku siiani. | She swam round the coast to here. |
Kas tead, mulle ei meenu, millal oli viimane kord, kui me koos ujusime. | Ahh. You know, I can't remember the last time we swam together. |
Me läksime sinu onu Earli farmi ja ujusime, ja kõrvetasime ennast mürgitaimedega üle kogu... | Me and you went to your Uncle Earl's farm and swam - and got poison oak all over our... - I remember you, OK? |
Me mõlemad ujusime seal nagu oleksime "Miljoni dollari kleepekas"! | We swam in it like we were on "The Million Dollar Sticky"! |
Ja te ujusite koos pääsenutega saarele? Ei. | And those of you who survived... you swam to the island? |
Ja te ujusite koos pääsenutega saarele? | And those of you who survived you swam to the island? No. |
Te ujusite Leyte lahes Saint Lo'st välja. | You swam out of the Saint Lo at Leyte Gulf. |
Ainus põhjus, et seal ujuksin, oleks siis, kui oleksin väga õnnelik. | The only reason I would swim in there is about really loved you. |
Kui mina oleksin lõvi ja sina tuunikala, ujuksin keset ookeani ja paneksin su nahka! | If I were a lion, and you were a tuna, I would swim out in the middle of the ocean and freaking eat you! |
"Meie ei uju teie WC's. Ärge pissige meie basseini." | "We don't swim in your toilet. |
"Ära kunagi uju üksinda". | "Never swim alone"! |
Hingake sellest koos Kate'iga ja ujuge läbi plahvatusaugu välja, eks? | And buddy-breathe and swim out where the blast hole is, okay? |
Kui lõhet näete, siis ujuge läbi, mitte üle. | - Yes? When you come to this trench, swim through it, not over it. |
"Kui tahad oma pojale puhast hinge, pead ta kunagi Piscine Molitori ujuma viima. | "If you want your son to have a clean soul... "you must take him one day to swim in the Piscine Molitor. " |
- Ah ujuma! | - A swim. |
- Ei, sa ei või ujuma minna. | - No, you can't go swimming. |
"Ma näitan sulle, kuidas ma vibu lasen, kui kaugele ujuda jaksan, ning nad korraldavad isegi isa-poja võidujooksu." | You'll see... how I shoot the bow and arrow... ... and how far I can swim... and they're having a father-son race. |
"Soovid ujuda?" æQuiero probar de nadar? | "Do you wanna try swimming?" ? Quiero probar de nadar? |
"Soovid ujuda?" | "Do you wanna try swimming?" |
"Sunday, sa litapoeg, ma vean kihla, et sa ei suuda oma hinge 4 minutit kinni hoida ja sealt välja ujuda. " Tead, mida ma ütlesin? | "Sunday, you son of a bitch, l bet you can't hold your breath four minutes and swim out of there." lKnow what l said? |
"Sunday, sa litapoeg, ma vean kihla, et sa ei suuda oma hinge 4 minutit kinni hoida... ... ja sealt välja ujuda. " Tead, mida ma ütlesin? | "Sunday, you son of a bitch, I bet you can't hold your breath four minutes... ...and swim out of there." lKnow what I said? |
M-ma ei ole k-kunagi meres ujunud. | I've never swum in the sea. |
Ma olen siin ujunud igal suvel terve oma noorukiea. | I've swum here every summer of my adult life. |
Ma olen ujunud selles basseinis ringe, siit kuni kuuni. | I've swum laps from here to the moon in that pool. |
Oled sa kunagi ujunud avamerel? | You've ever swum in the open sea? |
Ta taipab liiga hilja, et on ujunud lõksu. | It doesn't realize until too late that it has swum into a trap. |
Kuidas seda üksinda ujuvat haid kutsutakse? | Now this shark that swims alone, what's it called? |
Ta sai eelmisel nädalal suure valgega ujudes hammustada. | He got bit while swimming with great whites last week. |
Olen väsinud ujumast üksinda vastu bürokraatilist voolu. | I'm tired of swimming against the bureaucratic tide by myself. |
Elodie, ma ujuks üle ookeani, tapaksin lohesid. | Elodie, I would swim across an ocean. I would slay dragons. |
Üks päev otsustasid kõik poisid, et ujuks rannast kaile ja tagasi. | One day, all the guys decided that we would swim from the beach to the dock and back. |
Language | Verb(s) | Language | Verb(s) |
Afrikaans | swem | Albanian | notoj |
Arabic | سبح | Azeri | üzmək |
Catalan | nedar | Danish | svømme |
Dutch | overzwemmen,rondzwemmen, zwemmen, zwendelen | English | swim |
Esperanto | naĝi, tranaĝi, transnaĝi | Faroese | svimja |
Finnish | uida, uiskennella | French | nager |
German | schwimmen | Greek | κολυμπάω |
Hawaiian | ʻau, ʻauʻau | Hungarian | úszik |
Icelandic | synda | Indonesian | berenang |
Italian | nuotare | Japanese | 泳ぐ, 水泳, 遊泳 |
Latvian | peldēt | Lithuanian | paplaukioti, plaukioti, plaukti |
Macedonian | плива | Malay | berenang |
Maori | kau, kauhoe | Norwegian | svømme, symja, symje |
Polish | dopłynąć, płynąć, pływać, podpłynąć, popływać, przepłynąć | Portuguese | nadar |
Quechua | wamp'uy, wayt'ay | Romanian | înota |
Russian | заплывать, заплыть, плавать, плыть, подплывать, подплыть | Spanish | nadar |
Thai | ว่าย, อาบ | Turkish | yüzmek |
Vietnamese | bơi |