Example in Estonian | Translation in English |
- Boss, ma sihin tühjust! | - Boss! I'm aiming at nothing. |
- Ma sihin seda lille! see on paks mees lillelise särgiga. | - I'm aiming at the flower! That's a fat guy in a flowered shirt. |
- Ma sihin seda lille! | - I'm aiming at the flower! |
- Ma sihin üle. | - I'll aim to overshoot. |
- Mida sa sihid? | What you aiming at? |
- Sa sihid kõrgele. | -You aim high. |
- Sihtida tuleb sinna, kuhu sihtmärk läheb, mitte sinna, kus ta on. Kui sihid otse sihtmärki, lased kindlasti mööda. | If you aim at the target, you'll miss. |
- Sina ju sihid! | - You'r aiming! |
Mõned ütlevad, et täpsuskütt sihib ise. | Well, there are those who say, the marksman aims at himself. |
See, kes sihib mu kaela, jääb ilma oma käest. | Whoever aims at my neck will have their arm cut off first. |
Ta sihib kõrgele, su lõua pihta. | He aims high. |
- Me sihime jalgu. | - We aim for the legs. |
Me sihime lumeinimest. | We'll aim for Bigfoot. |
Me sihime taeva poole! | We aim at the heavens! |
Asetate toru kaenla alla Ja sihite niimoodi. | Place the barrel under your arm and aim like this. |
Jääte siia ja sihite! | you stay where you are. you take the aim, okay? |
Kapten Nagata, kui hästi te sihite? | Captain Nagata, how good is your aim? |
Kelle poole te sihite? | Who are you aiming at? |
-Nad sihivad oma relvadega. | -They are aiming their guns. |
Arvatavasti sihivad nad su jalga. | - They probably just aim for your legs. |
Enam-vähem. Viis miljonit maksvad raketid sihivad Lõuna-Atlandit, aga maanduvad Brasiilia dšunglisse. Nüüd saadavad raketid Kuu orbiidile. | Five million dollars' worth of missile aimed at a spot in the South Atlantic and finishing up in the Brazilian jungle is bad enough. |
Clark, ma ei sihi sind. | God, Clark. I'm not aiming at you. |
Ma ei sihi tema pihta. | I'm not aiming at her. |
Sa ei sihi õieti. | You're not aiming right. |
Arvatavasti kui ma tulistasin sind kõhtu, sihtisin natuke liiga kõrgele. | So I guess when I shot you in the belly I aimed a little too high. |
Ma olin esimene asi, mida nad nägid. Ja olin esimene asi, mida nad sihtisid. | I was the first thing they saw, I was the first thing they aimed at. |
See oli esimene asi, mida nad nägid. Mina olin esimene, keda nad sihtisid. | I was the first thing they saw, I was the first thing they aimed at. |
Teised sihtisid kõrgustesse, ei tulistanud üldse, või teesklesid, et nad on millegi muuga hõivatud. | The rest aimed high, didn't fire at all, ...or pretended to be busy doing something else. |
Isegi kui Bayard sind kasvõi sihtis, on see piisav põhjus tema tulistamiseks. | If Bayard even just aimed at you, It's still all right to shoot. |
Kui nüüd mitteametlikult rääkida, siis te ei rikkunud protseduuri, kuna ohver sihtis teid tulirelvaga, ning kui hoiate kokku, peaksite sellest välja tulema. | Now off the record you actually didn't violate procedure because the victim had a firearm aimed at you, so if you stick together you should make it through this. |
Nii et kui Eknath sihtis oma relvaga teid, pr Martin, arvas ta nägevat Bridgetit. | So, when Eknath aimed his gun at you, Mrs. Martin, he thought he was looking at Bridget. |
Kui me nad õieti sihtisime, siis peaks teil tabamus skoobist näha olema. | If we aimed them right, any kills should be visible in your scope. |
Olime mõlemad hirmunud ja endast väljas, sihtisime üksteist püstolitega. | We were both together, scared and upset, holding guns aimed at each other. |
Kas te sihtisite temale, pangaröövlile? | You aimed at him, the bank robber, |
- Ole nüüd, Stan. Pahad ei sihi. | The bad guys don't aim. |
-Alati sihi kõrgemale. | - Always aim higher. |
-Sihi, sihi, Howie! | - Aim it, aim it, Howie! |
- Pidage meeles, sihtige madalale. | - Remember, aim low. Armor's weak under the chest. |
Härrased sihtige püstolid. | Gentlemen aim your pistols. |
Härrased... ...sihtige püstolid. | Gentlemen... ...aim your pistols. |
- Kuid ma pean ju sihtima. | But I have to aim. |
- Mida me peame sihtima? | - - What are we to aim at? |
- Peab ikka hästi sihtima. | That's really good aim. |
"Valmis, sihtida" Ja kõlab lask. | "I'll shout: 'Ready, aim, fire !' |
"kes oskab kõige paremini sihtida". Uskuge mind, seda mängu te mängida ei soovi. | "who's got the best aim?" |
Aga kui oled sihtinud õieti, on see vaid puhtalt refleks. | But if you've aimed just right, it'll be pure reflex. Good shot, Danny. |
Kohe, kui olin tulistanud, kostis kohast, kuhu olin sihtinud, hääli - nagu praegu. | As soon as I shot, noises came from the spot I aimed at, like now. |
Kui oleksin tulistades terve mõistuse juures olnud, oleksin pähe sihtinud. | WOMAN: (ON TV) If I was sane when I shot you, I would have aimed for your head. |
Kõige tähtsam on see, et te ei pane enne sõrme päästikule kui olete valmis tulistama ja olete sihtinud. | Now, the most important thing is do not put your finger on the trigger unless you're ready to shoot, you're aimed at your target. |
- Pärast eelmist korda aitäh sihtimast. | And after last time, I appreciate the aiming. |
See, et ma teid tappa ei saa, ei peata mind relva sihtimast teie poole. | Just because I can't do the damage doesn't stop me aiming a loose cannon your way. |
Language | Verb(s) | Language | Verb(s) |
Danish | sigte | English | aim |
Faroese | munda | Finnish | sihdata |
German | zielen | Greek | σημαδεύω,σκοπεύω, στοχεύω, στραβοκοιτάζω, στραβολαιμιάζω, στραβομουτσουνιάζω |
Indonesian | membidik | Italian | mirare |
Japanese | 狙う | Lithuanian | nusitaikyti, nutaikyti, taikytis |
Macedonian | гаѓа, нанишани | Norwegian | rette |
Polish | wycelować, zmierzać | Portuguese | visar |
Romanian | ochi | Russian | нацеливать, нацелить, норовить, прицеливаться, прицелиться, целить, целиться |
Spanish | afimar, asestar | Swedish | sikta, sila |
Thai | มุ่ง, มุ่งหมาย, เล็ง | Turkish | amaç edinmek, hedeflemek |
Vietnamese | ngấp nghé |