Example in Estonian | Translation in English |
"Ma istutan sinna mälestusaia, kus hakkab elama tema pärand." | "instead, his legacy will live on "in a memorial garden I will plant there in his honor." |
- Ma istutan lilli. | - I'm... I'm planting flowers. |
- Mida sa siis istutad? | - So what do you plant? |
Huey, sina istutad puu... ja, Dewey, sina kaevad augu. | Now, Huey, you're gonna plant the tree... ..and, Dewey, you're gonna dig the ditch. |
Kui sa istutad nad liiga ligistikku, siis nad ei kasva. | If you plant them too close together, they will not grow. |
See on väike poiss, kes leiab seemne ning istutab selle maha. | It's a little boy, who finds a seed and plants it. |
Ta istutab neid, nagu puid. | Then he plants 'em like trees. |
Hiljem me taastame maa ja istutame puud. | Later we restore the land and replant trees. |
Kui me istutame viiruse emalaevale, filtreerib ta kõik vastuse saanud laevad all välja. | If we plant a virus into that mother ship, it's gonna filter down into all the corresponding ships below. |
Kas istutate tomateid? | Are you planting tomatoes? |
Kui te vahetate mind Sheppardi vastu, siis alistute te väljapressimisele - ja istutate ka kodusõja seemne. | If you trade my life for Sheppard, you will not only yield to blackmail but you will be planting the seeds of civil war. |
Kui te vahetate mind Sheppardi vastu, siis alistute te väljapressimisele ja istutate ka kodusõja seemne. | If you trade my life for Sheppard, you'll not only be yielding to blackmail, - but you'll be planting the seeds of civil war. |
Iga öö istutavad nad seal puid, püüdes mäele taas metsa kasvatada. Jää siia. | Every night they're out there planting trees, trying to turn the mountain into a forest again. |
Iga öö istutavad nad seal puid, püüdes mäele taas metsa kasvatada. | Every night they're out there planting trees, trying to turn the mountain into a forest again. |
Kas nad istutavad puud? - Ei. | - Will they plant trees? |
Kui seeme istutatakse liiga sügavale, ei soojene see õigeks ajaks üles. | If the seed is planted too deep, it doesn't warm up in time. |
- Ma istutasin need eelmisel aastal. | - I only planted these this time last year. |
Eelmisel sügisel ma istutasin sinna köögiviljad. | Last autumn, I planted vegetables there. |
Ja istutasin kõik need lillesibulad ja seemned. | I planted all those bulbs and seeds. |
- Amanda, need, kes istutasid sulle EGO implantaadi, varastasid su mälestused. | - Amanda, whoever implanted you with that EGO device a few weeks ago, they stole your memories. |
Aednikud istutasid valgeid roose, kuigi ma palusin hoopis punaseid. | The gardeners have planted white roses when I specifically asked for red. |
Ja see on neil' paras sest istutasid valged | # It serves them right, they planted white # |
Don otsis kolm kuud Uus-Inglismaa kauneimat paika, tõi Ellie siia ja istutas tamme selle koha peale, kus Ellie jah ütles. | He spent three months searching the entire New England countryside for the most beautiful spot, and when he found it, he took her back there. And then when he proposed... He planted... |
Häkker istutas meile viiruse. | A hacker planted the virus. |
John istutas kahtlustavaid mõtteid Isobeli kohta, ja nüüd Jenna teab, et ma valetan millegi kohta. | You know, John planted all these seeds about Isobel and now Jenna knows I'm lying about something. |
KILP istutas ta kätte kiibi. | S.H.I.E.L.D. implanted a chip in his arm. |
- Mille just istutasime? | - The one we just planted? |
Kui me uued taimed istutasime, siis helistas mu poeg ja ütles, et "Isa, mul on midagi, mida me võime oma taimedele panna ja millest on tegelikult ka abi". | Yeah, when we planted the new crop my boy called me and he said, "Dad," he says, "I got something that we can put on the crops that'll really make a difference." |
- Ma ütlesin: "istuta end!" Istutatud asjad ei räägi. | - I said "plant yourself." Plants don't talk. |
- Ma ütlesin: "istuta end!" | - I said "plant yourself." |
Ei istuta midagi siin puud parkimisplatsile. | You don't plant no tree in this parking lot! |
Võtke need võtmed tüdrukust välja ja istutage ümber ühte meie sõdurisse. | I want those keys removed from the girl and implanted in one of our soldiers. |
- Ei. Me peame lapse sinu emakasse istutama. | We'll have to implant the baby into your uterus. |
Ei mina puud istutama. | I no plant the tree. |
Enne kui ära jooksid, siis ütlesid, et ma peaks ema aeda karikakraid istutama. | Before you ran off, you said that I should plant some daisies in Mom's garden. |
Isegi kui me peaksime selle jaoks puu istutama. | Even if we have to plant a tree! |
- Jah ma tean aga seda tuleb, harida, istutada ja kasvatada... | - I know, but it must be cultivated and planted and nurtured... |
- Ma tahtsin ta võtta ja istutada... - Sa pead Adelega rääkima. | - And I was gonna plant it... |
- Ma tahtsin ta võtta ja istutada... | - And I was gonna plant it... |
- Me saame generaator, saada elektrit, istutada väljad. | - We get a generator, get electricity, plant the fields. |
Aednikud on istutanud valged roosid, kui ma veel palusin istutada punased. | Imbeciles! The gardeners planted white roses when i specifically asked for red. |
Ja siis kui Pootie oli istutanud oma esimese maisitaime... oli ta õnnelik. | And when Pootie planted his first corn stalk... Damie. ...he was happy. |
Kas me oleme istutanud, et katta meie osavõttu jalgpallimängus? | Have we planted a story to cover up our attendance at the football game? |
Keegi on sinna igasugu taimi ja juurikaid istutanud, saan hulganisti vitamiine. | {\pos(192,240)}Somebody planted a garden down there with fruits and vegetables, {\pos(192,240)}- so I'm getting a lot of vitamins. |
Kui uus roos oli istutatud, ta hävitas selle. | If a new rosebush had just been planted, he destroyed it. |
Lilled, mis naine oli istutanud... oma enda kätega, olid ainult tema põskedelt kaduma läinud roosiõied. | The ever-beautiful flowers she had planted... with her own hands... became nothing more than the lost roses ofher cheeks. |
Language | Verb(s) | Language | Verb(s) |
Arabic | غرس | Azeri | əkmək |
Catalan | plantar | Danish | plante |
Dutch | beplanten,planten, planteren, poten | English | plant |
Faroese | planta | Finnish | istuttaa |
German | begrünen, bepflanzen, pflanzen | Greek | φυτεύω |
Hawaiian | kanu | Hungarian | plántál |
Icelandic | planta | Indonesian | menanam, menanami, tanam |
Italian | interrare, piantare, piantumare | Japanese | 植える |
Latvian | sēdināt | Lithuanian | pasodinti, sodinti |
Macedonian | засади, насади, посади, сади | Malay | tanam |
Maori | whakatō | Norwegian | plante |
Polish | flancować, podłożyć, sadzić, sądzić, zasadzić | Portuguese | chantar, plantar |
Quechua | tarpuy | Romanian | planta |
Russian | засадить, засаживать | Spanish | plantar, sembrar |
Swedish | planta, plantera, plaska | Thai | ปลูก |
Turkish | ekilmek | Vietnamese | trông cậy |