Example in Estonian | Translation in English |
"Ma eeldan, et mul on õigus." Riley! | Where "I assume I'm right." |
"Panuse" all, ma eeldan, et mõtlete "pea rolli". | By "part," I assume you mean "lead role". |
- Ja ma eeldan, et sina samuti. | And I assume you do it well. |
- Jumal hoidku. Leitnant, ma eeldan, et te selle ettepaneku puhul... | Lieutenant, am I right to assume that a proposal such as this... |
- Koletisi polegi, nagu ma eeldan? | - No subterranean monsters, I assume? |
- Ja eeldad, et mina pean jääma? | You assume that I have to stay? |
- Miks sa seda eeldad? | Why assume that? |
- Sa eeldad, ma ei suuda. | You assume I'm going to fail. |
-Ei, ma ütlen, mida sa arvad. Sa eeldad, et ma ei vaadanud seda. | no, I'll tell you what the thing is-- you assume I didn't watch it. |
-Miks sa kohe eeldad, et mul ei olnud tervet tädi? | why do you just assume I don't have a healthy aunt? |
Ei, mul on Belsize"is ambitsioonikas tädi, kes teie kombel eeldab, et rikkus ja maine on kõik, millest elu sõltub, põlates armastust, nagu see oleks saatana enese loodud! | No, I have an ambitious aunt in Belsize who, like you, assumes that wealth and reputation are all that life depends on and despises love as though it were the devil's own creation! |
Ja pank eeldab, et sa maksad selle tagasi. | And the bank assumes that you're gonna pay it back. |
Oh, miks on nii, et kui keegi kasvõi hingab sellest, et kui teda ei ole troonil... igaüks eeldab, et see on vandenõu? | Oh, why is it that when anyone breathes about the demise of him on the throne... everyone assumes a conspiracy? |
"Admiral, kui me eeldame, et need vaalad on täiesti meie käsutuses, siis oleksime me samapalju süüdi kui need, kes põhjustasid", minevikus, "nende väljasuremise. " | "If we assumed those whales "are ours to do with as we pleased, "we'd be as guilty as those who caused their extinction." |
"Kui me eeldame, et inimene on rikutud tehistsivilisatsiooni poolt mis on siis loomupärane riik? | "If we assume man has been corrupted by an artificial civilization what is the natural state? |
"Kui me eeldame, et inimene on rikutud tehistsivilisatsiooni poolt... ...mis on siis loomupärane riik? | "If we assume man has been corrupted by an artificial civilization... ...what is the natural state? |
"Olukorra muutumiseni eeldame, et ülekuulamine jätkub endistviisi," | "We will assume that the current methods of interrogation will continue |
...sest te eeldate seda. | Perry: ...because you assume that. |
Ainult siis, kui eeldate, et parimate kaartidega mees võidab. | Well, only if you assume the player with the best hand wins. |
Alati, kui atleet satub haiglasse, te eeldate, et see on doping | Every time an athlete goes down, you guys assume it's drugs. |
- Ma vihkan tüüpe, kes eeldavad. | - Oh, I hate guys who assume. |
Aga kohtunikud eeldavad, et naistel on emainstinkt. | But judges assume that women have the mother instinct. |
Aga sina oled koos rahaga kadunud ja kõik eeldavad, et oled osariigist lahkunud. | But you'll be missing with all your money, and everyone will assume... that you skipped the country. |
...kus eeldatakse, et E-75 võrdub R-ja M-75. | ...where it is assumed that E-75 equals R-and M-75. |
Ning mida kiirem on tarbimismäär, seda rohkem eeldatakse nn majanduskasvu ja nii see masinavärk töötab... | And the faster the rate of consumption the more so-called economic growth is assumed and so the machine goes... |
- Ei, eeldasin just seda. | No. I assumed you can do that. |
- Ei, ma eeldasin seda, sest Sa olid pidevalt klassi priimus ja zongleerimisrühma liige. | It says that? No. I just assumed it, due to your many years on the honor roll and your membership to the juggling squad. |
- Ja ma eeldasin, et see oli kõmu, sest ta oli noor ja ilmselgelt paljud õpilased põdesid temasse armumist. | And I just assumed it was gossip because he was young, and clearly a lot of students were nursing a crush on him. |
- Kuna tal on Joeyga nii lõbus eeldasin, et ta tahab tema juurde jääda. | - She's having so much fun with Joey... ...I assumed she'd still be living with him. |
- Sa eeldasid, et tead, kellest jutt käis. | I naturally assumed... You naturally assumed you knew who I was talking about. |
Aga sa eeldasid, et mina küll. | but you assumed i would. |
Iroonia seisneb sellest, et kõik eeldasid, et ma valetan. | The irony being that everyone assumed I was lying anyhow. |
Ja kui sina eeldasid, et meie suhe lõppeb koos juhtumiga, siis sa hävitasid selle. | And when you just assumed that we ended when the case ended, You crushed that. |
Isa eeldas, et ta on koos oma emaga, ja ema eeldas, et ta on koos isaga. | The father assumed that she was with her mom, and the mother assumed she was with her father. |
Jamali jõuk aga eeldas, et ta peksab lihtsalt oma vihavaenlast, kui see voolu all on. Mis nende arust oli lahe. | Jamal's gang assumed he was just beating their sworn enemy as he was being electrocuted, which they thought was cool. |
Kui sa katsetelt lahkusid, eeldas lavastaja, et ma olin ka katsetele tulnud, ja ma mõtlesin, et miks mitte proovida. | When you left the audition, the director assumed I was there to audition too. And I just figured, you know, what the heck? |
Ehk nad polnudki nii naiivsed kui eeldasime. | Perhaps they weren't as naive as we assumed. |
Lihtsalt praegu, teate, me eeldasime, et see on adopteerimise mõju. | It's just, you know, something we assumed was an effect of him being adopted. |
Me eeldasime, et kohus ei rahulda uutel asitõenditel põhinevat palvekirja. | Well, we, we assumed... that the court would not hear this petition based on new evidence. |
Me eeldasime, et kui sa 30 saad, suudad ise maksta. | We assumed that if you got married after 30 you'd pay for it yourself. |
Seda te eeldasite peale seda, kui üritasite teda mõrvata. | That was what you assumed after you attempted to murder him. |
Te eeldasite, et voodi kuulub teile. | You just assumed the bed was yours. |
Te pole protsessi välja nuputanud sest te eeldasite, et see transformatsioon algas 3000 aastat tagasi. | You haven't figured out the process because you've assumed that this transformation began 3,000 years ago. |
"Samal ajal eeldati, et ta läks tagasi Aafrikasse, aga see ei saanud kunagi kinnitust." | "At the same time, it was assumed that he had returned to Africa... "...but that was never confirmed. |
Denise, ma eeldaksin, et sa pole tüdrukutest enam huvitatud. | Denise, I would assume you're no longer interested in girls. |
Sinu hoiakut arvestades... ma eeldaksin, et sa oled kõigega nii rahul. | Judging from how you come off l would assume you're not affected by it at all. |
- Ära eelda midagi. | - Don't assume anything. |
Alati eelda, et keegi võib kuulata. | Always assume that someone is listening. |
Arvestades, et ma pole sind kolmeaastasest saati näinud, ei eelda, et sa mind vanaisaks kutsud. | Considering I haven't seen you since you were three, I don't suppose I can assume you'd call me grandpa. |
Alates praegusest eeldage, et kõik on test, mõistate? | From this point on, assume that everything is a test, you understand? |
Ärge eeldage teisiti, kuna olin lahke ja päästsin korra teie naha. | Don't assume differently just 'cause I was kind enough to save your ass once. |
- Me peame seda eeldama jah. | - We have to assume that's the case, yes. |
- Ta pidi eeldama, et tahtsite teda näha. | He must have assumed that you wanted to get in touch. |
- Võibolla sa ei peaks nii palju eeldama. | - Maybe you shouldn't assume so much. |
'Sa eeldada, et ta reageeris niimoodi sest olin tema röövija. " | You assumed she reacted like that because I was her kidnapper. |
- Me ei tea selle kõiki võimalusi, aga ma võin eeldada, et see on võimeline suurt kahju tegema. | - We do not know all of its wonders, but I can only assume it possesses the capability for great destruction. |
- Olete eeldada alias. | - You're about to assume an alias. |
- Vaid Wade teadis seda. Kuid võib eeldada, et ta lõi Frostiga mesti selle müümiseks. | Only Wade knew, but I think it's safe to assume that's why he hooked up with Frost. |
Kõigi nende poliitiliste ideede rajajad on eeldanud, et meie planeedil on lõputult ressursse. | All of those political constructs were created by writers who assumed we lived on a planet of infinite resources. |
Ma arvan, et ma alati eeldanud su isa müüs maja. | I guess I always assumed your father sold the house. |
Ma lihtsalt alati eeldanud ma elan lähedal Chuck. | I just always assumed I would live close to Chuck. |
Mõned asjad, mida oleme õppinud Malinilt... on olnud alati vastupidised sellele, mida oleme eeldanud. | The few things we've learned about Malin... have always been the opposite of what we assumed. |
Tead, ma oleksin eeldanud, et korteri eest hea kopika maksmine tähendas ka seda, et Conrad leidis kellegi, kes on parem inimeste lugemises. | You know, I would have assumed that paying top dollar for a flat meant that Conrad got someone who is better at reading people. |
Ainult inimlik ülbus eeldaks, et sõnum peab olema suunatud inimestele. | Only human arrogance would assume the message must be meant for man. |
Ma eeldaks, et... | I would assume that... |
Language | Verb(s) | Language | Verb(s) |
Catalan | assumir | Danish | antage |
English | assume | Finnish | olettaa |
French | assumer | German | annehmen |
Italian | presupporre | Japanese | 想定 |
Lithuanian | prisiimti | Macedonian | претпостави |
Norwegian | forutsette | Persian | فرض کردن |
Polish | przywdziać,założyć | Portuguese | assumir, presupor |
Russian | предполагать, предположить | Spanish | asumir |
Swedish | antaga, intaga | Thai | ทึกทัก, สำคัญ |
Turkish | varsayılmak | Vietnamese | cho rằng, gánh vác |