Example in Catalan | Translation in English |
No enraonaren gaire en el sopar, aquella nit; llur posat era humil; i quan Huck prepara la seva pipa després de l'apat, i anava a preparar les d'ells, li digueren que no es trobaven gaire bé: alguna cosa del dinar se'ls havia indisposat. CAPÍTOL XVII | They had a humble look, and when Huck prepared his pipe after the meal and was going to prepare theirs, they said no, they were not feeling very well--something they ate at dinner had disagreed with them. |
La muller del mestre faria una eixida al camp, d'aquí a pocs dies, i el pla no trobaria cap destorb. El mestre solia preparar-se per a es grans ocasions traguejant de valent, i el noi del pinta-retols digué que quan el mestre tites, el dia abans dels examens, hagués arribat a l'estat escaient, ell «endegaria la cosa» mentre el senyor Dobbins dormisquegés a la seva cadira: després el despertaria en el temps oportú, per apretar a córrer cap a l'escola. | The master's wife would go on a visit to the country in a few days, and there would be nothing to interfere with the plan; the master always prepared himself for great occasions by getting pretty well fuddled, and the signpainter's boy said that when the dominie had reached the proper condition on Examination Evening he would "manage the thing" while he napped in his chair; then he would have him awakened at the right time and hurried away to school. |
L’organització també s’ocuparà de l’aportació d’Europa a un seguit de projectes d’energia de fusió de l’anomenat “Broader Approach”amb el Japó i, a més llarg termini, donarà suport a un programa de recerca i desenvolupament per preparar la construcció dels reactors de fusió de proba (DEMO). | The organisation also provides Europe’s contribution to a number of so-called Broader Approach fusion energy projects with Japan and, in the longer term, supports a programme of research and development activities to prepare for the construction of demonstration fusion reactors (DEMO). |
La UE ha acceptat proporcionar components, equips, materials i altres recursos per al “Broader Approach”, preparar i coordinar la participació europea en la iniciativa, i posar a la seva disposició finançament i personal europeus. | The EU has agreed to provide components, equipment, materials and other resources for the Broader Approach, prepare and coordinate the European participation in the initiative, and make European staff and funding available. |
F4E ha començat de mica en mica a posar en pràctica un programa d’activitats per preparar-se de cara als primers reactors de fusió de prova, més enllà de l’ITER, que podrien generar una quantitat signicativa d’electricitat. | F4E has progressively started to implement a programme of activities to prepare for the first demonstration fusion reactors beyond ITER which could generate signicant amounts of electricity. |
Digueu a què ve o prepares a ser rebut. | State your business or prepare to get winged! |
Farem que vingui quan preparem al servei per portar-ho delicadament. | We'll ask him here when we can prepare the servants and manage it gently. |
Quan vulgui preparem la... | Shall we prepare her? |
preparem-nos! | Let us prepare! |
Ara David està concentrat, preparat i en forma i ja no és un noi espantat amb una pedra en la mà. | David is now fit, focused and prepared. He’s not a scared boy with a rock in his hand anymore. |
Amb un grup de veïns, va agafar les pancartes que havien preparat i van pujar a un autobús cap a Plaça Espanya. | With a group of neighbors, she took the banners they had prepared and rode the bus to Spain Plaza. |
El projecte de llei té l'origen en la «Lliga per a l'internet segur» , preparat pel Ministeri de Telecomunicacions i Mitjans de Comunicació la primavera passada. | The draft law owes its origins to the "League for a Safe Internet" , which prepared a blueprint for the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications this past spring. |
Vols dir que no heu preparat I'himne nord-americà? | Are you saying you've not prepared the American anthem? |
Tenc un pla, i s'ha preparat tot fins l'últim detall. | I have a plan, and everything has been prepared to the last detail. |
Com he dit abans, prepareu-vos per a una gran sorpresa. | As I said, prepare yourselves for a big surprise. |
Tenim un codi vermell de seguretat, prepareu-vos perquè ens abordin. | We have a security code Red, prepare to be boarded. |
Assistents de vol, prepareu-vos per la sortida. | Flight attendants prepare for departure. |
Millor que us prepareu per tornar-vos a embrutar. Crec que ja sé què buscaven aquells homes. | Well, you better prepare to get dirty again. |
També hi haurà actuacions avorrides dels meus companys, prepareu-vos. | There's also gonna be a lot of boring speeches from my relatives, so be prepared. |
Les comissions parlamentàries preparen els treballs de l'Assemblea i designen per a cada afer tractat un eurodiputat, que actua com a ponent. | Reports on legislative proposals are prepared in the parliamentary committees, which appoint a Member as rapporteur for each topic under discussion. |
L'amença de guerra s'abat sobre Síria ara que els Estats Units es preparen per dur a terme una campanya de bombardeigs "punitius". | The drums of war are getting louder as US lawmakers prepare to vote on a "punitive" bombing campaign on Syria. |
L'incident ha deixat en estat de xoc als afganesos mentre es preparen per al Nowruz, el cap d'any persa, el proper dissabte. | The incident has left Afghans in shock as they prepare for Nowruz, the Persian New Year, on Saturday. |
Típicament, el dinar el preparen cuiners que treballen a temps complet en una cuina a l'escola o en un edifici central que serveix tota l'àrea escolar. Ara bé, els estudiants són els responsables de servir el dinar als seus companys. | While the lunch is typically prepared by full-time staff in a large kitchen either in the school or at a central facility that serves the entire school district, it's the students who are responsible for serving lunch for their classmates. |
Els preparen. | My ships are being prepared. |
Mentre en Mathias donava un tomb pel poble amb el cap, les dones preparaven el dinar. | The women were preparing the meal while Mathias walked around the village withthe chief. |
Com ha dit el president... les tropes americanes es preparaven per traslladar-se a Cambodja. | As the President spoke... ...American troops were preparing to move into Cambodia. |
Doctor, vull que prepari l'informe el més aviat possible. | I hang up. Doctor, I want you to prepare the report as soon as possible. |
Que el capità Kagi em prepari el transbordador per sortir. | Tell Captain Kagi to prepare my shuttle for immediate take-off. |
- Que prepari els cavalls. | To prepare the horses. |
Ni tan sols imagino ser feliç. a menys que fagi alguna cosa per a salvar aquest planeta, o al menys que em prepari jo i els meus per a el que vinga. | I can't even think about being happy unless I'm doing something to help save this planet, or at least prepare myself and my loved ones for whatever it is that's coming next. |
Faré que Sembene et prepari una habitació. | I'll have Sembene prepare a room. |
T'he dit que preparis els cavalls. | He/she told you that you prepared the horses. |
Vull que els Déus em facin atenció, i que preparin els Salons Brillants per a la meva arribada. | I want the gods to pay an interest in me, and prepare the Bright Halls for my coming. |
Els Germans Musulmans s'estan preparant seriosament per a les accions de protesta. | The "Muslim Brotherhood" is seriously preparing itself for protest actions. |
Els crítics diuen que el fet que Abe no hagi reconegut els tres principis no nuclears del Japó durant el seu discurs a Hiroshima és un altre exemple del "progressiu" apropament del seu govern a canviar la societat japonesa, en aquest cas, preparant amb cura el camí per a que el Japó sorgeixi com a estat nuclear. | Abe's failure to recognize Japan's 3 non-nuclear principles during his Hiroshima address, critics say, is yet another example of his government's "incremental" approach to changing Japanese society, in this case carefully preparing the way for Japan to emerge as a nuclear state. |
"Hinckus és un perillós criminal, un terrorista, està preparant un assassinat. Feu alguna cosa. " | "Hinckus is dangerous gangster, maniac and killer, called Owl, he is preparing a murder. |
Estimat nebot, veus aquests homes preparant les muralles pel setge? | My dear nephew, you do see these men preparing the walls for siege? |
Vaig passar el dia següent preparant el pot. | I spent the next day preparing the boat. |