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Presentar (to present) conjugation

41 examples
This verb can also mean the following: show
Conjugation of presentar
Present tense
I present
you present
he/she presents
we present
you all present
they present
Present perfect tense
he presentat
I have presented
has presentat
you have presented
ha presentat
he/she has presented
hem presentat
we have presented
heu presentat
you all have presented
han presentat
they have presented
Future tense
I will present
you will present
he/she will present
we will present
you all will present
they will present
Conditional mood
I would present
you would present
he/she would present
we would present
you all would present
they would present
Past perfect tense
havia presentat
I had presented
havies presentat
you had presented
havia presentat
he/she had presented
havíem presentat
we had presented
havíeu presentat
you all had presented
havien presentat
they had presented
Past impf. tense
I was presenting
you were presenting
he/she was presenting
we were presenting
you all were presenting
they were presenting
Imperative mood
let him/her present!
let's present!
let them present!
Imperative negative mood
no presentis
don't present!
no presenti
don't let him/her present!
no presentem
let's not present!
no presenteu
don't present!
no presentin
don't let them present!
Conditional perfect tense
hauria presentat
I would have presented
hauries presentat
you would have presented
hauria presentat
he/she would have presented
hauríem presentat
we would have presented
hauríeu presentat
you all would have presented
haurien presentat
they would have presented
Future perfect tense
hauré presentat
I will have presented
hauràs presentat
you will have presented
haurà presentat
he/she will have presented
haurem presentat
we will have presented
haureu presentat
you all will have presented
hauren presentat
they will have presented
Preterite past tense
I presented
you presented
he/she presented
we presented
you all presented
they presented
Past anterior tense
haguí presentat
I had presented
hagueres presentat
you had presented
hagué presentat
he/she had presented
haguérem presentat
we had presented
haguéreu presentat
you all had presented
haguéren presentat
they had presented
Subjunctive of present tense
(so that I) present
(so that you) present
(so that he/she) presents
(so that we) present
(so that you all) present
(so that they) present
Subjunctive of imperfect tense
(so that I) was presenting
(so that you) were presenting
(so that he/she) was presenting
(so that we) were presenting
(so that you all) were presenting
(so that they) were presenting
Subjunctive of present perfect tense
hagi presentat
(so that I) have presented
hagis presentat
(so that you) have presented
hagi presentat
(so that he/she) has presented
hàgim presentat
(so that we) have presented
hàgiu presentat
(so that you all) have presented
hagin presentat
(so that they) have presented
Subjunctive of past perfect tense
hagués presentat
(so that I) had presented
haguessis presentat
(so that you) had presented
hagués presentat
(so that he/she) had presented
haguéssim presentat
(so that we) had presented
haguéssiu presentat
(so that you all) had presented
haguessin presentat
(so that they) had presented
Subjunctive of periphastic past perfect tense
vagi presentar
(so that I) presented
vagis presentar
(so that you) presented
vagi presentar
(so that he/she) presented
vàgim presentar
(so that we) presented
vàgiu presentar
(so that you all) presented
vagin presentar
(so that they) presented
Periphastic past tense
vaig presentar
I presented
vas presentar
you presented
va presentar
he/she presented
vam presentar
we presented
vau presentar
you all presented
van presentar
they presented
Periphastic past anterior tense
vaig haver presentat
I had presented
vas haver presentat
you had presented
va haver presentat
he/she had presented
vam haver presentat
we had presented
vau haver presentat
you all had presented
van haver presentat
they had presented
Examples of presentar
Example in CatalanTranslation in English
Cadascun és representat a la conferència de presidents pel seu president, qui, al seu torn, també és l'encarregat de presentar, davant el ple, les posicions del seu grup sobre els problemes tractats.Each is represented in the Conference of Presidents by its chairman, who also has the task of explaining the group's position on issues under discussion at plenary sessions.
El 9 de maig de 1950, el Ministre d’Afers Exteriors francès, Robert Schuman, va presentar la seva proposta en relació amb unaorganització d’Europa basada en la posada en comú de l’acer i delcarbó, per tal d’evitar principalment una altra guerra entrebel·ligerants europeus.On9 May1950 the French Foreign Affairs Minister, Robert Schuman,presented his proposal for the creation of an organised Europe basedon the pooling of coal and steel production, chiefly in order to avoidthe belligerent countries of Europe from ever going to war with eachother again.
La Constitució permet als ciutadans i a les empreses de presentar més fàcilmentun recurs contra els reglaments de la Unió, encara que no els afectin de formaindividual (tal com imposen actualment els tractats).The Constitution allows members of the public and businesses to bring an actionmore easily against the Union's regulatory acts, even if they do not affect themindividually (as laid down in the present Treaties).
La Comissió Europea té la missió de presentar el projecte de pressupost anualde la Unió.The Commission has the task of presenting the draft annual budget for the Union.
Així doncs, hem elaborat una estratègiacomuna de desenvolupament, seguint l’exemple del que s’havia fet en matèria de seguretat. Aquesta estratègia es va presentar al Col·legi al juliol.We have therefore drafted a“common development strategy”similar to what was produced in the security field, and presented it to the College in July.
Et presento el comte Alfonso Romero i ell és el seu fill, en Carlos.May I present Count Alfonso Romero and his son, Carlos.
Et presento el comte Alfonso Romero i ell és el seu fill, en Carlos. Tant de gust.May I present Count Alfonso Romero and his son, Carlos.
Capitø Kovelenko, li presento Lady Warburton-Watts.Captain Kovelenko, may I present Lady Warburton-Watts,,, Thank you,
Els presento a Lara Llegeix Candie-Fitzwilly.May I present to you Lara Lee Candie-Fitzwilly.
Et presentes com a intel·ligent i capacitat, igual que penedit i amb bona expressió.You present as intelligent and capable, as remorseful and articulate.
El tercer i últim episodi presenta les experiències de joventut que han marcat algunes d'aquestes dones fins l'edat adulta.The third and final episode presents experiences from youth through adolescence of a number of women that have marked them to this day.
Ahmadinejad presenta Chávez com un sant xiita.Ahmadinejad presents Chavez as a Shi'ite Saint.
És una de les poques ciutats del món que presenta continuïtat cultural al llarg del temps.It is one of the few cities worldwide which presents a cultural continuity over time.
El text presenta múltiples exemples i reflexions que concorden amb la majoria de les idees que defensen el dret de les dones a Llatinoamèrica a circular lliurement sense preocupar-se pels riscos que deriven de les convencions socials que perpetuen la desigualtat de gènere:The essay presents multiple examples and reflections linking the majority of theories defending the right of Latin American women to move about freely without concern for safety to the social conventions that perpetuate gender inequality:
Ahmed Shaheed, el Relator Especial sobre la situació dels drets humans a la República Islàmica de l'Iran, presenta el seu informe a la 28a sessió en el Consell de Drets Humans, el 16 de març de 2015.Ahmed Shaheed, Special Rapporteur on the human rights situation in the Islamic Republic of Iran, presents his report at the 28th Session at the Human Rights Council, March 16, 2015.
Vam fer el treball junts, presentem-ho junts.We did the work together, let's present the paper together.
S'ha presentat de nou per votar a Uganda el mateix projecte de llei que es va presentar el 2009:The same bill that was presented in 2009 is showing up again for voting in Uganda:
En un post al seu blog, Yoani Sánchez ha presentat els objectius d’aquesta cita que es planteja com una trobada al voltant del món de les xarxes socials:In a post on her blog , Yoani Sánchez presented the objectives of the event, which she considers to not be obliquely political; but rather, focused more generally on the blogging community:
"The Mission", que s'ha presentat al públic com una experiència social o un documental de ficció, dirigirà durant dues setmanes vuit famosos que estaran al servei de l’ONG italiana Intersos a diferents camps de refugiats del Sudan del Sud, de la República Democràtica del Congo i de Mali sota la supervisió de l'Alt Comissiariat de les Nacions Unides per als Refugiats."The Mission", which is presented as a social experience, will show eight celebrities over two weeks working for the Italian NGO Intersos in refugee camps in South Sudan, the Democratic Republic of the Congo and Mali.
Aquest últim cop a la llibertat de premsa no ha fet més que desacreditar encara més l'actual administració, que ha demostrat ser incapaç de desmentir de qualsevol altra manera l'evidència que hem presentat.This latest blow to media freedom only brings further discredit upon the present administration, who have proven unable to counter the evidence we have presented in any other way.
En el pressupost nacional d'aquest any, presentat el 5 d'octubre, la seguretat nacional va tornar a rebre l'assignació de fons més gran.In this year’s national budget, presented on October 5, national security once again received the largest allocation of funds.
La societat àrab no és tan primitiva com presenteu al vostre article, que accentua l'estereotip que el lector té de nosaltres, i és un estereotip terriblement estés que contribueix a engrandir el distanciament cultural entre la nostra societat i d'altres i augmenta el racisme cap a nosaltres.Arab society is not as barbaric as you present it in the article, which enhances the stereotype of us in the reader's mind, and it is a stereotype which is frighteningly widespread, and contributes to the widening cultural rift between our society and other societies, and the increase of racism towards us.
Podeu veure algunes de les màquines i la feina a les comunitats en aquesta tercera part del vídeo amb 2003 imatges de Maya Pedal: des del procés de disseny de les màquines d'acord amb les necessitats dels grangers, fins a les reunions de les comunitats on es presenten les màquines i s'aprenen a fer servir.You can see some of the machines and work with the communities in this 3 part video series featuring 2003 footage of Maya Pedal: from their process designing equipment according to needs expressed by farmers, to community meetings where their machines are presented and people learn how to use them.
El president Bauzá i el conseller Company presenten aquest matí a les 11h el Plan de Lloguer per 2013.(…) President Bauzá and Minister Company will present the Rent Plan for 2013 at 11am this morning.
Creen vídeos breus en els quals presenten idees per a la ciutat, barrejant humor amb propostes concretes que prometen realitzar quan siguin elegits.They create short videos presenting their ideas for the city, mixing humour with some concrete proposals that they promise to realize if elected.
Els activistes han recopilat la informació i la presenten en infogràfics publicats recentment a http://www.yanukovich.info.The data collected by activists has been presented in infographics published recently on http://www.yanukovich.info/.
Kazuko Itoh, l'editor de Challengers.tv , una pàgina web de notícies esportives de l'organització sense ànims de lucre STAND, diu que ja no es presenten atletes discapacitats en la seves pròpies categories.Kazuko Itoh, the editor of Challengers.tv , a sports news website by non-profit organization STAND, says they no longer present disabled athletes a in category of its own.
Per aprofundir la reflexió sobre la lluita d'igualtat de gènere a la xarxa, presentarem el treball de Coral Herrera en dues parts.To offer a more thorough reflection on the struggle for gender equality on the internet, we will present Coral Herrera’s work in two parts.
El president de l’Associació de Premsa de Granada, Antonio Mora, presentava una exposició fotogràfica a Granada sobre les relacions entre Israel i Espanya, el dimarts 6 de març, quan unes activistes antiocupació de l’organització Plataforma Andalucía con Palestina van entrar a la sala.The Head of the Press Association in Granada, Antonio Mora, was presenting a photo exhibition in Granada, Spain, of the relations between Israel and Spain on Tuesday, March 6, when anti-occupation activists from an organization called Plataforma Andalucía con Palestina (Platform Andalucia with Palestine) entered the room.
Per exemple, la Llei d’immigració alemanya de2004 preveu que el Govern presenti un informe sobre la implementació i el finançamentde cursos d’integració.Forinstance, the 2004 German immigration law requires the government to present a reporton the implementation and financing of integration courses to the Parliament by July2007, two and a half years after entry into force of the law.
Murray, presenti. Veus? Fins a jo ho faig.- Murray, present, see even I do it.
T'ho he dit... quan estàs en una banda no surts amb la xicota de la teva company de banda, passat o presenti.I told you, you know, when you're in a band, you don't get with your bandmate's girlfriend. Past or present.
Murray, presenti.Murray, present.
No presenti.Not present.
Aleshores només cal que presentis tota la documentació.Then it's just a matter of presenting the papers.
Tots els passatgers, si us plau presentin-se a la porta 5 ...Will all passengers please present themselves at gate 5...
La direcció general de la ERT respecta plenament les normes de la llibertat de premsa; la qual cosa demostra a la pràctica diària presentant tots els punts de vista.In a public statement , Aimilios Liatsos accused Mr. Arvanitis and Ms. Katsimi of infringing journalism's Code of Ethics and defended their dismissal: The General Directorate of ERT fully respects the rules of Free Press; it's proven in daily practice by presenting all views.
Diverteix-te presentant el meu pressentiment de sort. Shel, no volia dir-ho en aquest sentit. -Llavors, per què ho vas dir?.- Have fun presenting my "lucky hunch. " - Sheldon, I didn't mean it like that.
Diverteix-te presentant el meu pressentiment de sort.Have fun presenting my "lucky hunch"
La part complicada és controlar el procés els propers dos dies perquè puguis acabar presentant el teu nou govern.The hard part is controlling the process the next couple of days - so that you end up presenting your new cabinet. Remember that.
Pel que fa a la resolució conjunta davant nostre, presentant una 13 ° esmena a la nostra Constitució nacional, la qual va ser aprovada l'any passat pel Senat, i la que ha estat debatuda per aquest estimable cos per les passades setmanes, avui votarem ...On the matter of the joint resolution before us, presenting a 13th Amendment to our National Constitution, which was passed last year by the Senate and which has been debated now by this estimable body for the past several weeks,
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