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Expressar (to express) conjugation

24 examples
Conjugation of expressar
Present tense
I express
you express
he/she expresses
we express
you all express
they express
Present perfect tense
he expressat
I have expressed
has expressat
you have expressed
ha expressat
he/she has expressed
hem expressat
we have expressed
heu expressat
you all have expressed
han expressat
they have expressed
Future tense
I will express
you will express
he/she will express
we will express
you all will express
they will express
Conditional mood
I would express
you would express
he/she would express
we would express
you all would express
they would express
Past perfect tense
havia expressat
I had expressed
havies expressat
you had expressed
havia expressat
he/she had expressed
havíem expressat
we had expressed
havíeu expressat
you all had expressed
havien expressat
they had expressed
Past impf. tense
I was expressing
you were expressing
he/she was expressing
we were expressing
you all were expressing
they were expressing
Imperative mood
let him/her express!
let's express!
let them express!
Imperative negative mood
no expressis
don't express!
no expressi
don't let him/her express!
no expressem
let's not express!
no expresseu
don't express!
no expressin
don't let them express!
Conditional perfect tense
hauria expressat
I would have expressed
hauries expressat
you would have expressed
hauria expressat
he/she would have expressed
hauríem expressat
we would have expressed
hauríeu expressat
you all would have expressed
haurien expressat
they would have expressed
Future perfect tense
hauré expressat
I will have expressed
hauràs expressat
you will have expressed
haurà expressat
he/she will have expressed
haurem expressat
we will have expressed
haureu expressat
you all will have expressed
hauren expressat
they will have expressed
Preterite past tense
I expressed
you expressed
he/she expressed
we expressed
you all expressed
they expressed
Past anterior tense
haguí expressat
I had expressed
hagueres expressat
you had expressed
hagué expressat
he/she had expressed
haguérem expressat
we had expressed
haguéreu expressat
you all had expressed
haguéren expressat
they had expressed
Subjunctive of present tense
(so that I) express
(so that you) express
(so that he/she) expresses
(so that we) express
(so that you all) express
(so that they) express
Subjunctive of imperfect tense
(so that I) was expressing
(so that you) were expressing
(so that he/she) was expressing
(so that we) were expressing
(so that you all) were expressing
(so that they) were expressing
Subjunctive of present perfect tense
hagi expressat
(so that I) have expressed
hagis expressat
(so that you) have expressed
hagi expressat
(so that he/she) has expressed
hàgim expressat
(so that we) have expressed
hàgiu expressat
(so that you all) have expressed
hagin expressat
(so that they) have expressed
Subjunctive of past perfect tense
hagués expressat
(so that I) had expressed
haguessis expressat
(so that you) had expressed
hagués expressat
(so that he/she) had expressed
haguéssim expressat
(so that we) had expressed
haguéssiu expressat
(so that you all) had expressed
haguessin expressat
(so that they) had expressed
Subjunctive of periphastic past perfect tense
vagi expressar
(so that I) expressed
vagis expressar
(so that you) expressed
vagi expressar
(so that he/she) expressed
vàgim expressar
(so that we) expressed
vàgiu expressar
(so that you all) expressed
vagin expressar
(so that they) expressed
Periphastic past tense
vaig expressar
I expressed
vas expressar
you expressed
va expressar
he/she expressed
vam expressar
we expressed
vau expressar
you all expressed
van expressar
they expressed
Periphastic past anterior tense
vaig haver expressat
I had expressed
vas haver expressat
you had expressed
va haver expressat
he/she had expressed
vam haver expressat
we had expressed
vau haver expressat
you all had expressed
van haver expressat
they had expressed
Examples of expressar
Example in CatalanTranslation in English
A les vetllades de l'església sempre recorrien a ell perque llegís poemes; i, quan s'hi havia posat, les senyores alçaven llurs mans i les deixaven caure abandonadament damunt la falda; i cloien els ulls i movien els caps, com si diguéssin: -Les paraules no poden expressar-ho: és massa bell, massa bell per a aquesta terra mortal!At church "sociables" he was always called upon to read poetry; and when he was through, the ladies would lift up their hands and let them fall helplessly in their laps, and "wall" their eyes, and shake their heads, as much as to say, "Words cannot express it; it is too beautiful, TOO beautiful for this mortal earth."
Un d’ells, Sidique Abdullah Gondwe Geloo, va proposar organitzar una marxa pública perquè la gent pogués expressar la seva experiència personal durant els tres primers mesos del nou govern:One member, Sidique Abdullah Gondwe Geloo, suggested a public march with people expressing their personal experience in the three months of the new government:
El director de la revista Filter, Mattias Göransson —l’únic client de Schibbye i Persson que ha admès públicament haver mantingut contacte amb els periodistes abans del seu viatge a l’Àfrica— va ser cridat com a testimoni en el judici. Més endavant, en una entrevista amb l'agència Reuters a Suècia, va expressar la decepció amb el veredicte:Mattias Göransson, the editor-in-chief of Filter magazine - the only client of Schibbye and Persson's to publicly acknowledge it had been in touch with the pair before their African trip - was called as a witness during the trial, and expressed disappointment with the verdict when interviewed by Reuters in Sweden:
Unes quantes webs han decidit expressar l'oposició als projectes apagant-se, ja sigui completament o bé amb una portada reivindicativa.Many sites have chosen to express their opposition by blacking out their sites, either entirely or with an interstitial page.
Des del principi de febrer de 2012 han tingut lloc actes a tot el món per expressar la solidaritat amb els tibetans, a petició del kalong tripa (càrrec semblant al de primer ministre) Dr.Since early February 2012, a series of global vigils have taken place in all over the world to express solidarity with Tibetans, following a call from Kalong Tripa Dr. Lobsang Sangay.
@carlbildt: Suècia expressa la profunda preocupació per la dura sentència pronunciada contra els periodistes suecs a Etiòpia.@carlbildt: Sweden expresses grave concern over hard sentence against Swedish journalists in Ethiopia.
Wolfgang Blau, periodista de The Guardian, expressa els seus temors sobre la campanya contra Grècia que està realitzant el tabloide alemany Bild en aquest comentari a Facebok :Wolfgang Blau of The Guardian expresses concern in this Facebook post about the anti-Greece campaign by the German tabloid newspaper Bild:
La meva clienta és una artista que expressa els seus pensaments dibuixant caricatures, i la seva intenció era criticar els governants", va dir Moghimi a l'ICHRI.My client is an artist who expresses her thoughts through drawing cartoons, and she meant to criticize those in power,” Mohammad Moghimi told the Campaign.
I quant el tema del Vigilant surt, ell expressa el seu suport... ..però no es un tema que ell tregui a conversa per ell mateix.And when the subject of the vigilante comes up, he expresses his support, but it's not something he would bring up in conversation himself.
La Comissió de Drets Humans de les Maldives, per la seva banda, ha expressat la preocupació per la llarga detenció del jutge, i l'ONU ha instat el govern de les Maldives a alliberar el jutge si no hi presenta càrrecs formals.The Human Rights Commission of the Maldives has also expressed concerns about the continued detention of the judge. The UN has urged the government of the Maldives to either release the judge or to press formal charges against him.
Malgrat que ja han passat setmanes des de l'anunci del desig d'aturar la guerra, les FARC encara són notícia per la violència, fins al punt que hi va haver una protesta armada al departament de Chocó, on els greus problemes derivats del conflicte s'han expressat a Twitter amb l'etiqueta #EL_CHOCÓ_NECESITA_PAZ.And despite it only being several weeks since their announced desire to end the war, the FARC continues making news for its violence , having an armed protest strike in the department of Choco, where serious problems springing from the conflict have been expressed on Twitter with the hashtag #EL_CHOCÓ_NECESITA_PAZ (Choco needs peace) .
Nombrosos periodistes, blocaires i activistes àrabs han criticat la manera amb la que Mona Eltahawy ha formulat els seus arguments i han expressat la seua ira davant les imatges que acompanyen l'article - una dona nua amb el cos cobert d'una pintura negra simulant un niqab - argumentant que constitueixen una representació estereotipada de les dones àrabs.Many Arab journalists, bloggers and activists have criticized the way Eltahawy frames her arguments, and expressed anger at the images accompanying the article of a nude woman in black body-paint resembling a niqab, arguing these are stereotypical depictions of Arab women.
Els mitjans s’han fet ressò de l’oposició al projecte que han expressat de forma conjunta, en un acte al Col·legi d’Arquitectes de Catalunya (COAC), diferents entitats d’arquitectes i urbanistes, que han fet pública una declaració:The media have spread the opposition to the project and jointly expressed their feeling about the project in a meeting at the Col·legi d’Arquitectes de Catalunya (COAC) together with different organisations of architects and urban planners who have issued a statement :
Després de la detenció de Vladislav Baumgartner, un grup d'experts va declarar que al darrere dels esdeveniments que van tenir lloc a Minsk hi ha el propi Vladímir Putin, que d'aquesta manera ha decidit castigar Solimà Kerímov pel fet de formar part del "cercle d'oligarques de Medvèdev"... Aquells que han expressat la seva opinió sobre el tema d'una forma menys radical afirmen que, si realment Putin no ho va organitzar tot personalment, com a mínim, no s'esforçarà gaire en defensar els propietaris d'Uralkali.After Baumgartner's arrest a host of experts expressed the opinion that standing behind the events in Minsk was none other than Vladimir Putin himself, deciding in this way to punish Suleiman Kerimov, for belonging to "Medvedev's" circle of Oligarchs… Those who possess a less radical point of view maintain that even if Putin didn't personally organise this situation himself, then at the very least he isn't going to try very hard when defending Uralkaliy's owners.
Hem de dir el que realment pensem sobre l'homofòbia, digueu NO, expresseu-vos, oposeu-vos, enfadeu-vos, és hora de mobilitzar-se contra l'homofòbia.We should say what do we think frankly about homophobia, say NO, express, oppose, get angry, this is the time for movement against homophobia.
Estableix que la integració europea es basa en una doble legitimitat: la dels pobles, la voluntat dels quals l’expressen directament els ciutadans, i la dels governs nacionals, que són el marc en què operen les societats europees.It makes it clear that European integration is based on dual legitimacy: the directly expressed will of the people and the legitimacy of the nation states, which are still the framework within which European societies operate.
No sembla que, ara mateix, als ugandesos del Parlament que continuen desafiants i decidits a aprovar la legislació els importi si finalment se n’exclourà la pena de mort o no, perquè expressen de manera molt clara la seva homofòbia i ignorància.Ugandans in Parliament who remain defiant and determined to pass the legislation, do not seem to care at this point whether or not the death penalty is finally excluded as they express homophobia and ignorance in no uncertain terms
Des del costat que dóna suport al president els tuits expressen alegria i satisfacció, mentre que entre els que seguien la proposta d'Henrique Capriles es barregen sentiments de decepció amb profundes conviccions que els canvis seran possibles en el futur.From the side that supports the President, tweets express joy and satisfaction, while those who support Henrique Capriles share mixed feelings of disappointment with deep convictions that changes are possible in the future.
Els usuaris de Twitter expressen el seu menyspreu amb el hashtag #Dendias, exigint, entre altres coses, la dimissió de Dendias.Twitter users are expressing their disdain using the hashtag #Dendias, requesting, amongst other things, that Dendias should quit.
Tots aquells que s’expressen així corren un risc molt més gran que a Europa.Those who express themselves in Iran are more at risk than those in Europe.
Democratitza les actuacions i deixa que tothom s'expressi davant d'un gran públic des de la comoditat de sa casa.It democratizes performance and lets anyone express themself to a wide audience from the comfort of their own home.
Elmètode adoptat per la Convenció ha permès per primera vegada que tots elspunts de vista europeus i estatals s’expressin en un debat ampli, obert itransparent.The Convention method has made it possible for the first time for all European and national viewpoints to be expressed in a broad, open andtransparent debate.
La pàgina de la xarxa social Nasza-Klasa també compta amb moltes entrades expressant el condol a les famílies, la tristesa de tota una nació i una nova visió d’unitat per a tot el país al voltant de la figura del president:Social networking site 'Nasza-Klasa' also hosts a significant amount of posts expressing condolences to families, sadness for the nation and a new vision of unity around the person of the President for the entire country:
Ahir mateix un home va ser apallissat i el seu cotxe va ser destrossat en un acte vandàlic a la rotonda de Saint John tan sols perquè estava expressant la seva llibertat política de triar el partit per qui volia votar i lluint insígnies.Only yesterday a man was beaten and lost his car through vandalizing act at the Saint John roundabout just because he was expressing his political freedom of choosing party regalia bearing the emblem of red.
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