Invite people to share images in one place with the new group collections

Have you ever wanted an easier way to gather and share ideas with other people? Now you can invite anyone to instantly share images in a group collection.

Whether for quick reference, deep collaboration, or simply sharing memories it’s a faster way to see and show ideas in a group.


Simply click the person-plus icon on the collection page to invite contributors.  You can add people by email or by sharing the private invite link in a chat, wiki, forum, FAQ, etc.


It’s a fun instant way to brainstorm, create, and share ideas. Now you can connect with friends, family, groups at school, and teams at work at the speed of Gyazo. 


Those that get your invite link can easily add or remove images from the group collection. Imagine receiving visual ideas directly from your group quickly and easily, all in one place that you can search later.


The owner can also remove contributors if there are problems or changes with the group members.

Try it by visiting your gyazo home page and creating a new collection or opening an existing one then add some contributors.

This opens up new possibilities for you to more easily share and collaborate with visual ideas. 

Thanks for being with us. Your comments and feedback help us improve the experience for everyone.