Term limits on the ballot

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Term limits on the ballot: This subtopic of "elections and campaigns" refers to the use, increase or decrease of term limits on public officials. Term limits are a legal restriction on the number of terms a person may serve in a particular office. Ballotpedia also includes term lengths in this definition. Limits vary by state. State executives, state legislative representatives, judges and board officials are some of the offices with term limits.


Term limit

A term limit is a legal restriction that limits the number of terms a person may serve in a particular elected office.

There are different types of term limits. Sometimes, there is an absolute limit on the number of terms a person can serve, while in other cases, the restrictions are merely on the number of consecutive terms.

Ballot measures lists

By state

Note: The list below automatically compiles all potential and certified ballot measures being tracked by Ballotpedia. Sometimes a measure that has been abandoned by petitioners or in the legislature will still be listed until a legal deadline passes. As more deadlines pass in any given year, the list will more accurately represent which measures will actually go before voters in the current year.


  1. Alabama Election of the Sheriff, Amendment 4 (1944)
  2. Alabama County Sheriff, Amendment 2 (1952)
  3. Alabama Term Limits, Amendment 1 (1968)


  1. Alaska Term Limits, Measure 4 (1996)
  2. Alaska Term Limits Pledge, Measure 7 (1998)
  3. Alaska Term Limits, Measure 4 (1994)


  1. Arizona Proposition 103, Corporation Commission Amendment (2000)
  2. Arizona Proposition 100, Repeal Term Limits for State Treasurer Amendment (1988)
  3. Arizona Proposition 104, Four-Year Term Limits for County Officers Amendment (1964)
  4. Arizona Proposition 102, State Treasurer Term Limits Amendment (1980)
  5. Arizona Measure Nos. 110-111, Four-Year Terms for State Legislators Amendment (1933)
  6. Arizona Measure Nos. 104-105, Four-Year Terms for State Officers Amendment (1933)
  7. Arizona Measure Nos. 106-107, Four-Year Terms for County Officers Amendment (September 1950)
  8. Arizona Measure Nos. 102-103, Four-Year Terms for County Officers Amendment (1946)
  9. Arizona Measure Nos. 108-109, Four-Year Terms for Mine Inspector Amendment (1933)
  10. Arizona Measure Nos. 100-101, Term Limits for State Officials Amendment (1926)
  11. Arizona Measure Nos. 100-101, Four-Year Terms for County Officers Amendment (1933)
  12. Arizona Measure Nos. 100-101, Four-Year Terms for State Officers Amendment (1946)
  13. Arizona Measure Nos. 104-105, Four-Year Terms for Executive Officials Amendment (September 1950)
  14. Arizona Measure Nos. 100-101, Four-Year Terms for State Legislators Amendment (September 1950)
  15. Arizona Proposition 137, End Term Limits and Retention Elections for Supreme Court Justices and Superior Court Judges Amendment (2024)
  16. Arizona Four-Year Terms for Mine Inspector Amendment (2026)


  1. Arkansas Congressional Term Limits, Proposed Amendment 9 (1996)
  2. Arkansas General Assembly Term Limits, Proposed Amendment 1 (2004)
  3. Arkansas Term Limits, Proposed Amendment 4 (1992)
  4. Arkansas Four-Year Terms for Elected County Officials, Proposed Amendment 66 (1986)
  5. Arkansas Term Limits for State Constitutional Officers, Proposed Amendment 64 (1984)
  6. Arkansas Elected Officials Ethics, Transparency and Financial Reform Amendment, Issue 3 (2014)
  7. Arkansas State and County Officer Term Limits, Proposed Amendment 44 (1950)
  8. Arkansas Term Limits for Governor and Lieutenant Governor, Proposed Amendment 38 (1944)
  9. Arkansas Issue 2, Change State Legislative Term Limits Amendment (2020)


  1. California Proposition 140, Term Limits, Legislature Retirement Benefits, and Legislative Operating Costs Initiative (1990)
  2. California Proposition 225, Ballot Line Indicating Position on Term Limits Initiative (June 1998)
  3. California Proposition 27, Congressional Candidate Voluntary Term Limit Declarations Initiative (March 2000)
  4. California Proposition 45, Local Legislative Option to Extend Term Limits via Petition Amendment (March 2002)
  5. California Proposition 131, Term Limits and Campaign Finance Limits Initiative (1990)
  6. California Proposition 28, Change in State Legislative Term Limits Initiative (June 2012)
  7. California Proposition 93, Amendment to Term Limits Initiative (February 2008)
  8. California Proposition 164, Terms Limits for Legislators Initiative (1992)
  9. California Proposition 11, Qualifications for Certain Term Limits Amendment (October 1911)


  1. Colorado Amendment 18, Declarations About Term Limits Initiative (1998)
  2. Colorado Amendment No. 5, Term Limits for Certain Offices Initiative (1990)
  3. Colorado Amendment 17, Term Limits Initiative (1994)
  4. Colorado Amendment 12, Constitutional Convention for Congressional Term Limits Initiative (1996)
  5. Colorado Four-Year Terms for County Officers, Measure 8 (1922)
  6. Colorado Four-Year Terms for Elective State Officers, Measure 9 (1922)
  7. Colorado Four-Year Terms for Certain County Officials, Measure 1 (1932)
  8. Colorado Referendum A, Term Limits for Elected District Attorneys Amendment (2002)


  1. Florida Amendment 9, Term Limits Initiative (1992)
  2. Florida Amendment 6, Terms for House of Representatives Members Amendment (1970)
  3. Florida Amendment 7, Terms of Those Elected or Appointed to Fill Vacancies Amendment (1944)
  4. Florida Terms of County Officers Amendment (1904)
  5. Florida Amendment 7, Circuit Court Judge Terms Amendment (1988)
  6. Florida Amendment 2, Terms of Office for Boards of College and Universities Amendment (1964)
  7. Florida County Officers Amendment (1914)


  1. Georgia Constitutional Officer Term Limits, Amendment 4 (1936)
  2. Georgia Term Limits, Amendment 1 (June 1941)
  3. Georgia School Superintendent Terms, Amendment 55 (June 1941)
  4. Georgia Judicial Terms of Office, Amendment 7 (1956)
  5. Georgia Gubernatorial Succession, Amendment 2 (1976)
  6. Georgia Legislative Term Limits, Amendment 4 (1978)
  7. Georgia Gubernatorial Succession, Amendment 2 (1982)
  8. Georgia Legislative Term Limits, Amendment 2 (1988)


  1. Hawaii Judicial Term Limits, Ballot Measure 7 (1994)
  2. Hawaii Executive Branch Term Limits, Amendment 9 (1978)


  1. Idaho Congressional Term Limits Initiative, Initiative 4 (1996)
  2. Idaho Term Limit Ballot Information Initiative, Initiative 1 (1998)
  3. Idaho Reinstatement of Term Limits through Ballot Restrictions Initiative, Initiative 2 (2002)
  4. Idaho Establish Term Limits Initiative, Initiative 2 (1994)
  5. Idaho Four Year Terms for County Commissioners, HJR 5 (1904)
  6. Idaho Abolish Probate Court, HJR 3 (1908)
  7. Idaho Extending Terms of State Officers, SJR 4 (1914)
  8. Idaho Four Year Terms for State Officers, HJR 8 (1928)
  9. Idaho Terms of Office for County Commissioners, SJR 7 (1934)
  10. Idaho SJR 1, Four-Year Term for State Officers Amendment (1944)
  11. Idaho Extend County Sheriff Term Limit, SJR 6 (1964)
  12. Idaho Four Year Term for County Assessor, HJR 3 (1970)
  13. Idaho Four Year Term for County Treasurer, SJR 121 (1970)
  14. Idaho County Prosecuting Attorney Term Limit, HJR 15 (1982)
  15. Idaho County Coroner Term Limits, SJR 102 (1986)


  1. Illinois County Officer Term Limit Amendment (1944)


  1. Indiana Elected County Officials' Term Limits, Proposition 3 (1988)
  2. Indiana County Sheriff Term Limits, Amendment 2 (1978)
  3. Indiana Governor Term Limits, Amendment 2 (1972)
  4. Indiana Terms of Office, Amendment 3 (1970)


  1. Iowa Judicial Department Administration, Amendment 1 (June 1962)
  2. Iowa State Executive Term Length, Amendment 2 (1972)


  1. Kentucky Proposed Amendment 2, Allowable Length of Service for Governors (1992)
  2. Kentucky Expands Term Limits of Mayors, Amendment 2 (1986)
  3. Kentucky Term Limits on Sheriffs, Amendment 1 (1984)
  4. Kentucky Proposes a Change in Elected Officials Term Limits, Amendment 1 (November 1981)
  5. Kentucky 1984 ballot measures
  6. Kentucky 1986 ballot measures


  1. Louisiana Term Limits for Public Boards Act, Amendment 1 (2008)
  2. Louisiana Term Limits Amendment (October 1995)


  1. Maine Extend Legislative Term Limits from Four to Six, Question 5 (2007)
  2. Maine Seeking U.S. Congress Term Limits, Question 1 (1996)
  3. Maine U.S. Congress Term Limits, Question 1 (1994)
  4. Maine State Official Term Limits, Question 1 (1993)
  5. Maine Sheriff Term Limits, Constitutional Amendment 9 (1985)
  6. Maine Gubernatorial Term Length and Limits, Proposed Constitutional Amendment No. 3 (1957)
  7. Maine Gubernatorial Term Continuation, Proposed Constitutional Amendment No. 2 (1971)


  1. Maryland Sheriff Elections, Amendment 3 (1916)
  2. Maryland Term Limits for Comptroller and Treasurer, Amendment 3 (1922)
  3. Maryland Governor Succession, Amendment 4 (1948)
  4. Maryland Term Limits for the Commissioner of Motor Vehicles, Amendment 8 (1948)


  1. Michigan Proposal 1, Legislative Term Limits and Financial Disclosure Amendment (2022)


  1. Minnesota Extend Congressional Terms, Amendment 2 (1873)
  2. Minnesota Extend Congressional Terms, Amendment 2 (1877)
  3. Minnesota Auditor Term Limits, Amendment 1 (1883)
  4. Minnesota Supreme Court Clerk Term Limit, Amendment 3 (1883)
  5. Minnesota Supreme Court Justice Term Limit, Amendment 4 (1883)
  6. Minnesota District Court Justice Term Limit, Amendment 5 (1883)
  7. Minnesota Terms of Probate Judges, Amendment 6 (1914)
  8. Minnesota Terms of Probate Judges, Amendment 8 (1916)
  9. Minnesota Terms of Probate Judges, Amendment 2 (1920)
  10. Minnesota State Officer Term Limits, Amendment 2 (1958)


  1. Mississippi Term Limits, Measure 9 (1999)
  2. Mississippi Term Limits, Initiative 4 (1995)
  3. Mississippi Gubernatorial Term Limits, Amendment 3 (1986)
  4. Mississippi State Treasurer Term Limits, Amendment 4 (1986)
  5. Mississippi Lieutenant Governor Terms, Amendment 6 (1992)


  1. Missouri Amendment 13, U.S. Congressional Term Limits Initiative (1992)
  2. Missouri Amendment 12, State Legislative Term Limits Initiative (1992)
  3. Missouri Amendment 3, Term Limit Calculations Measure (2002)
  4. Missouri Amendment 9, Congressional Term Limits Initiative (1996)


  1. Montana Term Limits, I-132 (1996)
  2. Montana Terms of Office Increase, C-42 (2004)
  3. Montana Term Limits, CI-64 (1992)
  4. Montana County Commissioner Term Limits, Amendment 1 (1902)
  5. Montana Terms of Office for County Officers, Amendment 1 (1938)
  6. Montana Terms of Office for County Officers, Amendment 2 (1942)
  7. Montana Term Limits of County Officers, Amendment 2 (1944)
  8. Montana County Attorney Term Limits, Amendment 1 (1962)


  1. Nebraska Term Limits, Amendment 1 (1994)
  2. Nebraska Term Limits Ballot Instruction, Measure 409 (1996)
  3. Nebraska Congressional Term Limits, Amendment 3 (1992)
  4. Nebraska Term Limits Amendment, Amendment 3 (2012)
  5. Nebraska Board of Railway Commissioners, Amendment 2 (1884)
  6. Nebraska Legislative Term Limits, Salaries and Sessions, Amendment 1 (1884)
  7. Nebraska Legislative Term Limits, Salaries and Sessions, Amendment 1 (1886)
  8. Nebraska Supreme Court Justices, Amendment 3 (1890)
  9. Nebraska Supreme Court Justice Term Limits, Amendment 1 (1896)
  10. Nebraska State Officers Term Limits, Amendment 7 (1896)
  11. Nebraska Term Limits and Salaries of Judges, Amendment 1 (1908)
  12. Nebraska Legislative Term of Office and Salary, Amendment 2 (1912)
  13. Nebraska Legislative Sessions and Membership, Amendment 1 (1950)
  14. Nebraska Term Limits for the Governor, Amendment 4 (1962)
  15. Nebraska Legislative Term Limits, Amendment 5 (1962)
  16. Nebraska Terms of Office for State Officials, Amendment 2 (1964)
  17. Nebraska Term Limits for the Governor, Amendment 9 (1966)


  1. Nevada Question 17, U.S. Congressional Term Limits Initiative (1996)
  2. Nevada Question 17, U.S. Congressional Term Limits Initiative (1998)
  3. Nevada Question 9B, Judicial Term Limits Initiative (1996)
  4. Nevada Question 9A, State and Local Public Officer Term Limits Initiative (1996)
  5. Nevada Question 9, State and Local Public Officer Term Limits Initiative (1994)
  6. Nevada Question 8, U.S. Congressional Term Limits Initiative (1994)

New Hampshire

  1. New Hampshire term limits for Governor Amendment (1982)
  2. New Hampshire Term Limits for Governor Amendment (1984)
  3. New Hampshire Election of Governor, Question 4 (1970)

New Mexico

  1. New Mexico Eliminate Term Limits for County Officials, Question 2 (2000)
  2. New Mexico County Term Extension Amendment, Amendment 2 (2010)
  3. New Mexico Referendum: County Sheriffs' Term Limits (1982)
  4. New Mexico Ballot Proposal: Terms for County Officers (1986)
  5. New Mexico Ballot Proposal: Limit Terms of State Officers (1986)
  6. New Mexico Proposed Amendment 3, Length of Elected County Officials (1992)
  7. New Mexico Proposed Amendment 3, Two-year Terms for Executive Officers (1914)
  8. New Mexico Proposed Amendment 1, Four-year Terms for County Officers (1924)
  9. New Mexico Proposed Amendment 2, Four-year Terms for Executive Officers (1924)
  10. New Mexico Proposed Amendment, Four-year Terms for County Officers (1958)
  11. New Mexico Proposed Amendment, Staggered Terms for State Senators (1960)
  12. New Mexico Proposed Amendment, Four-year Terms for State Executive Officers (1960)
  13. New Mexico Proposed Amendment, Four-year Terms for State Executive Officers (1948)

New York

  1. New York Terms of Justices of Town Courts, Amendment 3 (1965)
  2. New York Terms of Legislators, Amendment 4 (1965)
  3. New York Terms for Sheriffs, Amendment 4 (1937)
  4. New York Terms of Office for Public Office, Amendment 6 (1927)

North Carolina

  1. North Carolina Sheriff and Coroner Terms of Office Amendment (1932)
  2. North Carolina Sheriff and Coroner Office Terms Amendment (1938)
  3. North Carolina Governor Elected Terms Amendment (1977)
  4. North Carolina Legislative Office Term Start Date Amendment (1982)
  5. North Carolina Legislative Term Limits Amendment (June 1982)
  6. North Carolina Court of Justice Terms Amendment (2004)

North Dakota

  1. North Dakota Congress Term Limits, Measure 5 (1992)
  2. North Dakota United States Constitutional Convention, Measure 6 (1996)
  3. North Dakota County Treasurer Term Restriction, Initiative 9 (1956)
  4. North Dakota House Member Terms, Measure 3 (1996)
  5. North Dakota State Legislative Term Limits and Ballot Instruction Measure, Measure 5 (1996)
  6. North Dakota Supreme Court Term Limits Referendum (1912)
  7. North Dakota Tenure of Railroad Commissioners Referendum (1926)
  8. North Dakota Four Year Term Limit Initiative (1930)
  9. North Dakota District Court Judges Terms Referendum (1930)
  10. North Dakota Supreme Court Judges Term Limits Referendum (1930)
  11. North Dakota County Officers Election Terms Referendum (1938)
  12. North Dakota Terms of State and County Offices, Referendum 3 (1958)
  13. North Dakota County Official Term Lengths, Initiative 2 (1962)
  14. North Dakota State and County Official Term Lengths, Initiative 5 (1964)
  15. North Dakota State Treasurer Term Limit Repeal Referendum, Amendment 2 (1970)
  16. North Dakota County Officials Election Terms Referendum (1936)


  1. Ohio Term Limits for Township Officers, Amendment 4 (October 1885)
  2. Ohio Congressional Term Limits Initiative (1992)


  1. Pennsylvania Question 2, Consecutive Terms Allowed for Governors Amendment (1961)
  2. Pennsylvania Question 5, Consecutive Terms Allowed for County Treasurers Amendment (1961)

South Carolina

  1. South Carolina Uniform Term of Office, Amendment 1 (1986)

South Dakota

  1. South Dakota Repeal Term Limits, Amendment J (2008)
  2. South Dakota Legislative Expenses and Term Limits, Amendment F (2006)
  3. South Dakota Term Limits, Initiative 1 (1996)
  4. South Dakota Set Term Limits, Amendment A (1992)
  5. South Dakota Superintendent of Schools Successive Term Limit (1894)
  6. South Dakota Four-Year Legislative Terms (1914)
  7. South Dakota End Superintendent of Schools Term Limit (1914)
  8. South Dakota Terms of Superintendents of Schools (1932)
  9. South Dakota State Treasurer Term Limits (1936)
  10. South Dakota Superintendents of Schools Elections (1936)
  11. South Dakota Four Year Terms, Amendment E (1970)


  1. Tennessee Sheriffs' Term Limits, Amendment 1 (1970)


  1. Texas Proposition 10, Emergency Service District Board Term Limits Amendment (2009)
  2. Texas Proposition 4, Firefighters' Pension Commissioner Terms Amendment (2001)
  3. Texas Proposition 2, Election of Railroad Commissioners Amendment (1894)
  4. Texas Proposition 1, Board of Regents Terms of Office Amendment (1912)
  5. Texas Proposition 4, Creation of Prison Commissioner Amendment (1912)
  6. Texas Proposition 3, Elected Official Terms and Compensation Amendment (July 1913)
  7. Texas Proposition 2, School Officer Term Limits Amendment (1928)
  8. Texas Proposition 3, Term Limits of Civil Service Offices Amendment (1940)
  9. Texas Proposition 5, Municipal Terms of Office Amendment (1958)
  10. Texas Proposition 4, Length of Executive Terms Amendment (1965)
  11. Texas Proposition 10, State Representatives Term Length Amendment (1965)
  12. Texas Proposition 4, Directors of Conservation and Reclamation Districts Term Length Amendment (1966)
  13. Texas Proposition 8, State Executive Office Term Length Amendment (1972)
  14. Texas Proposition 1, Appointing State Notaries Amendment (1979)
  15. Texas Proposition 4, Water and Conversation District Board Terms Amendment (1982)
  16. Texas Proposition 6, Hospital District Board Member Term Limits Amendment (1989)
  17. Texas Proposition 9, Regional Mobility Authority Term Limits Amendment (2005)
  18. Texas Proposition 8, Term Limits of City Officials Amendment (1934)


  1. Utah Initiative A, Expand Term Limits and Require Run-off Elections Measure (1994)
  2. Utah Proposition 5, Permit Legislature to Adopt Statutes for Mandatory Retirement of Judges Amendment (1968)


  1. Washington Initiative 573, Term Limits for State and Congressional Officers Measure (1992)
  2. Washington Initiative 670, Notice of Term Limit Opposition Measure (1996)
  3. Washington Initiative 553, Term Limits Measure (1991)
  4. Washington HJR 4, Repeal of County Officer Term Limits Amendment (1948)
  5. Washington HJR 4212, Number of Years for State Legislative Terms Amendment (1987)
  6. Washington SJR 6, Remove Limitation on Successive Terms for State Treasurers Amendment (1956)
  7. Washington SJR 1, Repeal County Officer Term Limits Amendment (1940)
  8. Washington Remove County Official Term Limits Amendment (1912)

West Virginia

  1. West Virginia County Sheriff Term Limit Amendment, Amendment 1 (2012)
  2. West Virginia Sheriff’s Succession Amendment, Amendment 2 (1982)
  3. West Virginia Repeal of the Limitation on Sheriff's Succession, Amendment 4 (1986)
  4. West Virginia Remove Sheriff's Term Limit, Amendment 2 (1994)
  5. West Virginia Governor's Succession Amendment, Amendment 2 (1966)
  6. West Virginia Sheriffs Succession Amendment, Amendment 3 (1962)


  1. Wyoming Term Limits, Initiative 2 (1992)

By year

Note: The list below automatically compiles all potential and certified ballot measures being tracked by Ballotpedia. Sometimes a measure that has been abandoned by petitioners or in the legislature will still be listed until a legal deadline passes. As more deadlines pass in any given year, the list will more accurately represent which measures will actually go before voters in the current year.


  1. Arizona Four-Year Terms for Mine Inspector Amendment (2026)


  1. Arizona Proposition 137, End Term Limits and Retention Elections for Supreme Court Justices and Superior Court Judges Amendment (2024)


  1. Michigan Proposal 1, Legislative Term Limits and Financial Disclosure Amendment (2022)


  1. Arkansas Issue 2, Change State Legislative Term Limits Amendment (2020)


  1. Arkansas Elected Officials Ethics, Transparency and Financial Reform Amendment, Issue 3 (2014)


  1. California Proposition 28, Change in State Legislative Term Limits Initiative (June 2012)
  2. West Virginia County Sheriff Term Limit Amendment, Amendment 1 (2012)
  3. Nebraska Term Limits Amendment, Amendment 3 (2012)
  4. Montgomery County Term Limit Amendment (2012)
  5. Miami-Dade County Term Limit Amendment Question (November 2012)


  1. New Mexico County Term Extension Amendment, Amendment 2 (2010)


  1. Texas Proposition 10, Emergency Service District Board Term Limits Amendment (2009)


  1. Louisiana Term Limits for Public Boards Act, Amendment 1 (2008)
  2. South Dakota Repeal Term Limits, Amendment J (2008)
  3. California Proposition 93, Amendment to Term Limits Initiative (February 2008)


  1. Maine Extend Legislative Term Limits from Four to Six, Question 5 (2007)


  1. South Dakota Legislative Expenses and Term Limits, Amendment F (2006)


  1. Texas Proposition 9, Regional Mobility Authority Term Limits Amendment (2005)


  1. Arkansas General Assembly Term Limits, Proposed Amendment 1 (2004)
  2. Montana Terms of Office Increase, C-42 (2004)
  3. North Carolina Court of Justice Terms Amendment (2004)


  1. California Proposition 45, Local Legislative Option to Extend Term Limits via Petition Amendment (March 2002)
  2. Idaho Reinstatement of Term Limits through Ballot Restrictions Initiative, Initiative 2 (2002)
  3. Missouri Amendment 3, Term Limit Calculations Measure (2002)
  4. Colorado Referendum A, Term Limits for Elected District Attorneys Amendment (2002)


  1. Texas Proposition 4, Firefighters' Pension Commissioner Terms Amendment (2001)


  1. Arizona Proposition 103, Corporation Commission Amendment (2000)
  2. California Proposition 27, Congressional Candidate Voluntary Term Limit Declarations Initiative (March 2000)
  3. New Mexico Eliminate Term Limits for County Officials, Question 2 (2000)


  1. Mississippi Term Limits, Measure 9 (1999)


  1. Alaska Term Limits Pledge, Measure 7 (1998)
  2. California Proposition 225, Ballot Line Indicating Position on Term Limits Initiative (June 1998)
  3. Colorado Amendment 18, Declarations About Term Limits Initiative (1998)
  4. Idaho Term Limit Ballot Information Initiative, Initiative 1 (1998)
  5. Nevada Question 17, U.S. Congressional Term Limits Initiative (1998)


  1. Washington Initiative 670, Notice of Term Limit Opposition Measure (1996)
  2. Alaska Term Limits, Measure 4 (1996)
  3. Arkansas Congressional Term Limits, Proposed Amendment 9 (1996)
  4. Idaho Congressional Term Limits Initiative, Initiative 4 (1996)
  5. Maine Seeking U.S. Congress Term Limits, Question 1 (1996)
  6. Missouri Amendment 9, Congressional Term Limits Initiative (1996)
  7. Montana Term Limits, I-132 (1996)
  8. Nebraska Term Limits Ballot Instruction, Measure 409 (1996)
  9. Nevada Question 17, U.S. Congressional Term Limits Initiative (1996)
  10. Nevada Question 9B, Judicial Term Limits Initiative (1996)
  11. Nevada Question 9A, State and Local Public Officer Term Limits Initiative (1996)
  12. North Dakota United States Constitutional Convention, Measure 6 (1996)
  13. North Dakota House Member Terms, Measure 3 (1996)
  14. South Dakota Term Limits, Initiative 1 (1996)
  15. Colorado Amendment 12, Constitutional Convention for Congressional Term Limits Initiative (1996)
  16. North Dakota State Legislative Term Limits and Ballot Instruction Measure, Measure 5 (1996)


  1. Mississippi Term Limits, Initiative 4 (1995)
  2. Louisiana Term Limits Amendment (October 1995)


  1. Alaska Term Limits, Measure 4 (1994)
  2. Colorado Amendment 17, Term Limits Initiative (1994)
  3. Maine U.S. Congress Term Limits, Question 1 (1994)
  4. Nevada Question 8, U.S. Congressional Term Limits Initiative (1994)
  5. Nevada Question 9, State and Local Public Officer Term Limits Initiative (1994)
  6. Utah Initiative A, Expand Term Limits and Require Run-off Elections Measure (1994)
  7. Hawaii Judicial Term Limits, Ballot Measure 7 (1994)
  8. Idaho Establish Term Limits Initiative, Initiative 2 (1994)
  9. Nebraska Term Limits, Amendment 1 (1994)
  10. West Virginia Remove Sheriff's Term Limit, Amendment 2 (1994)


  1. Maine State Official Term Limits, Question 1 (1993)


  1. Arkansas Term Limits, Proposed Amendment 4 (1992)
  2. Florida Amendment 9, Term Limits Initiative (1992)
  3. Missouri Amendment 13, U.S. Congressional Term Limits Initiative (1992)
  4. Missouri Amendment 12, State Legislative Term Limits Initiative (1992)
  5. Nebraska Congressional Term Limits, Amendment 3 (1992)
  6. North Dakota Congress Term Limits, Measure 5 (1992)
  7. South Dakota Set Term Limits, Amendment A (1992)
  8. Wyoming Term Limits, Initiative 2 (1992)
  9. Montana Term Limits, CI-64 (1992)
  10. Kentucky Proposed Amendment 2, Allowable Length of Service for Governors (1992)
  11. New Mexico Proposed Amendment 3, Length of Elected County Officials (1992)
  12. Mississippi Lieutenant Governor Terms, Amendment 6 (1992)
  13. California Proposition 164, Terms Limits for Legislators Initiative (1992)
  14. Washington Initiative 573, Term Limits for State and Congressional Officers Measure (1992)
  15. Ohio Congressional Term Limits Initiative (1992)


  1. Washington Initiative 553, Term Limits Measure (1991)


  1. California Proposition 131, Term Limits and Campaign Finance Limits Initiative (1990)
  2. California Proposition 140, Term Limits, Legislature Retirement Benefits, and Legislative Operating Costs Initiative (1990)
  3. Colorado Amendment No. 5, Term Limits for Certain Offices Initiative (1990)


  1. Texas Proposition 6, Hospital District Board Member Term Limits Amendment (1989)


  1. Florida Amendment 7, Circuit Court Judge Terms Amendment (1988)
  2. Arizona Proposition 100, Repeal Term Limits for State Treasurer Amendment (1988)
  3. Indiana Elected County Officials' Term Limits, Proposition 3 (1988)
  4. Georgia Legislative Term Limits, Amendment 2 (1988)


  1. Washington HJR 4212, Number of Years for State Legislative Terms Amendment (1987)


  1. Kentucky Expands Term Limits of Mayors, Amendment 2 (1986)
  2. Kentucky 1986 ballot measures
  3. Idaho County Coroner Term Limits, SJR 102 (1986)
  4. New Mexico Ballot Proposal: Terms for County Officers (1986)
  5. New Mexico Ballot Proposal: Limit Terms of State Officers (1986)
  6. Arkansas Four-Year Terms for Elected County Officials, Proposed Amendment 66 (1986)
  7. West Virginia Repeal of the Limitation on Sheriff's Succession, Amendment 4 (1986)
  8. Mississippi Gubernatorial Term Limits, Amendment 3 (1986)
  9. Mississippi State Treasurer Term Limits, Amendment 4 (1986)
  10. South Carolina Uniform Term of Office, Amendment 1 (1986)


  1. Maine Sheriff Term Limits, Constitutional Amendment 9 (1985)


  1. Kentucky Term Limits on Sheriffs, Amendment 1 (1984)
  2. Kentucky 1984 ballot measures
  3. Arkansas Term Limits for State Constitutional Officers, Proposed Amendment 64 (1984)
  4. New Hampshire Term Limits for Governor Amendment (1984)


  1. Idaho County Prosecuting Attorney Term Limit, HJR 15 (1982)
  2. Texas Proposition 4, Water and Conversation District Board Terms Amendment (1982)
  3. New Mexico Referendum: County Sheriffs' Term Limits (1982)
  4. North Carolina Legislative Office Term Start Date Amendment (1982)
  5. North Carolina Legislative Term Limits Amendment (June 1982)
  6. New Hampshire term limits for Governor Amendment (1982)
  7. West Virginia Sheriff’s Succession Amendment, Amendment 2 (1982)
  8. Georgia Gubernatorial Succession, Amendment 2 (1982)


  1. Kentucky Proposes a Change in Elected Officials Term Limits, Amendment 1 (November 1981)


  1. Arizona Proposition 102, State Treasurer Term Limits Amendment (1980)


  1. Texas Proposition 1, Appointing State Notaries Amendment (1979)


  1. Hawaii Executive Branch Term Limits, Amendment 9 (1978)
  2. Indiana County Sheriff Term Limits, Amendment 2 (1978)
  3. Georgia Legislative Term Limits, Amendment 4 (1978)


  1. North Carolina Governor Elected Terms Amendment (1977)


  1. Georgia Gubernatorial Succession, Amendment 2 (1976)


  1. Texas Proposition 8, State Executive Office Term Length Amendment (1972)
  2. Indiana Governor Term Limits, Amendment 2 (1972)
  3. Iowa State Executive Term Length, Amendment 2 (1972)


  1. Maine Gubernatorial Term Continuation, Proposed Constitutional Amendment No. 2 (1971)


  1. Florida Amendment 6, Terms for House of Representatives Members Amendment (1970)
  2. North Dakota State Treasurer Term Limit Repeal Referendum, Amendment 2 (1970)
  3. Idaho Four Year Term for County Assessor, HJR 3 (1970)
  4. Idaho Four Year Term for County Treasurer, SJR 121 (1970)
  5. South Dakota Four Year Terms, Amendment E (1970)
  6. Indiana Terms of Office, Amendment 3 (1970)
  7. New Hampshire Election of Governor, Question 4 (1970)
  8. Tennessee Sheriffs' Term Limits, Amendment 1 (1970)


  1. Alabama Term Limits, Amendment 1 (1968)
  2. Utah Proposition 5, Permit Legislature to Adopt Statutes for Mandatory Retirement of Judges Amendment (1968)


  1. Texas Proposition 4, Directors of Conservation and Reclamation Districts Term Length Amendment (1966)
  2. Nebraska Term Limits for the Governor, Amendment 9 (1966)
  3. West Virginia Governor's Succession Amendment, Amendment 2 (1966)


  1. Texas Proposition 4, Length of Executive Terms Amendment (1965)
  2. Texas Proposition 10, State Representatives Term Length Amendment (1965)
  3. New York Terms of Justices of Town Courts, Amendment 3 (1965)
  4. New York Terms of Legislators, Amendment 4 (1965)


  1. Arizona Proposition 104, Four-Year Term Limits for County Officers Amendment (1964)
  2. North Dakota State and County Official Term Lengths, Initiative 5 (1964)
  3. Idaho Extend County Sheriff Term Limit, SJR 6 (1964)
  4. Nebraska Terms of Office for State Officials, Amendment 2 (1964)
  5. Florida Amendment 2, Terms of Office for Boards of College and Universities Amendment (1964)


  1. North Dakota County Official Term Lengths, Initiative 2 (1962)
  2. Montana County Attorney Term Limits, Amendment 1 (1962)
  3. Nebraska Term Limits for the Governor, Amendment 4 (1962)
  4. Nebraska Legislative Term Limits, Amendment 5 (1962)
  5. West Virginia Sheriffs Succession Amendment, Amendment 3 (1962)
  6. Iowa Judicial Department Administration, Amendment 1 (June 1962)


  1. Pennsylvania Question 2, Consecutive Terms Allowed for Governors Amendment (1961)
  2. Pennsylvania Question 5, Consecutive Terms Allowed for County Treasurers Amendment (1961)


  1. New Mexico Proposed Amendment, Staggered Terms for State Senators (1960)
  2. New Mexico Proposed Amendment, Four-year Terms for State Executive Officers (1960)


  1. North Dakota Terms of State and County Offices, Referendum 3 (1958)
  2. Minnesota State Officer Term Limits, Amendment 2 (1958)
  3. Texas Proposition 5, Municipal Terms of Office Amendment (1958)
  4. New Mexico Proposed Amendment, Four-year Terms for County Officers (1958)


  1. Maine Gubernatorial Term Length and Limits, Proposed Constitutional Amendment No. 3 (1957)


  1. North Dakota County Treasurer Term Restriction, Initiative 9 (1956)
  2. Washington SJR 6, Remove Limitation on Successive Terms for State Treasurers Amendment (1956)
  3. Georgia Judicial Terms of Office, Amendment 7 (1956)


  1. Alabama County Sheriff, Amendment 2 (1952)


  1. Arkansas State and County Officer Term Limits, Proposed Amendment 44 (1950)
  2. Nebraska Legislative Sessions and Membership, Amendment 1 (1950)
  3. Arizona Measure Nos. 106-107, Four-Year Terms for County Officers Amendment (September 1950)
  4. Arizona Measure Nos. 104-105, Four-Year Terms for Executive Officials Amendment (September 1950)
  5. Arizona Measure Nos. 100-101, Four-Year Terms for State Legislators Amendment (September 1950)


  1. Washington HJR 4, Repeal of County Officer Term Limits Amendment (1948)
  2. Maryland Governor Succession, Amendment 4 (1948)
  3. Maryland Term Limits for the Commissioner of Motor Vehicles, Amendment 8 (1948)
  4. New Mexico Proposed Amendment, Four-year Terms for State Executive Officers (1948)


  1. Arizona Measure Nos. 102-103, Four-Year Terms for County Officers Amendment (1946)
  2. Arizona Measure Nos. 100-101, Four-Year Terms for State Officers Amendment (1946)


  1. Florida Amendment 7, Terms of Those Elected or Appointed to Fill Vacancies Amendment (1944)
  2. Idaho SJR 1, Four-Year Term for State Officers Amendment (1944)
  3. Montana Term Limits of County Officers, Amendment 2 (1944)
  4. Arkansas Term Limits for Governor and Lieutenant Governor, Proposed Amendment 38 (1944)
  5. Alabama Election of the Sheriff, Amendment 4 (1944)
  6. Illinois County Officer Term Limit Amendment (1944)


  1. Montana Terms of Office for County Officers, Amendment 2 (1942)


  1. Georgia Term Limits, Amendment 1 (June 1941)
  2. Georgia School Superintendent Terms, Amendment 55 (June 1941)


  1. Washington SJR 1, Repeal County Officer Term Limits Amendment (1940)
  2. Texas Proposition 3, Term Limits of Civil Service Offices Amendment (1940)


  1. North Dakota County Officers Election Terms Referendum (1938)
  2. Montana Terms of Office for County Officers, Amendment 1 (1938)
  3. North Carolina Sheriff and Coroner Office Terms Amendment (1938)


  1. New York Terms for Sheriffs, Amendment 4 (1937)


  1. North Dakota County Officials Election Terms Referendum (1936)
  2. South Dakota State Treasurer Term Limits (1936)
  3. South Dakota Superintendents of Schools Elections (1936)
  4. Georgia Constitutional Officer Term Limits, Amendment 4 (1936)


  1. Idaho Terms of Office for County Commissioners, SJR 7 (1934)
  2. Texas Proposition 8, Term Limits of City Officials Amendment (1934)


  1. Arizona Measure Nos. 110-111, Four-Year Terms for State Legislators Amendment (1933)
  2. Arizona Measure Nos. 104-105, Four-Year Terms for State Officers Amendment (1933)
  3. Arizona Measure Nos. 108-109, Four-Year Terms for Mine Inspector Amendment (1933)
  4. Arizona Measure Nos. 100-101, Four-Year Terms for County Officers Amendment (1933)


  1. Colorado Four-Year Terms for Certain County Officials, Measure 1 (1932)
  2. South Dakota Terms of Superintendents of Schools (1932)
  3. North Carolina Sheriff and Coroner Terms of Office Amendment (1932)


  1. North Dakota Four Year Term Limit Initiative (1930)
  2. North Dakota District Court Judges Terms Referendum (1930)
  3. North Dakota Supreme Court Judges Term Limits Referendum (1930)


  1. Idaho Four Year Terms for State Officers, HJR 8 (1928)
  2. Texas Proposition 2, School Officer Term Limits Amendment (1928)


  1. New York Terms of Office for Public Office, Amendment 6 (1927)


  1. North Dakota Tenure of Railroad Commissioners Referendum (1926)
  2. Arizona Measure Nos. 100-101, Term Limits for State Officials Amendment (1926)


  1. New Mexico Proposed Amendment 1, Four-year Terms for County Officers (1924)
  2. New Mexico Proposed Amendment 2, Four-year Terms for Executive Officers (1924)


  1. Colorado Four-Year Terms for County Officers, Measure 8 (1922)
  2. Colorado Four-Year Terms for Elective State Officers, Measure 9 (1922)
  3. Maryland Term Limits for Comptroller and Treasurer, Amendment 3 (1922)


  1. Minnesota Terms of Probate Judges, Amendment 2 (1920)


  1. Maryland Sheriff Elections, Amendment 3 (1916)
  2. Minnesota Terms of Probate Judges, Amendment 8 (1916)


  1. Idaho Extending Terms of State Officers, SJR 4 (1914)
  2. South Dakota Four-Year Legislative Terms (1914)
  3. South Dakota End Superintendent of Schools Term Limit (1914)
  4. Minnesota Terms of Probate Judges, Amendment 6 (1914)
  5. New Mexico Proposed Amendment 3, Two-year Terms for Executive Officers (1914)
  6. Florida County Officers Amendment (1914)


  1. Texas Proposition 3, Elected Official Terms and Compensation Amendment (July 1913)


  1. North Dakota Supreme Court Term Limits Referendum (1912)
  2. Texas Proposition 1, Board of Regents Terms of Office Amendment (1912)
  3. Texas Proposition 4, Creation of Prison Commissioner Amendment (1912)
  4. Nebraska Legislative Term of Office and Salary, Amendment 2 (1912)
  5. Washington Remove County Official Term Limits Amendment (1912)


  1. California Proposition 11, Qualifications for Certain Term Limits Amendment (October 1911)


  1. Idaho Abolish Probate Court, HJR 3 (1908)
  2. Nebraska Term Limits and Salaries of Judges, Amendment 1 (1908)


  1. Florida Terms of County Officers Amendment (1904)
  2. Idaho Four Year Terms for County Commissioners, HJR 5 (1904)


  1. Montana County Commissioner Term Limits, Amendment 1 (1902)

Before 1900

  1. Minnesota Extend Congressional Terms, Amendment 2 (1873)
  2. Minnesota Extend Congressional Terms, Amendment 2 (1877)
  3. Minnesota Auditor Term Limits, Amendment 1 (1883)
  4. Minnesota Supreme Court Clerk Term Limit, Amendment 3 (1883)
  5. Minnesota Supreme Court Justice Term Limit, Amendment 4 (1883)
  6. Minnesota District Court Justice Term Limit, Amendment 5 (1883)
  7. Nebraska Board of Railway Commissioners, Amendment 2 (1884)
  8. Jessica Wurtz/HBM template test
  9. Nebraska Legislative Term Limits, Salaries and Sessions, Amendment 1 (1884)
  10. Ohio Term Limits for Township Officers, Amendment 4 (October 1885)
  11. Nebraska Legislative Term Limits, Salaries and Sessions, Amendment 1 (1886)
  12. Nebraska Supreme Court Justices, Amendment 3 (1890)
  13. South Dakota Superintendent of Schools Successive Term Limit (1894)
  14. Texas Proposition 2, Election of Railroad Commissioners Amendment (1894)
  15. Nebraska Supreme Court Justice Term Limits, Amendment 1 (1896)
  16. Nebraska State Officers Term Limits, Amendment 7 (1896)

Did not make ballot

Did not make ballot

  1. Arkansas Four-Year Terms for County Sheriffs Initiative (2008)
  2. Arkansas Four-Year Terms for Elected County Officials Initiative (2008)
  3. Arkansas Term Limits for County Officials initiative (2008)
  4. Colorado Judge Term Limits (2008)
  5. Michigan Part-time Legislature Amendment (2008)
  6. Michigan Turn Michigan Around Amendment (2008)
  7. Arizona Term Limit Question (2010)
  8. New Mexico Term Limit Increase (2010)
  9. Louisiana School Board Term Limit Amendment (2010)
  10. Missouri Term Limits Initiative (2010)
  11. Mississippi Term Limits Amendment (2011)
  12. Michigan Term Limits Amendment (2010)
  13. North Dakota Term Limits Amendment (2012)
  14. Montana Term Limit Amendment (2010)
  15. Florida Term Limit Amendment (2012)
  16. Missouri Term Limits Amendment (2012)
  17. Alabama Term Limit Amendment (2012)
  18. South Dakota Legislative Term Extension Amendment (2012)
  19. Minnesota Term Limits Amendment (2012)
  20. Kentucky Term Limit Amendment (2012)
  21. Florida County Commissioner Term Limits Amendment (2012)
  22. Michigan Eliminate Senate and Term Limits Amendment (2012)
  23. South Carolina Term Limit Amendment (2) (2012)
  24. Virginia Gubernatorial Term Limits Amendment (2012)
  25. Texas Statewide Office Term Limits Amendment, SJR 13 (2013)
  26. Arkansas Term Limits Amendment (2014)
  27. Virginia Gubernatorial Term Limits Amendment (2014)
  28. Arizona Gubernatorial Term Limits Amendment (2014)
  29. Maryland Legislative Term Limits Amendment (2014)
  30. Florida Legislative Term Lengths and Limits Amendment (2014)
  31. California Term Limits for County Officials Initiative (2014)
  32. Rhode Island Term Limits Amendment (2014)
  33. Arkansas Four Year Terms of Office For Elected County Officials, Justices of the Peace and Constables Initiative (2014)
  34. Kansas Term Limits Amendment (2014)
  35. New Jersey Gubernatorial Partial Term Excluded from Term Limit Amendment, SCR 118 (2014)
  36. New Jersey Legislative Term Limits Amendment (2014)
  37. Illinois Term Limits for Legislators Amendment (2014)
  38. Nebraska Increased Term Lengths and Limits Amendment (2016)
  39. Texas Term Limits for Executive Offices Amendment (2015)
  40. Texas Three Terms Limit for Officials Amendment (2015)
  41. Texas Six Regular Sessions Term Limits Amendment (2015)
  42. Texas Term Limits for Legislators Amendment (2015)
  43. Missouri Repeal Term Limits Amendment (2016)
  44. Arkansas County Official Term Limits Amendment (2016)
  45. Arkansas Board of Higher Education Term Limits Amendment (2016)
  46. Alabama Legislative Term Limits Amendment (2016)
  47. Arkansas Legislative Term Limits Amendment (2016)
  48. Arkansas County Official Term Extension Amendment (2016)
  49. Alaska Legislative Term Limits Amendment (2016)
  50. Ohio "Strengthening Term Limits on State Legislators" Amendment (2016)
  51. Mississippi Term Limits Amendment, Initiative 51 (2018)
  52. Ohio Supreme Court Term Limits Amendment (2017)
  53. Florida Judicial Term Limits Amendment (2018)
  54. North Carolina Two Term Limit for Governor and Lieutenant Governor Amendment (2018)
  55. Oregon Legislative Term Limits Initiative (2018)
  56. Washington Local Term Limits Initiative (2018)
  57. Montana State Legislator Term Limits Amendment (2018)
  58. Washington Local Term Limits, District Elections, and Council Size Initiative (2018)
  59. Florida Amendment 8, School Board Term Limits, Allow State to Operate Non-Board Established Schools, and Civic Literacy Amendment (2018)
  60. Washington Term Limits for Local Officials Initiative (2019)
  61. Washington Local Term Limits, District Elections, and Council Size Initiative (2017)
  62. Washington Term Limits for Local Officials Initiative (2018)
  63. Missouri State Legislative Term Limits, Leadership Term Limits, and Ban on Lobbyist Gifts Amendment (2018)
  64. Florida School Board Member Term Limits Amendment (2020)
  65. Arkansas State Legislative Term Limits Initiative (2020)
  66. Ohio State Legislative Term Limits Initiative (2020)
  67. Florida Eight-Year Term Limits for School Board Members Amendment (2022)
  68. West Virginia Term Limits for Certain Executive Offices Amendment (2022)
  69. West Virginia State Legislative Term Limits Amendment (2022)
  70. Mississippi Term Limits Initiative (2023)
  71. North Dakota Term Limits for Legislators and State Executive Officials Amendment (2024)
  72. Arkansas Issue 3, State Legislative Term Limits Initiative (2018)
  73. Alaska Term Limits Initiative (2024)
  74. Missouri Term Limits and Initiative Amendment (2024)
  75. South Dakota State Legislature Term Limits Amendment (2024)
  76. Louisiana State Civil Service Commission Term Limits Amendment (2024)
  77. Arizona Term Limits for Commission on Appellate Court Appointments Amendment (2024)
  78. Missouri Term Limits Amendment (2024)
Voting on
Term Limits
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Ballot Measures
By state
By year
Not on ballot

State legislative
term limits

term limits
Lieutenant Governors
term limits
Secretaries of State
term limits
Attorneys General
term limits
State executive
term limits

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Measures by topic
Measures by year
Measures by state

Use of term limits

Term limits have a long history: ancient Greece and ancient Rome, two early civilizations which had elected political offices, both imposed limits on some positions. In ancient Athenian democracy, no citizen could serve on the boule more than twice, or be head of the boule more than once. In the Roman Republic, a law was passed imposing a limit of a single term on the office of Censor.

Many modern presidential republics employ term limits for their highest offices. The United States, one of the first countries of the modern era to have elected political offices, has a limit of two terms on its presidency, and on a number of other political offices as well, such as state governors and some state legislators. Formal limits date back to 1776, when limits were placed on serving as Governor of Delaware. Term limits are also common in Latin America, where most countries are also presidential republics. In some countries, such as Mexico, it is strictly forbidden for a person to serve as president on more than one occasion, even if one of the appointments was only temporary.

Countries which operate a parliamentary system of government are less likely to employ term limits on their leaders. This is because such leaders rarely have a set "term" at all — rather, they serve as long as they have the confidence of the legislature, a period which could potentially last indefinitely. Nevertheless, such countries may impose term limits on the holders of other offices -- in republics, for example, a ceremonial presidency may have a term limit, especially if it has reserve powers.

Offices of local government, such as a mayoralty, may also have term limits.

See also: State legislatures with term limits, States with gubernatorial term limits


In favor of limits

  • "It prevents incumbents from using the benefits of office to remain in power indefinitely." In some situations, merely being in office provides an elected official with a distinct advantage in further elections. Supporters of term limits argue that this advantage is undemocratic, and means that incumbents no longer fear losing their offices and cease to be concerned with the needs of their constituents. Term limits ensure that all officials are eventually removed from power.
  • "It makes room for fresh candidates, and encourages participation." Imposing term limits on an office ensures that there will always be vacancies for new candidates to pursue. This may encourage citizens who would normally not consider running for office to do so, as they will not be challenging an established, entrenched opponent. Many proponents claim that term limits will increase diversity in a legislature, bringing the law-making body's demographics more in line with those of the general population.
  • "It stops politicians from making choices solely to prolong their career." If a politician can serve as many terms as they wish, they may be tempted to follow policies which will ensure their long-term political survival, rather than policies which further the interests of voters. Supporters of term limits sometimes argue that if politicians know from the beginning of their service that their time in office is limited, they will act differently (and less self-servingly) than “career” legislators.
  • "It reduces the advantage which can be gained by a representative's seniority." In some legislatures, power and influence tend to increase as a legislator gains seniority — a politician who has served many terms will carry more responsibility than one who has just been elected, even if both are representing the same number of voters. If one district continually re-elects the same politician, while another district frequently changes its politician, the first district will have greater sway in the legislature than the second, because its representative has had time to accrue seniority. Term limits ensure that each district has representatives of similar seniority.

Against limits

  • "It is undemocratic." The most common argument against the use of term limits is that it takes away the right of voters to be represented by the politician of their choice. It is argued that if the public wish to re-elect their representative, it is undemocratic to prevent them from doing so. Allow the electorate to do its job, argue opponents, and non-responsive legislators can still be held accountable.
  • "It results in a lack of experienced politicians." Term limit opponents argue that, with experience, comes greater skill. The very use of the term “freshman representative” is indicative of the fact that the first-term legislator is less likely to be able to “get things done” in the legislature. It is further argued that inexperienced politicians will be more reliant on advice and guidance from un-elected officials and lobbyists. Permanent committee staffers, who ostensibly work for the representatives, would become more knowledgeable and powerful than the members themselves. Moreover, lobbyists in the employ of special interests might tend to grow more powerful, as they can offer to “help” inexperienced members gain a foothold. Because both staffers and lobbyists are unelected, opponents argue, term limits are undemocratic because it places more power in the hands of the unelected.
  • "It means that politicians approaching their term limit no longer have to worry about what voters think." Another argument against term limits is that it is the very fact that politicians need to go back to the voters for approval and re-election that keeps them responsive. With term limits, a lame duck legislator no longer has any motivation to continue heeding the concerns of his constituents. In such a circumstance, a legislator could use their last term to set themselves up for a job in the private sector after the end of their legislative career.
  • "It simply results in frequent trading of office between the same people, not an influx of new people." In contrast to the claims that term limits allow new faced to enter politics, opponents claim that there are enough political offices for elected officials to simply "play musical chairs."In response to claims that term limits promote diversity, on August 15, 2006 the United States' National Conference of State Legislatures issued a report at its annual meeting stating that "term limits have not led to significant increases in female or minority representation in state legislatures, according to a survey of the 15 states with term limits."[1]

See also

Term limits
