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知識ギャップを埋める:新しい研究で、原生代の真核生物の多様性とそれをもたらした環境要因が明らかに Summary author: Walter Beckwith Peer-Reviewed Publication American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) 先進的ツールと化石データセットの拡張のおかげで原生累代の真核生物の多様性はさらに明確になったものの、その定量化は難しい。今回の研究結果から、地球のクライオジェニアン紀における強烈な氷河作用が、25億から5億3,800万年前のこの累代に、初期真核生物の進化と多様性に極めて重大な変化を引き起こしたことが示された。この研究は、地球の環境変動と初期生物の進化軌跡の相互作用を強調している。全世界の化石多様性を定量化することで、地球上の生物の進化史、及び環境変化とのその関係を
New study on women’s anal pleasure shows there’s so much more than penetration This large-scale study sheds light on women's actual lived experiences with anal sex, revealing previously unnamed, distinct behaviors many women discover to be pleasurable Peer-Reviewed Publication OMGYES Indiana University and For Goodness Sake researchers conducted the first-ever, large-scale, probability sample stud
肌の乾燥に寄与する視覚的手がかりは何か? Toyohashi University of Technology (TUT) Peer-Reviewed Publication 豊橋技術科学大学情報・知能工学系認知神経工学研究室と視覚認知情報学研究室、九州大学大学院芸術工学研究院メディアデザイン部門、ピアス株式会社中央研究所から成る研究チームは、肌の潤い・乾燥に寄与する視覚的手がかりを明らかにするため,どのような画像操作をすると肌の視覚的潤い感が変化するかを心理物理実験によって検証しました。その結果、肌の明るさの高空間周波数成分の強調によって、視覚的潤い感が減少することがわかりました。このような見た目の変化は、皮膚の乾燥による白い筋の出現や毛穴の強調といった、乾燥に伴う皮膚の生理学的現象とよく似ており、これらを手がかりとして肌の乾燥を知覚しているのではないかと考えられます。この研究の結果は、
トランスユーラシア言語が農耕と共に新石器時代に拡散した ー歴史言語学、考古学と遺伝学の学際的研究成果― Nature誌の新しい論文では、国際的研究チームが歴史言語学、考古学および遺伝学の「三角測量」によって、トランスユーラシア言語の起源と初期拡散を解明した。 Peer-Reviewed Publication Max Planck Institute of Geoanthropology トランスユーラシア言語の共通点の多くは借用によるものにもかかわらず、最近の研究では、これらの言語を系図グループ、または共通の祖先から出現した言語のグループとしての分類を支持する信頼できる証拠のコアが示されている。 しかし、これらの言語と文化の祖先の関連性を受け入れると、最初の話者がいつ、どこに住んでいたか、子孫の文化がどのように維持され、相互作用したか、そして数千年にわたるそれらの分散の経路について新しい
Robotic 'Third Thumb' use can alter brain representation of the hand Peer-Reviewed Publication University College London image: Designer Dani Clode with her 'Third Thumb' device view more Credit: Dani Clode Using a robotic 'Third Thumb' can impact how the hand is represented in the brain, finds a new study led by UCL researchers. The team trained people to use a robotic extra thumb and found they
Heavy water tastes sweet Peer-Reviewed Publication Institute of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry of the Czech Academy of Sciences (IOCB Prague) image: Differences between the behavior of the transmembrane part of the human sweet taste receptor in H2O vs D2O base on analysis of three independent microsecond trajectories. view more Credit: Carmelo Tempra / IOCB Prague Ordinary pure water has no di
Shape-shifting origami could help antenna systems adapt on the fly Peer-Reviewed Publication Georgia Institute of Technology image: Silver dipoles are arranged across the folds of a Miuri-Ori pattern to enable frequency blocking. view more Credit: Rob Felt Researchers at the Georgia Institute of Technology have devised a method for using an origami-based structure to create radio frequency filters
ヒトがアフリカを出て拡散したと同時に、哺乳類の体が世界で大幅に縮小したことが新しい研究によって明らかになった。この「縮小化」傾向は続き、わずか2~300年中には生き残る最も大きい陸生哺乳類はヒトが飼う体重900キロの牛になる可能性があることも示された。Felisa A. Smithらは、哺乳類の大きさが長い期間をかけてどのように変化したかを解明しようとした。6,600万年前から現在までに生存していた陸生哺乳類の世界分布と体の大きさを記録した2つのデータセットを更新し、作成した。その結果、ヒトが世界中に広まった時期に哺乳類の絶滅に大きな偏りを発見した。絶滅した種の哺乳類は生き残った哺乳類よりも2~3倍大きい傾向があり、それは世界的に顕著な傾向であった。注目すべきことに、125,000年前のヒトの出アフリカ以前にアフリカは小さめな哺乳類(平均体重がユーラシア大陸で発見された哺乳類の約半分)の故
Tokyo Tech's six-legged robots get closer to nature Peer-Reviewed Publication Tokyo Institute of Technology image: Views of the Circuit Board Implementing the Controller and of the Robot. (Reproduced with permission from published article). view more Credit: IEEE ACCESS A study led by researchers at Tokyo Institute of Technology (Tokyo Tech) has uncovered new ways of driving multi-legged robots by
Study reveals substantial evidence of holographic universe Peer-Reviewed Publication University of Southampton image: This is a sketch of the timeline of the holographic Universe. Time runs from left to right. The far left denotes the holographic phase and the image is blurry because space and time are not yet well defined. At the end of this phase (denoted by the black fluctuating ellipse) the Un
Cognitive hearing aid filters out the noise Columbia Engineers make major advance in helping the hearing impaired follow a conversation in a noisy environment: new method brings cognitive hearing aids a step closer to reality Peer-Reviewed Publication Columbia University School of Engineering and Applied Science image: A cognitively controlled assistive hearing device can automatically amplify one
Ramen noodles supplanting cigarettes as currency among prisoners Peer-Reviewed Publication American Sociological Association SEATTLE -- Ramen noodles are supplanting the once popular cigarettes as a form of currency among state prisoners, but not in response to bans on tobacco products within prison systems, finds a new study. Instead, study author Michael Gibson-Light, a doctoral candidate in the
ネアンデルタール人のDNAはアフリカ人を除くすべての現生人類に見られるが、メラネシア人だけはデニソワ人からも多くの遺伝要素を受け継いでいることが新しい研究によって示された。過去には多数の現生人類の祖先がネアンデルタール人やデニソワ人といった他のヒト科の種と異種交配し、その後絶滅した。これらの種およびおそらくその他のヒト科についても、残存する遺伝子配列の遺伝子流動図を作製することで、ヒトの遺伝的特徴のパターンと過去のこの異種交配がヒトの進化に及ぼした影響について解明が進む。Benjamin Vernotらはネアンデルタール人とデニソワ人の遺伝的特徴が現生人類に及ぼした影響とその重要性についてより詳しい手掛かりを得るために、世界各地の1,523人のゲノムを解析した。その結果、アフリカ人以外すべてはネアンデルタール人のゲノムの約1.5~4%を持っているが、調査を行った中でメラネシア人だけがデニソ
Scientists discover rare sea snakes, previously thought extinct, off Western Australia Peer-Reviewed Publication ARC Centre of Excellence for Coral Reef Studies image: This is a photograph of the rare short nosed sea snake discovered on Ningaloo reef, Western Australia. view more Credit: Image: Grant Griffin, W.A. Dept. Parks and Wildlife Scientists from James Cook University have discovered two c
Food affected by Fukushima disaster harms animals, even at low-levels of radiation Peer-Reviewed Publication BMC (BioMed Central) Butterflies eating food collected from cities around the Fukushima nuclear meltdown site showed higher rates of death and disease, according to a study published in the open access journal BMC Evolutionary Biology. Researchers fed groups of pale blue grass butterflies (
Chernobyl cleanup workers had significantly increased risk of leukemia Findings may help estimate cancer risk from low-dose exposures like CT scans Peer-Reviewed Publication University of California - San Francisco image: This is an image of Lydia Zablotska, MD, PhD. view more Credit: UCSF A 20-year study following 110,645 workers who helped clean up after the 1986 Chernobyl nuclear power plant ac
Empathy represses analytic thought, and vice versa Brain physiology limits simultaneous use of both networks Peer-Reviewed Publication Case Western Reserve University New research shows a simple reason why even the most intelligent, complex brains can be taken by a swindler's story – one that upon a second look offers clues it was false. When the brain fires up the network of neurons that allows u
Artificially intelligent game bots pass the Turing test on Turing's centenary BotPrize winners score as more human than half their human competitors Peer-Reviewed Publication University of Texas at Austin video: Under heavy fire from a human judge, UT^2 manages to fight his way to a nearby weapon and obliterate his opponent. view more Credit: Courtesy of Jacob Schrum AUSTIN, Texas — An artificiall
Fathers wired to provide offspring care Study confirms that testosterone drops steeply after baby arrives Peer-Reviewed Publication Northwestern University EVANSTON, Ill. --- A new Northwestern University study provides compelling evidence that human males are biologically wired to care for their offspring, conclusively showing for the first time that fatherhood lowers a man's testosterone levels.
Real price of each pack of cigarettes is more than €100 Peer-Reviewed Publication Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology image: The average cost of a pack of cigarettes is not in fact €3-4, but €107 for male smokers and €75 for female smokers. view more Credit: SINC Researchers from the Polytechnic University of Cartagena (UPCT) estimate that each pack of cigarettes really costs €107 for me
Teen boys who attempted suicide more like to abuse partners as adults Peer-Reviewed Publication Oregon State University CORVALLIS, Ore. – Young men who attempt suicide before age 18 are much more likely as adults to be aggressive toward their girlfriends or wives, including hitting and injuring their partners, according to a new study. This groundbreaking new research provides further evidence of
Rice responsible for Asians' alcohol flush reaction Peer-Reviewed Publication BMC (BioMed Central) The mutation responsible for the alcohol flush reaction, an unpleasant response to alcohol that is relatively common in people of Asian descent, may have occurred following the domestication of rice. Researchers writing in the open access journal BMC Evolutionary Biology traced the history of the ver
Therapy 32 times more cost effective at increasing happiness than money Peer-Reviewed Publication University of Warwick Research by the University of Warwick and the University of Manchester finds that psychological therapy could be 32 times more cost effective at making you happy than simply obtaining more money. The research has obvious implications for large compensation awards in law courts bu
After dinosaurs, mammals rise but their genomes get smaller Peer-Reviewed Publication Indiana University BLOOMINGTON, Ind. -- Evidence buried in the chromosomes of animals and plants strongly suggests only one group -- mammals -- have seen their genomes shrink after the dinosaurs' extinction. What's more, that trend continues today, say Indiana University Bloomington scientists in the first issue
Embargoed Advance Information from Science The Weekly Journal of the American Association for the Advancement of Science http://www.aaas.org/ 問合せ先: Natasha Pinol +1-202-326-7088 npinol@aaas.org Science 2009 年 4 月 3 日号ハイライト 恐怖の記憶を上書きする ロボットは科学者のような論理的思考が可能か 生物学を活用して安全に電池をつくる 再生するヒトの心臓細胞 恐怖の記憶を上書きする Over-Writing Our Fears ラットの恐怖の記憶を上書きすることに成功した。現在行われている治療法と併用すること により、将来ヒトでも薬物や侵襲的手技を用いることなく、恐怖を克服できるよ
Bullies may enjoy seeing others in pain Brain scans show disruption in natural empathetic response Peer-Reviewed Publication University of Chicago Unusually aggressive youth may actually enjoy inflicting pain on others, research using brain scans at the University of Chicago shows. Scans of the aggressive youth's brains showed that an area that is associated with rewards was highlighted when the y
Mayo Clinic Proceedings examines link between bacteria in the digestive system and obesity Peer-Reviewed Publication Mayo Clinic ROCHESTER, Minn. -- Obesity is more than a cosmetic concern because it increases a person’s risk for developing high blood pressure, diabetes and many other serious health problems. It’s well understood that consuming more calories than you expend through exercise and da
Most Republicans think the US health care system is the best in the world; Democrats disagree All political groups agree the US lags in providing affordable care and controlling costs Peer-Reviewed Publication Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health Boston, MA - A recent survey by the Harvard School of Public Health (HSPH) and Harris Interactive, as part of their ongoing series, Debating Health:
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