iPad Air
To use this tool, you must specify --tool=dhat on the Valgrind command line. DHAT is primarily a tool for examining how programs use their heap allocations. It tracks the allocated blocks, and inspects every memory access to find which block, if any, it is to. It presents, on a program point basis, information about these blocks such as sizes, lifetimes, numbers of reads and writes, and read and w
The Valgrind tool suite provides a number of debugging and profiling tools that help you make your programs faster and more correct. The most popular of these tools is called Memcheck. It can detect many memory-related errors that are common in C and C++ programs and that can lead to crashes and unpredictable behaviour. The rest of this guide gives the minimum information you need to start detecti
To model concurrent activities. Assigning one thread to each activity can be a great simplification compared to multiplexing the states of multiple activities in a single thread. This is why most server software and embedded software is multithreaded. To use multiple CPU cores simultaneously for speeding up computations. This is why many High Performance Computing (HPC) applications are multithrea
To use this tool, specify --tool=cachegrind on the Valgrind command line. Cachegrind is a high-precision tracing profiler. It runs slowly, but collects precise and reproducible profiling data. It can merge and diff data from different runs. To expand on these characteristics: Precise. Cachegrind measures the exact number of instructions executed by your program, not an approximation. Furthermore,
To use this tool, you must specify --tool=callgrind on the Valgrind command line. Callgrind is a profiling tool that records the call history among functions in a program's run as a call-graph. By default, the collected data consists of the number of instructions executed, their relationship to source lines, the caller/callee relationship between functions, and the numbers of such calls. Optionall
To use this tool, you must specify --tool=helgrind on the Valgrind command line. Helgrind is a Valgrind tool for detecting synchronisation errors in C, C++ and Fortran programs that use the POSIX pthreads threading primitives. The main abstractions in POSIX pthreads are: a set of threads sharing a common address space, thread creation, thread joining, thread exit, mutexes (locks), condition variab
Valgrind's Tool Suite The Valgrind distribution includes the following debugging and profiling tools: Memcheck Cachegrind Callgrind Massif Helgrind DRD DHAT Experimental Tools Other Tools Memcheck Memcheck detects memory-management problems, and is aimed primarily at C and C++ programs. When a program is run under Memcheck's supervision, all reads and writes of memory are checked, and calls to mal
To use this tool, you must specify --tool=massif on the Valgrind command line. Massif is a heap profiler. It measures how much heap memory your program uses. This includes both the useful space, and the extra bytes allocated for book-keeping and alignment purposes. It can also measure the size of your program's stack(s), although it does not do so by default. Heap profiling can help you reduce the
Memcheck is a memory error detector. It can detect the following problems that are common in C and C++ programs. Accessing memory you shouldn't, e.g. overrunning and underrunning heap blocks, overrunning the top of the stack, and accessing memory after it has been freed. Using undefined values, i.e. values that have not been initialised, or that have been derived from other undefined values. Incor
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