After almost 18 months of development, comprising thousands of commits from dozens of contributors, Svelte 5 is finally stable. It’s the most significant release in the project’s history. Svelte 5 is a ground-up rewrite: your apps will be faster, smaller and more reliable. You’ll be able to write more consistent and idiomatic code. For newcomers to the framework, there’s less stuff to learn. Despi
Svelte 5 is now in the Release Candidate phase. This means that the design of the framework is largely settled, with no anticipated breaking changes between now and the stable release, and that the most egregious bugs have been stomped. It doesn’t mean that it’s ready for production, or that nothing will change between now and 5.0. But if you’ve held off on dabbling with Svelte 5 during the public
In 2019, Svelte 3 turned JavaScript into a reactive language. Svelte is a web UI framework that uses a compiler to turn declarative component code like this... <script> let count = 0; function increment() { count += 1; } </script> <button on:click={increment}> clicks: {count} </button><script lang="ts"> let count = 0; function increment() { count += 1; } </script> <button on:click={increment}> cli
After months in the making, we’re excited to announce the stable release of Svelte 4. Time flies - Svelte 3 was released more than four years ago! In JavaScript-framework-time, that’s eons. Svelte’s freshness has persisted throughout, but Node.js and browser APIs have evolved during that time and today we’re updating Svelte to take advantage of some of these improvements. Svelte 4 is mainly a main
Zero-effort type safety More convenience and correctness, less boilerplate Simon Holthausen Mar 9 2023 By sprinkling type annotations into your SvelteKit apps, you can get full type safety across the network — the data in your page has a type that's inferred from the return values of the load functions that generated that data, without you having to explicitly declare anything. It's one of those t
Announcing SvelteKit 1.0 Web development, streamlined The Svelte team Dec 14 2022 After two years in development, SvelteKit has finally reached 1.0. As of today, it’s the recommended way to build Svelte apps of all shapes and sizes. We’re so excited to share this release with you. It’s the culmination of thousands of hours of work, both from the Svelte core team and the wider community, and we thi
What's new in Svelte: January 2022 Faster builds with SvelteKit and a much anticipated REPL feature Dani Sandoval Jan 1 2022 Happy new year, Svelte Community! Lots to share this month across Svelte, SvelteKit, Language Tools and the Showcase. Thanks to everyone who made 2021 a great year to use Svelte. Looking forward to the next one 🚀 What's new in SvelteKitpermalink @sveltejs/adapter-static for
What's new in Svelte: May 2021 Working toward SvelteKit 1.0 and a showcase full of SvelteKit sites! Dani Sandoval May 1 2021 Last week, Svelte Summit blew us away with a mountain of content! Check out the full recording or an audio-only (p)review on Svelte Radio. Now let's get into this month's news... New features in the Svelte Compilerpermalink :global() is now supported as part of compound CSS
SvelteKit is in public beta And we'd love to have your feedback Rich Harris Mar 23 2021 It's time. After five months and hundreds of commits, you're finally invited to try out the SvelteKit beta. It's not finished — there are a few known bugs and several missing features — but we're really happy with how it's shaping up and can't wait for you to try it. Starting a new project is easy: # create the
What's new in Svelte: December 2020 Better tooling, export maps and improvements to slots and context Dani Sandoval Dec 1 2020 It's the last "What's new in Svelte" of the year and there's lots to celebrate! This month's coverage includes updates from rollup-plugin-svelte, Sapper and SvelteKit and a bunch of showcases from the Svelte community! New features & impactful bug fixespermalink $$props, $
What's the deal with SvelteKit? We're rethinking how to build Svelte apps. Here's what you need to know Rich Harris Nov 5 2020 If you attended Svelte Summit last month you may have seen my talk, Futuristic Web Development, in which I finally tackled one of the most frequently asked questions about Svelte: when will Sapper reach version 1.0? The answer: never. This was slightly tongue-in-cheek — as
Svelte <3 TypeScript Typernetically enhanced web apps Orta Therox Jul 17 2020 It's been by far the most requested feature for a while, and it's finally here: Svelte officially supports TypeScript. We think it'll give you a much nicer development experience — one that also scales beautifully to larger Svelte code bases — regardless of whether you use TypeScript or JavaScript. Image of TypeScript +
hydratable: false, customElement: false, immutable: false, legacy: false });
Write less code The most important metric you're not paying attention to Rich Harris Apr 20 2019 All code is buggy. It stands to reason, therefore, that the more code you have to write the buggier your apps will be. Writing more code also takes more time, leaving less time for other things like optimisation, nice-to-have features, or being outdoors instead of hunched over a laptop. In fact it's wi
Welcome to the Svelte tutorial. This will teach you everything you need to know to build fast, small web applications easily. You can also consult the API docs and the examples, or — if you're impatient to start hacking on your machine locally — the 60-second quickstart. What is Svelte?permalinkSvelte is a tool for building fast web applications. It is similar to JavaScript frameworks such as Reac
Virtual DOM is pure overhead Let's retire the 'virtual DOM is fast' myth once and for all Rich Harris Dec 27 2018 If you've used JavaScript frameworks in the last few years, you've probably heard the phrase 'the virtual DOM is fast', often said to mean that it's faster than the real DOM. It's a surprisingly resilient meme — for example people have asked how Svelte can be fast when it doesn't use a
Svelte 3: Rethinking reactivity It's finally here Rich Harris Apr 22 2019 After several months of being just days away, we are over the moon to announce the stable release of Svelte 3. This is a huge release representing hundreds of hours of work by many people in the Svelte community, including invaluable feedback from beta testers who have helped shape the design every step of the way. We think
Quickstart for the impatient: the Sapper docs, and the starter template If you had to list the characteristics of the perfect Node.js web application framework, you’d probably come up with something like this: It should do server-side rendering, for fast initial loads and no caveats around SEO As a corollary, your app’s codebase should be universal — write once for server and client The client-sid
It’s fashionable to dislike CSS. There are lots of reasons why that’s the case, but it boils down to this: CSS is unpredictable. If you’ve never had the experience of tweaking a style rule and accidentally breaking some layout that you thought was completely unrelated — usually when you’re trying to ship — then you’re either new at this or you’re a much better programmer than the rest of us. So th
Wait, this new framework has a runtime? Ugh. Thanks, I’ll pass. – front end developers in 2018 We’re shipping too much code to our users. Like a lot of front end developers, I’ve been in denial about that fact, thinking that it was fine to serve 100kb of JavaScript on page load – just use one less .jpg! – and that what really mattered was performance once your app was already interactive. But I wa
compiled Svelte shifts as much work as possible out of the browser and into your build step. No more manual optimisations — just faster, more efficient apps. compact Write breathtakingly concise components using languages you already know — HTML, CSS and JavaScript. Oh, and your application bundles will be tiny as well. complete Built-in scoped styling, state management, motion primitives, form bi
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