The goal was to implement a data-driven visualization where the output image is determined by the data and visualization state, such as filters and selected variables. Once users modify either the state or the data, the visualization gets updated accordingly using smooth transitions between states. We applied fundamental concepts such as Data Joins (a technique introduced by D3.js), Scales and Ani
Features Search within available options, if there are a lots of them Remote search if too many items, with custom parameters to control remote script Displaying counts of selected and available items Select All / Deselect All Buttons Drag 'n drop support using droppables and/or sortables independantly List sorting and node events callbacks for more customizations Localisation All messages are usi
Text wants to be editable. But text also wants to be meaningful. On the right, you see the sanitized (and hopefully correct) HTML output. Known issues: Does not yet consider markup for pasted content
Another attempt of a sortable, searchable multiple select widget It depends on jQuery 1.5 and jQuery UI 1.8. The widget is styleable using Themeroller. It works in an unobtrusive fashion, by just turning html multiple select inputs into a sexier equivalent. There's no extra markup needed. For installation instructions please have a look at the corresponding blogpost Source code is available at Git