Leafmap offers a wide range of features and capabilities that empower geospatial data scientists, researchers, and developers to unlock the potential of their data. Some of the key features include: Creating an interactive map with just one line of code: Leafmap makes it easy to create an interactive map by providing a simple API that allows you to load and visualize geospatial datasets with minim
Note This documentation is for ipywidgets 8. See the changelog for what is new and the user migration guide for suggestions about migrating from ipywidgets 7. For custom widget authors, see the authoring migration guide for suggestions about how to update custom widgets to support ipywidgets 8. The documentation for ipywidgets 7 is available at ipywidgets 7 documentation. Jupyter Widgets are inter
Jupyter Notebooks are an essential part of any Data Science workflow, so much so that many of the organizations like Netflix find them indispensable. The browser-based computing environment, coupled with reproducible document format, has made them the de-facto choice of millions of data scientists and researchers around the globe. Jupyter boasts of a great international community coming from almos
データの集計は、ExcelよりPython使ったほうが100倍早い(pandas-profiling, pixiedust)Pythonpandasデータ分析データ可視化pandas-profiling Pythonのpandas-profilingと、pixiedustの2つのライブラリを使うと、データの集計・グラフの作成が、感動的なほど早く終わることを実感したので共有します。 Excelでデータ集計・グラフ作成した場合と比較すると、体感で100倍くらい早く終わります(誇張ではなく) Pythonで爆速でデータ集計する方法(体感所要時間:5分) 前提: 以下の環境が整備されていることは、前提とします。 Pythonのインストール(約30分) データ分析に必要な各種ライブラリのインストール(約30分) →numpy, matplotlib, pandas, jupyter など →Anac
Try it in your browser right now! Today, sharing scientific results is easier than ever. You can email a PDF, write up a Google doc, or post to your blog. You can embed plots, data tables, and even interactive visualizations. But what if you want people to be able to replicate and extend your results -- to take your results and “view source” to see how you arrived at your conclusions? Or even hack
By Michelle Ufford, M Pacer, Matthew Seal, and Kyle Kelley Notebooks have rapidly grown in popularity among data scientists to become the de facto standard for quick prototyping and exploratory analysis. At Netflix, we’re pushing the boundaries even further, reimagining what a notebook can be, who can use it, and what they can do with it. And we’re making big investments to help make this vision a
We thank you for being a Julia user. Julia Computing has decided to sunset JuliaBox on May 31, 2020. If you are a paid JuliaBox user, you will no longer be able to log in and you will not be charged for JuliaBox after that date. We encourage all Julia users to download and install JuliaPro before May 31, 2020. JuliaPro is free to download, install and use, and is the fastest on-ramp to Julia. Wi