In the past I’ve mentioned the Cocos2D-X open source project. For those unfamiliar with Cocos2D-X, Cocos2D-X is a cross-platfrom C++ implementation of the Cocos2D engine for creation of games that can run on iOS, Android, Windows, and others from a single code base. One developer has been nice enough to convert several Cocos2D tutorials to Cocos2D-X so that you can take a look at the C++ code on
Update 5/19/2013 Fully updated for Cocos2D 2.X. (original post by Ray Wenderlich, update by Ali Hafizji). This is the second part of a tutorial series that shows you how to make a game like the popular Tiny Wings game by Andreas Illiger! In the prerequisite for this tutorial series, I first covered how to create dynamic background textures for the game. In the first part of the tutorial series, I
Update 5/18/2013 Fully updated for Cocos2D 2.X. (original post by Ray Wenderlich, update by Ali Hafizji). Tiny Wings is an extremely popular game by Andreas Illiger involving a bird who tries to fly by catching a ride on hills. At first glance, the gameplay of Tiny Wings looks very simple, but there are a lot of tricks going on under the hood. The hills and their textures are dynamically generated
Vertical Scrolling games were introduced back when the caveman was still running away from the dinosaurs. With the passage of time dinosaurs were gone but vertical scrolling games are still part of the fabric of modern games. In this article we are going to implement a vertical scrolling tile map based car game. Downloading Tiled: The best way to get started with creating a tiled based game is to
ABOUT CCBox2D is a cocos2d-flavored wrapper for Box2D, written by axcho on behalf of Fugazo, Inc. In other words, *actual* integrated Box2D support for cocos2d, for the first time ever. Yay, easy physics! :D The classes I've added are CCBodySprite, CCMotorSprite, CCSpringSprite, and CCWorldLayer. These make up CCBox2D. The rest are not mine and I don't mean to claim them as such. I include them he