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Java 11 has recently been feature frozen and contains some really great features, one in particular we’d like to highlight. The release contains a brand new Garbage Collector, ZGC, which is being developed by Oracle that promises very low pause times on multi-terabyte heaps. In this article we’ll cover the motivation for a new GC, a technical overview and some of the really exciting possibilities
The idea here is simple. Oracle wants to focus its energy on moving Java forward with the cost of long-term support directly paid for by customers (instead of giving it away for $free). To do this, they need developers to continually upgrade their version of Java, moving version every six months (and picking up the patch releases in-between). Of course, for most development shops, such rapid upgra
Declarations generally take the form of a keyword followed by the name of the object being declared. The keyword is one of const, type, var, or func. You can also use a keyword followed by a series of declarations in parentheses. var ( n int x float64 ) When declaring a function, you must either provide a name for each parameter or not provide a name for any parameter; you can’t omit some names an
Deleted articles cannot be recovered. Draft of this article would be also deleted. Are you sure you want to delete this article? 2018年現在でもJava開発をしていると、Antすら使っていないEclipseプロジェクトにそこそこの頻度で出くわします。Eclipseの自動コンパイルが通ればOKであり、ビルドはExcel手順書をもとに手動で行われ、依存関係ライブラリはもちろんlibフォルダに各種jarファイルが放り込んであります。Eclipse上以外ではどう動かせば分かる人がいないため、コマンドラインからビルドなどを行うことは叶わず、CI化なんて夢のまた夢です。 そんなJava開発から脱却したい人向けのJava開発のモダン化ガイドです。 基本的にJava 8以降で
Before we start… Before we start, we have to agree on one thing – Docker is super cool! Wait… I’ve said this before! And although I’ve also said the next things before, it’s important to note that this will not be an introduction to Docker. I believe there are a lot of articles that can explain the “What?”s and “Why?”s surrounding it. But even though some experience with both Docker and Java is ex
Have you ever wondered why you are deploying your multi-platform applications using containers? Is it just a matter of “following the hype”? In this article, I'm going to ask some provocative questions to make my case for Why Kubernetes is the new application server. You might have noticed that the majority of languages are interpreted and use “runtimes” to execute your source code. In theory, mos
Java Hamcrest Matchers that can be combined to create flexible expressions of intent Documentation Getting Started API Documentation (JavaDoc) Downloads Distributables and Dependency Configuration Source Repository Project License Extensions and Related Projects User Support Hamcrest Java Users Mailing List Hamcrest Developer Mailing List Issue Tracker
High performance reactive PostgreSQL client written in Java View the Project on GitHub vietj/reactive-pg-client Reactive Postgres Client The Reactive Postgres Client is a client for Postgres with a straightforward API focusing on scalability and low overhead. The client is reactive and non blocking, allowing to handle many database connections with a single thread. Event driven Lightweight Built-i
I often receive emails from my readers about how they can become a better Java developer, what things they should learn, and which area they can work on to become a rockstar Java developer. After answering them individually over the last few years, I thought to jot down a couple of points that I think will make you a better Java programmer and application developer. If you haven't read them yet, y
オラクルは、メンテナンスとサポートのオプション、関連するタイムラインを把握していただくために、このOracle Java SE Supportロードマップを公開しています。オラクルによる最新の無料JDKリリースをお探しの場合、oracle.com/javadownloadまたはオープンソース・ライセンス(jdk.java.net)を参照してください。 このロードマップにおいて、各用語を以下の意味で使用しています。 オラクルのお客様とは、アクティブな(1)Java SE Subscription製品、(2)Oracle Java SE Advanced、Oracle Java SE Advanced Desktop、Oracle Java SE Suite、Java SE Supportのサポート契約、または(3)Java SEを他のオラクル製品と組み合わせて使用するためのJava SEサポ
Welcome to jcp.org, home of the Java Community ProcessSM (JCPSM) Program. The JCP is the mechanism for developing standard technical specifications for Java technology. Anyone can register for the site and participate in reviewing and providing feedback for the Java Specification Requests (JSRs), and anyone can sign up to become a JCP Member and then participate on the Expert Group of a JSR or eve
Blogg Här finns tekniska artiklar, presentationer och nyheter om arkitektur och systemutveckling. Håll dig uppdaterad, följ oss på LinkedIn 20 May 2015 // Erik Lupander • Magnus Larsson This blog series cover various aspects of building microservices using Java and Go with supporting services from Spring Cloud, Netflix OSS and the ELK-stack (Elasticsearch, Logstash and Kibana). The series also cov
こんにちは @cero_t です。 今日のテーマは・・・ラピュタ禁止令! バルス! いや違う。ラムダ禁止令、です。 さて、なかなかの滑り出しですが、今日はただのラムダの紹介ではなく、禁止令に主眼を置いて語ります。 このエントリーは、Java Advent Calendar 2013の12/16分の投稿です。 http://www.adventar.org/calendars/145 前日は @sugarlife さんの JDK 8 新機能ダイジェスト (JDK 8 Features) です。 翌日は @setoazusa さんです。 ラムダ禁止令はあり得るのか? 勉強会やその懇親会などで、たびたび「ラムダ禁止令が出るのではないか」が話題に上ることがあります。 「そりゃ禁止する組織もあるでしょうね」というのがお決まりの答えなのですが、ただそれに従うだけでは面白くありませんし、要素技術の発展も