Facebook is driven by a single, unique goal. Its priority isn't to gain more users (it already has 750 million of those), nor does it feel compelled to find stupid ways to increase pageviews. Its primary goal right now isn't to increase revenue, either -- that will come later. No, Facebook's goal is to become the social layer that supports, powers and connects every single piece of the web, no mat
Get a coffee, give a coffee - Jonathan's CardIn case it wasn't obvious from the complete lack of design, this site is totally not affiliated with Starbucks. About Jonathan's Card Hi! I'm Jonathan Stark. You can download this picture of my Starbucks card to your phone and buy coffee at Starbucks with it. Seriously. My card gets charged, you don't. Details are here. If you're feeling generous, you c
イタリアのソーシャルメディア評論家Vincenzo Cosenzaさんによる、世界のSNS事業者の国別のシェアを表した地図の新版が発行されました。 この地図は、毎年6月と12月に、AlexaとGoogle Trends for Websitesの数字を使って世界各国の1位のSNSを算定し、サービスごとに色を塗ることで作成されています。半年前の時もご紹介しました。 前回の地図では、131ヶ国中111ヶ国でフェイスブックが首位となりましたが、半年経った今回は、132ヶ国中の115ヶ国がフェイスブック1位の国となったようです。新たにフェイスブックに加えられた4ヶ国は、 ハンガリー: Iwiwから奪取 ポーランド: Nasza-Klasaから モンゴル: Hi5から パラグアイ: Orkutから ということで、東欧などこれまでFacebookが広がってきた領域の境界にある小国での変化があった、と言
When you buy through affiliate links in our content, we may earn a commission at no extra cost to you. Learn how our funding model works. By using this website you agree to our terms and conditions and privacy policy. We uphold a strict editorial policy that focuses on factual accuracy, relevance, and impartiality. Our content, created by leading industry experts, is meticulously reviewed by a tea
We uphold a strict editorial policy that focuses on factual accuracy, relevance, and impartiality. Our content, created by leading industry experts, is meticulously reviewed by a team of seasoned editors to ensure compliance with the highest standards in reporting and publishing. What’s got a button to push, knows how to make money while changing the world and is read all over? StumbleUpon! The so
Apple could be set to introduce a touchscreen for the iMac, in what would be a reversal of a long-standing policy. A report indicated an updated patent application has been lodged, revealing an iMac design complete with a pivot stand. An iMac like this would become more portable and easier to use if you need…
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