The most widely used mtDNA reference sequence in use at this writing is the Revised Cambridge Reference Sequence (rCRS), and is the reference sequence for the human genome build 37 reference. The newer Reconstructed Sapiens Reference Sequence (RSRS) is expected to become the preferred reference sequence, as it is a psuedo-sequence representing what is assumed the earliest human's mtDNA sequence wo
Please add new entries at the bottom. Try to include links to website and/or source code and ideally DOI for publications. In addition to this list, actively developed free/open-source systems should be registered at See also: Arvados - CWL-based distributed computing platform for data analysis on massive data sets.
Cloudera、ブロード研究所と次世代ゲノム解析ツールキットを開発Apache Sparkを使用しCloudera Enterprise上でバイオインフォマティクス(生物情報学)の スタンダードとして、ゲノム研究の促進に向けデザインされたGATK4を開発 2016年4月6日 米国カリフォルニア州パロアルト発 - Apache Hadoopと最新のオープンソーステクノロジーをベースに、最も高速で最も使いやすく、セキュアなデータ管理と分析を実現するプラットフォームを提供するClouderaは、本日、生物医学とゲノム研究の世界最先端をいくマサチューセッツ工科大およびハーバード大の研究施設のブロード研究所との協業を発表しました。2つの組織は、次世代のゲノム解析ツールキット“GATK4"の開発を推進するために、今年度共同で作業を行います。 Cloudera Enterpriseは、臨床医や研究者お
My learning notes for R, Unix, Perl, statistics, tools/resources, biology etc. everything about Bioinformatics 1. Understanding the adaptors (skip this part if you're familiar with the Illumina adaptor) Before trimming anything from the reads, let's get clear what the reads content is. Taking Trufseq reads (from Illumina HiSeq 2000) as example, here is the read file (fastq) looks like: $ cat r1.fq
Genomics data is key to understanding diseases, designing new drugs, ensure food quality and security, measuring and protecting the environment. We want to also help you to make bold impactful discoveries. SequenceServer is the best tool for BLASTing standard and custom genomes and transcriptomes. No queues or unreasonable limitations. It's also great for BLASTing SRA, getting gene annotations, in
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