bamUtil Overview bamUtil is a repository that contains several programs that perform operations on SAM/BAM files. All of these programs are built into a single executable, bam. Getting Help If you have any questions please use the bamUtil GitHub page to raise and issue. See BamUtil: FAQ to see if your question has already been answered. Where to Find It The bamUtil repository is available both via
Stampy is a package for the mapping of short reads from illumina sequencing machines onto a reference genome. It's recommended for most workflows, including those for genomic resequencing, RNA-Seq and Chip-seq. Stampy excels in the mapping of reads containing that contain sequence variation relative to the reference, in particular for those containing insertions or deletions. It can map reads from
Overview SNP HiTLink is a computer program providing a useful pipeline to directly connect SNP (Single Nucleotide Polymorphism) data and linkage analysis program. SNP HiTLink currently supports the data from SNP chips provided by Affymetrix (Mapping 100k/500k array set, Genome-Wide Human SNP array 5.0/6.0) and Illumina (recently supported), carrying out typical linkage analysis programs of MLINK (
モントリオール・ノートルダム聖堂(内部) モントリオール・ノートルダム聖堂(モントリオール・ノートルダムせいどう、英語表記Notre-Dame Basilica、フランス語表記Basilique Notre-Dame de Montréal[1])は、カナダのケベック州モントリオールの歴史的地区にあるバシリカ式聖堂の名称である。特に聖堂は、アルム広場に面し、モントリオール旧市街聖スルピス通り(アルム広場地下鉄駅)の一角にある、ノートルダム通り西116番地(45°30′16.15″N, 73°33′22.55″W)に位置している。 聖堂内部の教会は世界でも最も印象的なものの一つである。内観は壮大且つ色とりどりであり、天井部は濃い青色と金色の星で装飾され、その他の神聖な場所は青、空色、赤、紫、銀、金色といった多色の彩飾で施されている。更に、何百という入り組んだ木製の彫刻作品や複数の宗教的な彫像
This repository contains the internally-developed software used by the Vertebrate Resequencing group a the Sanger Institute. It comprises mostly self-documented Perl code. There are both scripts and modules within subfolders. Each module has its own POD, so please use perldoc or similar for further help. Eg: $ perldoc VertRes::Utils::Sam An overview, guides and how-tos are available on the github
RNA editing is an important cellular process by which the nucleotides in a mature RNA transcript are altered to cause them to differ from the corresponding DNA sequence. While this process yields essential transcripts in humans and other organisms, it is believed to occur at a relatively small number of loci. The rarity of RNA editing has been challenged by a recent comparison of human RNA and DNA
The most recent version of VarSifter is available from All future updates to the source code and documentation will be made on GitHub. "VarSifter" is a graphical Java program designed to display, sort, filter, and generally sift variation data from massively parallel sequencing experiments. It is designed to read exome-scale variation data in either a tab-delim
LinkedIn News is powered by 250+ editorial team members who are creating, curating and cultivating the news and insights professionals need to know now, reaching about 190 countries and regions in 8 languages. Follow this page to see today’s important business, career and economic news and views you need to stay ahead while staying connected. Here are our other LinkedIn News pages around the globe
Variant Annotation, Analysis and Search Tool - VAAST VAAST (the Variant Annotation, Analysis & Search Tool) is a probabilistic search tool for identifying damaged genes and their disease-causing variants in personal genome sequences. VAAST builds upon existing phylogenetic conservation, amino acid substitution (AAS) and aggregative approaches to variant prioritization, combining elements of all in