Thanks everybody for all the great feedback! We've received hundreds of replies since last week with detailed information and concrete examples for us to review. We are closing the survey today and have started to process the tons of data you have provided. The overwhelming majority of you have told us that Edit and Continue is important and you'd like us to make it even better. We asked of the sc
If you were looking for MSDN or TechNet blogs, please know that MSDN and TechNet blog sites have been retired, and blog content has been migrated and archived here. How to use this site Archived blogs are grouped alphabetically by the initial letter of the blog name. Select the initial letter from the TOC to see the full list of the blogs. You can also type the name of the blog or the title of the
Tutorial and Tool written by Troy Dai (Twitter @troy_dai) with assistance from Rick Anderson (Twitter @RickAndMSFT) Search for “ web api routing” on stackoverflow, you’ll find many questions. How exactly does Web API routing work? Why doesn’t my route work? Why is this action not invoked? Often time it is difficult to debug route. To address this issue I wrote this tool named “ASP.NET Web A
Today we released the first Community Technology Preview (CTP) of Visual Studio 2012 Update 2 (VS2012.2). It’s exciting to see the next update of VS working it’s way to completion. There’s going to be a ton of cool new capabilities in Update 2. Not all of them are available in this CTP but many are. Below, I’ve described the significant improvement’s that you’ll find in this CTP and I’ve group