A Performance Comparison of Alea GPU C# and CUDA C++ In the last post we gave a sneak preview of the upcoming Alea GPU version 3. Alea GPU version 3 sets completely new standards for GPU development on .NET. The highlights of the new version are: Higher level abstractions such as GPU LINQ, a GPU parallel-for and parallel aggregation. Automatic memory management and data transfer, which makes GPU p
[CEDEC 2013]なぜPixarのCG制作手法はゲームグラフィックスと違うのか? 「OpenSubdiv」セッションレポート(前編) ライター:西川善司 手島孝人氏(Pixar Animation Studio,Studio Tools Department,Software Engineer) 1年ほど前の「SIGGRAPH 2012」で,Pixarが発表したオープンソースプロジェクト「OpenSubdiv」を,日本語で解説するセッション「OpenSubdiv: オープンソースの RenderMan 完全互換 GPU対応サブディビジョンサーフェスライブラリ」が,「CEDEC 2013」2日めに開かれた。 セッションを担当したのは,「グランツーリスモ」シリーズのポリフォニーデジタルから,2年ほど前にPixar Animation Studio(以下,Pixar)に移籍したという経歴を
In Visual Studio 2022 17.10 Preview 2, we’ve introduced some UX updates and usability improvements to the Connection Manager. With these updates we provide a more seamless experience when connecting to remote systems and/or debugging failed connections. Please install the latest Preview to try it out. Read on to learn what the Connection ...
In Visual Studio 2022 17.10 Preview 2, we’ve introduced some UX updates and usability improvements to the Connection Manager. With these updates we provide a more seamless experience when connecting to remote systems and/or debugging failed connections. Please install the latest Preview to try it out. Read on to learn what the Connection ...
In Visual Studio 2022 17.10 Preview 2, we’ve introduced some UX updates and usability improvements to the Connection Manager. With these updates we provide a more seamless experience when connecting to remote systems and/or debugging failed connections. Please install the latest Preview to try it out. Read on to learn what the Connection ...
In Visual Studio 2022 17.10 Preview 2, we’ve introduced some UX updates and usability improvements to the Connection Manager. With these updates we provide a more seamless experience when connecting to remote systems and/or debugging failed connections. Please install the latest Preview to try it out. Read on to learn what the Connection ...
In Visual Studio 2022 17.10 Preview 2, we’ve introduced some UX updates and usability improvements to the Connection Manager. With these updates we provide a more seamless experience when connecting to remote systems and/or debugging failed connections. Please install the latest Preview to try it out. Read on to learn what the Connection ...
In Visual Studio 2022 17.10 Preview 2, we’ve introduced some UX updates and usability improvements to the Connection Manager. With these updates we provide a more seamless experience when connecting to remote systems and/or debugging failed connections. Please install the latest Preview to try it out. Read on to learn what the Connection ...
In Visual Studio 2022 17.10 Preview 2, we’ve introduced some UX updates and usability improvements to the Connection Manager. With these updates we provide a more seamless experience when connecting to remote systems and/or debugging failed connections. Please install the latest Preview to try it out. Read on to learn what the Connection ...
In Visual Studio 2022 17.10 Preview 2, we’ve introduced some UX updates and usability improvements to the Connection Manager. With these updates we provide a more seamless experience when connecting to remote systems and/or debugging failed connections. Please install the latest Preview to try it out. Read on to learn what the Connection ...