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Downsampled ImageNet datasets: ImageNet8x8, ImageNet16x16, ImageNet32x32 and ImageNet64x64 Github A Downsampled Variant of ImageNet as an Alternative to the CIFAR datasets Dataset General information We provide a set of downsampled versions of the original Imagenet dataset, as described by Chrabaszcz et al, “A Downsampled Variant of ImageNet as an Alternative to the CIFAR datasets”. Please cite it
This is a collated list of image and video databases that people have found useful for computer vision research and algorithm evaluation. An important article How Good Is My Test Data? Introducing Safety Analysis for Computer Vision (by Zendel, Murschitz, Humenberger, and Herzner) introduces a methodology for ensuring that your dataset has sufficient variety that algorithm results on the dataset a
The odometry benchmark consists of 22 stereo sequences, saved in loss less png format: We provide 11 sequences (00-10) with ground truth trajectories for training and 11 sequences (11-21) without ground truth for evaluation. For this benchmark you may provide results using monocular or stereo visual odometry, laser-based SLAM or algorithms that combine visual and LIDAR information. The only restri
参考:List of RGBD datasets INDOOR NYU Dataset v1 ☆ NYU Dataset v2 ☆ SUN 3D ☆ SUN RGB-D ☆ ViDRILO: The Visual and Depth Robot Indoor Localization with Objects information dataset ☆ SceneNN: A Scene Meshes Dataset with aNNotations ☆ Stanford 2D-3D-Semantics Dataset ☆ ScanNet ☆ SceneNet RGB-D ☆ SUNCG ☆ ‘Object Detection and Classification from Large-Scale Cluttered Indoor Scans’ Cornell-RGBD-Dataset Ac
This repository provides: 3D point clouds from robotic experiments log files of robot runs standard 3D data sets for the robotics community You may freely use this data for developing SLAM or interpretation algorithms, but you are required to name the people, who recorded the data set and their correponding institution. If you want to contribute a data set please contact: The following data sets a
The Cityscapes Dataset Semantic, instance-wise, dense pixel annotations of 30 classes Dataset Overview The Cityscapes Dataset 5 000 images with high quality annotations · 20 000 images with coarse annotations · 50 different cities Dataset Overview The Cityscapes Dataset Rich metadata: preceding and trailing video frames · stereo · GPS · vehicle odometry Dataset Overview
Piano-midi.de: classical piano pieces (http://www.piano-midi.de/) Nottingham : over 1000 folk tunes (http://abc.sourceforge.net/NMD/) MuseData: electronic library of classical music scores (http://musedata.stanford.edu/) JSB Chorales: set of four-part harmonized chorales (http://www.jsbchorales.net/index.shtml) FMA: A Dataset For Music Analysis (https://github.com/mdeff/fma) Natural Images MNIST:
今まで自分が見つけたコンピュータビジョンの研究に役に立ちそうなフリーのライブラリやソースコードをまとめてみました。自分ではまだ使っていないものも多いので、そこはご容赦を。主にC/C++が中心です。 またライブラリ形式でない、いわゆる学会で発表した研究のコードをそのまま公開しているという人がたくさんいて、それに関しては特にメジャーなもののみ紹介しています。なにぶん僕の観測範囲は限られてますので、「このライブラリに触れないのはおかしい」、「説明が間違っている」等、ご意見大歓迎です。 定番(Standard) OpenCV 定番中の定番です。コンピュータビジョンに関して広範なアルゴリズムが実装されています。 http://code.opencv.org/projects/OpenCV/wiki/WikiStart Point Cloud Library 3次元点群データを扱うならこれ。Kinec