This is where Java[TM] technology collaboration happens. is a new central meeting place for developers and Java technology enthusiasts to collaborate on projects, share ideas, and create the next big thing. Whether your project is industry specific...Final Review for GlassFish v3 Prelude documentation ends Monday As announced in the forums earlier in the week, the Final Review for Glass
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RubyForge is a home for open source Ruby projects; thanks to the folks who make it possible! Searchgasm 1.2.1 Ben Johnson - 2008-09-29 13:41 - Searchgasm Searchgasm has been updated to 1.2.1. Searchgasm is object based ActiveRecord searching, ordering, pagination, and more! More information is available at . Searchgasm 0.9.6 Ben Johnson - 2008-09-04
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TOCとは何か──TOCの起源 1970年代後半にイスラエルの物理学者エリー・ゴールドラット(Eli Goldratt)博士は生産スケジューリングのことを相談され、物理学の研究で得た発想や知識を使って当時としてはアーキテクチャ面で画期的な生産スケジューリングの方法を編み出し、ソフトウェアに仕立てることに成功した。 そこで、ゴールドラット博士はその生産スケジューリングソフトウェアをOPT(Optimized Production Technology)と名付け、米国にこれを販売する企業を設立し、会長の座に就いた。OPTは高価なソフトウェアであるにもかかわらず、それを導入した工場では生産性が大幅に改善され、生産リードタイムが劇的に短縮するという効果が出て一躍注目されるようになった。しかしゴールドラット博士はOPTの詳しい仕組みは一切公表せず、ソフトウェア開発もイスラエルで行っていた。この状況は
生産理論のひろば UPDATE ・ No.6 生産ラインの基本要素と基本特性 (NEW) ・ No.5 生産ラインの最も重要な特性はなにか? (NEW) ・ No.4 帰納的アプローチと演繹的アプローチ ・ No.3 TPS導入失敗の責任者は誰だ! ・ No.2 Lean、シックス・シグマ、SCM・・・欠けているものは? ・ ひろばのたわごとNo.1 ユニバーサルな生産理論の構築をめざして ・ 不確定性についてアップデートしました。 生産理論の主要要素と範囲 生産理論について、簡単に触れておきます。生産理論に似ているもの、あるいは関連するものを挙げれば、生産管理、生産技術、工程管理、在庫管理、、、などが思い浮かびます。品質管理や原価管理なども含むでしょう。少し広く捉えれば工場管理やサプライ・チェーン・マネジメントなども関係があります。では、生産理論とは? 「ものづくり」に必要な主な
Welcome to, home of the Java Community ProcessSM (JCPSM) Program. The JCP is the mechanism for developing standard technical specifications for Java technology. Anyone can register for the site and participate in reviewing and providing feedback for the Java Specification Requests (JSRs), and anyone can sign up to become a JCP Member and then participate on the Expert Group of a JSR or eve
2024-11-23 15:08: Spins by Kilz is a project making spins of Manjaro and Debian linux. The project uses tools from the distributions to make compatible installable media that has different applications and themes than official releases. The goal is not to reinvent the wheel, but to polish the desktop. 100% compatible with the main distribution they are based on. Docks instead of panels. Custom dar
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Now, next, and beyond: Tracking need-to-know trends at the intersection of business and technology AI/ML Few technologies have the potential to change the nature of work and how we live as artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML). Future of the Firm Everything from new organizational structures and payment schemes to new expectations, skills, and tools will shape the future of the fi
Now, next, and beyond: Tracking need-to-know trends at the intersection of business and technology AI/ML Few technologies have the potential to change the nature of work and how we live as artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML). Future of the Firm Everything from new organizational structures and payment schemes to new expectations, skills, and tools will shape the future of the fi
Now, next, and beyond: Tracking need-to-know trends at the intersection of business and technology AI/ML Few technologies have the potential to change the nature of work and how we live as artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML). Future of the Firm Everything from new organizational structures and payment schemes to new expectations, skills, and tools will shape the future of the fi
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About GlassFish is the Open Source Java EE Reference Implementation; as such, we welcome external contributions. Make sure to read our Pull Request acceptance workflow. Latest News Sept 28, 2017 - Introducing Eclipse Enterprise for Java See here. Sept 21, 2017 - Java EE 8 and GlassFish 5.0 Released! See the annoucement here. Sept 12, 2017 - Opening Up Java EE update See here for an important updat