Revisions You can edit these tests or add even more tests to this page by appending /edit to the URL. Revision 1: published Andreas Goebel on 2011-2-26 Revision 2: published RoVeRT on 2011-2-26 Revision 3: published Mathias Bynens on 2011-3-27 Revision 4: published on 2011-3-27 Revision 6: published on 2011-4-1 Revision 7: published on 2011-4-1 Revision 8: published jess jacobs on 2011-6-1 Revisio
CoffeeScript's for vs. Underscore _.each vs. jQuery $.each JavaScript performance comparison Revision 7 of this test case created by hokaccha on 2013-1-10 Preparation code <script src=""> </script> <script src=""> </script> <scrip
CoffeeScript's for vs. Underscore _.each vs. jQuery $.each JavaScript performance comparison Revision 3 of this test case created by Onigoetz on 2012-4-10 Preparation code <script src=""> </script> <script src=""> </script> <scrip
JavaScript performance comparison Revision 2 of this test case created by on 2010-8-3 Preparation code <script> var type = 'bookmarks', regexp_s = /^products|bookmarks|recent|search$/, regexp = /products|bookmarks|recent|search/; </script> Test runner Warning! For accurate results, please disable Firebug before running the tests. (Why?) Java applet disabled. // Simple JavaScript Templating // John
JavaScript performance comparison Test case created by kazuho on 2012-7-2 Preparation code <script> Benchmark.prototype.setup = function() { var a = [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 ]; a = a.concat(a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a); }; </script> Test runner Warning! For accurate results, please disable Firebug before running the tests. (Why?) Java applet disabled.
JavaScript performance comparison Revision 7 of this test case created by on 2011-11-3 Preparation code <script src=""> </script> <script> /* dollarDom jQuery Plugin v2.0 Copyright 2011 Robert Messerle Site: */ (function($) { $.dom = function(str, obj, attr) { var tag = str.match(/^[\w\d]+/i)[0], classes = str.match(/\.[\
JavaScript performance comparison Test case created by uupaa on 2012-2-24 Preparation code <script> Benchmark.prototype.setup = function() { function createArray(num) { var rv = [], i = 0; for (i = 0; i < num; ++i) { rv[i] = i; } return rv; } function createReservedArray(num) { var rv = Array(num), i = 0; for (i = 0; i < num; ++i) { rv[i] = i; } return rv; } window.dataLength = 500 * 1000; window.
JavaScript performance comparison Revision 2 of this test case created by Addy Osmani on 2011-7-3 Preparation code <script src=""> </script> <div> <ul id="list"> <li class="test"> </li> <li> </li> <li class="test"> </li> <li class="test"> </li> <li> </li> <li class="test"> </li> <li> </li> <li class="test"> </li> <li> </li> <li class="tes
jsPerf — JavaScript performance playground What is jsPerf? jsPerf aims to provide an easy way to create and share test cases, comparing the performance of different JavaScript snippets by running benchmarks. For more information, see the FAQ. Create a test case Login with GitHub to Create Test Cases